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[edit] [purge] File:Template-info.svg.png Template documentation

Template:Tl is for use in any article about a writer, editor, publisher or otherwise credited contributor to the Pathfinder campaign setting. Some parameters are optional and can be left blank; if undefined, these optional parameters will not appear as part of the template.

This template is based upon the Book and Deity templates at the Forgotten Realms Wiki.

Template[edit source]

| image     = 
| name      = 
| homepage  = 
| born      = 
| died      = 
| hometown  = 
| position  = 
| company   = 
| artworkby = 
| worksby   = 

Usage[edit source]

image (optional)
An image of the subject of the article. Should be given without [[]] or any settings.
The person's name.
homepage (optional}
The subject's personal or professional homepage. Use the format [url pagename] to allow for proper functionality within the template.
born (optional)
The date or year of the subject's birth.
died (optional)
The date or year of the subject's death, if deceased.
hometown (optional)
Either where the person currently lives or where they hail from.
The author's current position with Paizo Inc., whether that is Editor, Contributor, or any other titled position. This may include multiple lines, separated by line breaks, in chronological order. If the person is a freelancer, note so here.
company (optional)
The person's company affiliation if employed by a company (not relevant for freelance contributors). This includes such companies as Paizo Inc., and licensors like Goblinworks, Inc. and Dynamite Entertainment.
artworkby (optional)
Links to the artist's category of artwork, such as "Category:Artwork by (artworkby)". Default is empty; using Template:Xt applies the article's name. Do not use this parameter if there is a Template:Tl of the artist's work on the page that links to the artist's category.
worksby (optional)
Links to the author's category of published works, such as "Category:Works by (worksby)". Default is empty; using Template:Xt applies the article's name. Do not use this parameter if there is a Template:Tl/Template:Tl section that links to the creator's category.

Example[edit source]

James Jacobs

{{ #forargs: paramname

 | key
 | value

}}{{ #forargs: paramname

 | key
 | value


| image    = File:James Jacobs - Paizocon 2014.jpg
| name     = James Jacobs
| homepage = [http://bigfootcountry.livejournal.com/ Bigfoot Country]
| born     = 1972
| hometown = Point Arena, CA
| position = Creative Director
| company  = [[Paizo Inc.]]
| worksby  = James Jacobs