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[edit] [purge] File:Template-info.svg.png Template documentation
For help writing an article about a creature, see Help:Writing an article about a creature.

Template:Tl is for use in any article about any creature or monster in the Pathfinder campaign setting. Some parameters are optional and can be left blank or omitted entirely; if undefined, these optional parameters will not appear as part of the template.

This template is based upon the Forgotten Realms Wiki Creature Template.

For creatures that exist in both Pathfinder First Edition and Pathfinder Second Edition, use Template:Tl, which allows you to add infobox details for both editions in the same infobox.

Template[edit source]

Pathfinder First Edition[edit source]

| image       = 
| name        = 
| type        = 
| subtype     = 
| challenge   = 
| environment = 
| alignment   = 
| adjective   = 
| aon1e       = 
| imagesof    = 
| source      = 
| page        = 
| footnote    = 

Pathfinder Second Edition[edit source]

| image     = 
| name      = 
| traits    = 
| level     = 
| alignment = 
| adjective = 
| aon2e     = 
| imagesof  = 
| source    = 
| page      = 
| footnote  = 

Usage[edit source]

Use this infobox template for creature types, species, and unique non-sentient creatures. For unique sentient creatures, use the Template:Tl or Template:Tl templates.

Common parameters[edit source]

image (optional)
An image of the creature, using the standard File syntax. Should be given without [[]] or any settings. For example, to add an image of a goblin, set this parameter's value to:
name (optional)
The name of the creature. If omitted, the template uses the article name by default.
alignment (optional)
Use the Template:Tl template to indicate the creature's usual alignments. If a 2E creature was published pre-remaster with alignment but has been published post-remaster without alignment, then you can mark this parameter <!-- intentionally blank -->, and note its legacy alignment+source in the Footnote parameter. For creatures published post-remaster, simply mark this parameter <!-- intentionally blank -->.
adjective (optional)
The adjective used to describe entities of, or pertaining or relating to, the creature.
imagesof (optional)
The name of the category that contains images of this creature, which appears in the infobox as a link to the category page. For instance, an imagesof value of Template:Xt create a link to Category:Images of goblins with the link text "Images of goblins". This parameter is case-sensitive. If this parameter is omitted, the infobox uses the article name suffixed by a single "s".
source & page (optional)
The source wherein the creature was first published, or from which the most information is available. Link the source's title, and include a page number if possible.
footnote (optional)
Footnotes specific to the infobox, if required, such as to note legacy details or cite sources with additional context.
aon1e, aon2e (optional)
The final part of a URL to an Archives of Nethys page about the creature, monster family, or race/ancestry, starting after the first slash (e.g. Monsters.aspx?ID=490 from https://2e.aonprd.com/Monsters.aspx?ID=490, or MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Augur from https://aonprd.com/MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Augur).

Pathfinder First Edition parameters[edit source]

type (optional)
The creature's type as defined in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and hyperlinked. Examples include Dragon, Humanoid, or Undead. For more information about creature types, consult the Bestiary (page 306) or the Pathfinder Reference Document.
subtype (optional)
A more specific category for the creature in addition to type, as defined in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. For example, a drow would fall under the Humanoid type and the elf subtype. For more information about subtypes, consult the Bestiary (page 310) or the Pathfinder Reference Document.
challenge (optional)
The creature's Challenge Rating, as presented in its primary stat block.
environment (optional)
The environment in which the creature is most likely to be encountered. This is most often included in a creature's stat block, but can also be inferred from its description. It is best to copy the exact words from the creature's stat block into this line capitalizing the first letter of the phrase.

Pathfinder Second Edition parameters[edit source]

traits (optional)
The creature's traits as defined in Pathfinder Second Edition. For more information about traits, consult the Core Rulebook or the Pathfinder Reference Document. See below for an example.
level (optional)
The creature's level.
nocategories (optional)
Passing any value to this parameter disables autocategorization by Second Edition traits.

Examples[edit source]

Pathfinder First Edition[edit source]

| image       = File:Augur.jpg
| name        = Augur
| type        = [[Outsider]]
| subtype     = evil, extraplanar, kyton, lawful
| challenge   = 2
| environment = Any ([[Shadow Plane]])
| alignment   = {{Alignment grid/LE}}
| adjective   = 
| aon1e       = MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Augur
| imagesof    = augur velstracs
| source      = [[Bestiary 3 (First Edition)|Bestiary 3]]
| page        = 171

{{ #forargs: paramname

 | key
 | value

}}{{ #forargs: paramname

 | key
 | value



Pathfinder Second Edition[edit source]

| image     = 
| name      = Adamantine golem
| traits    = {{2eTrait|Rare}}{{2eTrait|N}}{{2eTrait|Huge}}{{2eTrait|Construct}}{{2eTrait|Golem}}{{2eTrait|Mindless}}
| level     = 18
| alignment = {{Alignment grid/N}}
| adjective =
| aon2e     = Monsters.aspx?ID=243
| imagesof  = adamantine golems
| source    = [[Bestiary (Second Edition)|Bestiary]]
| page      = 188–189
Adamantine golem


{{ #forargs: paramname

 | key
 | value

}}{{ #forargs: paramname

 | key
 | value



Adds infobox properties, some with automatic categorization, for articles about creatures that have mechanics in only one edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. For creatures in multiple editions, use Template:Creature tabbed instead.

Template parameters[Edit template data]

This template prefers block formatting of parameters.


The names of the creature or creature family. If it has more than one, separate them with a line break (<br>). Defaults to the article title.

Rasp goblin<br>Goblin

A File of an image depicting the creature. Provide the full [[File]] syntax, and define a width of 250px or less. For tall images, you can use a height of x300px, but only if the resulting width is less than 250px.

[[File:Goblin.jpg|250px|A goblin.]]
Unbalanced wikitextoptional

For Pathfinder First Edition. The creature's mechanical type as a wikitext link.

Unbalanced wikitextoptional

For Pathfinder First Edition. The creature's mechanical subtypes. Define as an alphabetized comma-separated list.

air, extraplanar
Unbalanced wikitextoptional

For Pathfinder First Edition. The creature's challenge rating. For mythic ratings, list its mythic rating first as "MR /" followed by its challenge rating.


For Pathfinder Second Edition. The creature's level.


For Pathfinder Second Edition. The creature's traits, as an unseparated list of {{2eTrait}} templates. The infobox will automatically categorize the creature by these traits. If the creature's rarity is not listed in its statblock, include {{2eTrait|Common}}, which will categorized the creature but not appear in the infobox.

Unbalanced wikitextoptional

For Pathfinder First Edition. The creature's environment.

Any underground
Unbalanced wikitextoptional

The creature's alignment, using the {{Alignment grid}} template, "Varies" in First Edition or legacy Second Edition contexts when alignment is not defined by the creature, or with a comment such as <!-- Intentionally blank --> for Remastered creatures without alignment.

{{Alignment grid/CE}}

An adjective used when referring to subjects related to the creature.

Archives of Nethys 1Eaon1e

For Pathfinder First Edition. The part of the URL to the monster's or monster family's entry on Archives of Nethys for First Edition that follows "aonprd.com/".

Archives of Nethys 2Eaon2e

For Pathfinder Second Edition. The part of the URL to the monster's or monster family's entry on Archives of Nethys for First Edition that follows "2e.aonprd.com/".

Images categoryimagesof

The part of the category containing images of this creature that follows "Category:Images of". This should almost always be the plural form of the name of the creature or creature family. Defaults to the article's name suffixed by "s".

Source 1E1e-source

Use only when citing a source for both Pathfinder First Edition and Second Edition in the same infobox; this should rarely be done. The wikilinked work used as the source for the infobox's contents. The page number goes in the 1e-page parameter. To cite additional works or provide context for infobox content, use the footnote parameter.

[[Goblins of Golarion]]
Unbalanced wikitextdeprecated
Page 1E1e-page

Use only when citing a source for both Pathfinder First Edition and Second Edition in the same infobox; this should rarely be done. The page number or range referencing this creature in the 1e-source.

Source 2E2e-source

Use only when citing a source for both Pathfinder First Edition and Second Edition in the same infobox; this should rarely be done. The wikilinked work used as the source for the infobox's contents. The page number goes in the 2e-page parameter. To cite additional works or provide context for infobox content, use the footnote parameter.

[[Ancestry Guide]]
Unbalanced wikitextdeprecated
Page 2E2e-page

Use only when citing a source for both Pathfinder First Edition and Second Edition in the same infobox; this should rarely be done. The page number or range referencing the creature in the 2e-source.


The wikilinked work used as the source for the infobox's contents. The page number goes in the page parameter. To cite additional works or provide context for infobox content, use the footnote parameter. To cite sources for both First and Second Edition, do NOT use this parameter; instead, use 1e-source and 2e-source.

[[Ancestry Guide]]
Unbalanced wikitextoptional

The page number or range of the source referencing this creature in the source. To cite sources for both First and Second Edition, do NOT use this parameter; instead, use 1e-source and 2e-source.


A footnote to display at the bottom of the infobox. Use this to provide context for the infobox's contents or omissions, or to cite additional sources beyond the source and page parameters.

Goblins had the {{2eTrait|NE}} trait in ''[[Bestiary (First Edition)|Bestiary]]'' 156.
Unbalanced wikitextoptional
No autocategorizationnocategories

Providing any value to this parameter disables any autocategorization. Do so only to avoid adding this infobox's categories to this page, for instance for a variant creature whose mechanical categories belong on a redirect.

Unbalanced wikitextoptional