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Template:Tl is an infobox template designed to organize information about vehicles in the Pathfinder campaign setting. Per the No crunch policy, do not include mechanical statistics for the vehicle.

Template:Tl can be used on its own or have other templates for certain types of vehicles built on top of it.

Template[edit source]

| name       = 
| image      = 
| type       = 
| traits     = 
| class      = 
| level      = 

| prop1name  = 
| prop1      = 

| armament   = 
| launched   = 
| status     = 
| fate       = 
| captainstitle = 
| captains   = 
| crew       = 
| imagesof   = 
| source     = 
| page       = 

source and page to cite either First or Second Edition only, but not both:

| source            = 
| page              = 

1e- and 2e-source and page to cite both First and Second Edition simultaneously:

| 1e-source         = 
| 1e-page           = 
| 2e-source         = 
| 2e-page           = 

Usage[edit source]

traits (optional/2e)
The traits of the vehicle as listed. Rarity is important.
name (optional)
The vehicle's name. Add italics to the formatting of this parameter's value.
image (optional)
An image of the vehicle.
type (optional)
The vehicle's general type, such as Ship, added in parentheses beneath the image. If omitted, defaults to "Vehicle".
class (optional)
The vehicle's specific class. For example, an aquatic ship can be a galleon, river barge, etc.
level (optional/2e)
In 2e, a vehicle has an item level. The level of the vehicle as listed.
propnname and propn (optional)
Additional properties specific to the general type of vehicle. If omitted, nothing appears.
propulsion (optional)
A short description of the vehicle's means of propulsion, one per line.
armament (optional)
A list of the number and types of the vehicle's armaments, one per line.
launched (optional)
The date and location that vessel was first launched.
status (optional)
The vehicle's current state (ie., part of the Aspis Consortium fleet).
fate (optional)
The vehicle's fate (ie., "Lost at sea, 4698 AR").


captainstitle (optional)
If the person responsible for the vehicle and its crew has a title, define it here. If omitted, defaults to "Captain(s)".
captains (optional)
A list of known captains and their service dates, one per line.
crew (optional)
How many crew staff the vehicle, or if generic, how many are required to operate it. Non-crew members of the vehicle's standard complement can also be listed here.
imagesof (optional)
The name of the category that contains images of this vehicle, which appears as a link to the category page. For instance, an imagesof value of Template:Xt will create a link to Category:Images of Burnt Saffron with the link text "Images of Burnt Saffron".
source & page (optional)
The source wherein the vehicle was first mentioned, or from which the most information is available. Link the title, and include page number if possible. Use this only if you have a source and page for either 1E or 2E, but not both.
1e-source, 1e-page, 2e-source, & 2e-page (optional)
The source wherein the vehicle was first mentioned, or from which the most information is available, in both 1E and 2E. Link the title, and include page number if possible. Use this only if you have a source and page for both editions.

Example[edit source]

For examples, see Template:Tl.