Setting:Unified Setting/Corgyn

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A typical Corgyn warrior

The Corgyn, or Fey Corgis are a race of anthropomorphic corgis for the Unified Setting for /tg/. Normally, /tg/ would just tell those who came up with this race to "yiff in hell," but because of how unsexually adorable corgis are, the Corgyn have been accepted as a major race for the Unified setting. Then again, so have the Faestir and Sergals.

Unified Setting Description[edit | edit source]

Natives of Everoc, the Corgyn are a short race of dog-like creatures that are fiercely loyal, hardy fighters, but with sweet hearts. Typically they stand 2'5" to 3'5" with relatively short appendages. Fur colors tend to be in the range of dark brown to golden with creme colored fur tracing their bellies. Their homeland is along highlands, called Corgyn'Bre, near to the Dwarven mountains. Culturally, the Corgyn tend to be very Celtic and it shows in their crafts and dress (kilts, extravagant Celtic designs in stone and metalwork).

Individually, Corgyn tend to be very chipper with short attention spans. Their sense of loyalty and honor is strong, but ends up making them rather naive. An exception however, may take the form of their heritage. Corgyn for the most part are incredibly interested in their heritage, tracing it back generation after generation, making note of all the movers and shakers in their bloodline. Those who don't know their heritage or have some sort of bad blood in their line tend to be more modest about it, causing them a level of shame when brought up.

Though Corgyn are expected to trace their family-trees back for centuries, they refuse to speak of their origins, which remain an enigma to outside races. The Corgyn religion contains no origin story and evidence of their habitation in Corgyn'Bre only dates back a few thousand years. Corgyn will say only that such discussions are bad luck, one of many things they refuse to discuss with outsiders. Because of their sometimes strange customs and refusal to discuss them, Corgyn have a reputation of being superstitious.

Corgyn tend to be Lawful Good due to their sense of honor and loyalty, though chaotic Corgyn are almost as common and take up trade as rogues and bards. One would be hard pressed to find a Corgyn of evil alignment, however, and the concept of a selfish, hating Corgyn would be enough to make any of their self respecting kinsmen to sneer nastily.

Corgyn Culture[edit | edit source]

Society[edit | edit source]

Corgyn social structure is largely patriarchal clan based with little in the way of centralized government. However, due to their amicable dispositions, waring is extremely rare between the many Corgyn clans and villages. Wanderlust is romanticized, but usually frowned upon, though occasionally a young Corgyn will set out to seek adventure in one of the Dwarven trading ports. The primary farming crop is livestock, the majority of which is sheep and goats, with smatterings of bovine and fowl. The rocky highland terrain is good for little in the way of crops but potatoes and other low ground crops are staples of Corgyn diets.

The Corgyn race usually fill their time with the duties of protector and warrior, serving as guards, clerics, bodyguards, mercenaries and soldiers. Arts of magic are known to the Corgyn, but are not commonly practiced. Corgyn bards are well respected and liked in Corgyn'Bre, the songs of lore they sing of their mythology and heroes being the primary unifying aspect of their society. They in fact have a contest of the bards every ten years where the best bard from across Corgyn'Bre and every clan is chosen to go off to mediate the wishes of the Fey.

Origins[edit | edit source]

Being a relatively isolated race, Corgyn origins are not well known among the other races of the Unified Setting, and bringing up the subject with those of the race would get an uncharacteristic frown and a brick wall of silence. For the benefit of those who wish to play Corgyn, they were created as a servant race to the Fey. It's a dark secret and burden for the Corgyn, one which they do not even discuss amongst themselves.

Mythology and Legends[edit | edit source]

Corgyn Mythology is based on a primary pantheon of two Gods with several lesser demi-deities. As it goes, the sun deity, Danann (Quiet Joy, Loving Mother, Creator of the world) runs across the sky, trying to escape the darkness while the moon deity, Dagda (Loud Sorrow, Steadfast Father) chases her into eternity. Being enveloped by darkness, he is often unable to catch her. Instead of being totally in darkness, Dagda is continuously inspired by reflecting Danann's radiant beauty upon the world. As such, full moons tend to be good omens while new moons speak of dark omens. Every solar eclipse marks a festival of marriage and family, as it signifies Dagda finally catching Danann.

Gallery[edit | edit source]