The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
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The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion is the fourth game in the Elder Scrolls main series. It follows the Hero of Kvatch (which, when pronounced as spelled in German means "nonsense", as a funny bit of trivia), who has the distinction of, along with the Hero of Daggerfall, as being a normal person rather than the chosen one of the god(s). As all main titles go, the game starts out with you being released from prison, but rather than being saved by divine fortune or fate, you just happen to be seen by the Emperor who happens to think you were somebody he saw in a dream once, maybe.
Oblivion might be the most and the least skubtastic game of the Elder Scrolls franchise. On one hand, despite spawning many memes and being the first game for many devout players, it is largely deemed as a forgettable and unimportant title in comparison to the epic world building and nostalgia of Morrowind and the cultural mainstream of Skyrim. Despite this, it is largely regarded as the best TES game in terms of quests, with the factions being far more moving than any of main series game and the main adventure being just as cosmic as Morrowind, while both streamlining the experience (without diluting it like Skyrim), and making it seem, all the way until the end, that you are just the middle man; you aren't the savior or the chosen one, the guy you're guarding and helping, Martin Septim, the last of a legendary line of Emperors with the blood of the God of Akatosh himself, is.
Tl;dr Might or might not be your favorite TES game. If it's not, you're either lost in nostalgia or are 12.
Expansions[edit | edit source]
Oblivion has a few expansions to its name, though they can be considered either post-game content (ESPECIALLY the Shivering Isles) or directly adjunct to the main questline, as they in no way intersect with the core plotline.
- Knights of the Nine: An unwanted legacy of the Ayleids rears its ugly head, as Umaril, the vaunted sorcerer-king, is once more apparently making a mess in modern-day Cyrodiil, as foretold in legend. The Hero of Kvatch must re-assemble the nine pieces of equipment of the legendary
cyborg from the futurehero Pelinal Whitestrake, and track down the ancient Altmer to his stronghold in Meridia's home in Oblivion to end his threat once and for all.
- The Shivering Isles: The Hero of Kvatch is invited to the mad god Sheogorath's home in Oblivion, the eponymous Shivering Isles, to help the straighten out some local issues, and in the process discover Old Sheo's true identity... as a Daedric prince of Order. In the end, the hero takes over the mantle of the Mad God, and all that entails (which means that, yes, the Sheogorath you meet in Skyrim is actually the hero of Oblivion).