The Post-Apocalyptic Roadmap/Massachusetts
Part of the Post-Apocalyptic Roadmap Project.
(Note: Non-native)
Boston's Gone. No doubt about it. Historically, culturally, militarily and politically important; its destruction is all but certain. Nearby Cambridge would go in the explosion, and with it MIT and Harvard. The Gov't could get themselves back together in Worchester, but the fate of all those historical artifacts and sites, along with the entirety of the technological marvels in MIT, may be scavenging.
Civilian Government in Gloucester
Last vestiges of civilian Government of Beacon Hill have reassembled in Gloucester. Utilizing it's defendable position on Cape Ann and organized under former Circuit Judge Kate McMurray, the new government has utilized the once dormant fishing fleet to begin a post-strike economic boon. Prevailing winds left Gloucester relatively unscathed by fallout and Cape Ann's resources include several wind turbines, a water source and a hospital. Reports of refugees flooding the area have been coupled with numerous reports of fence line shooting of refugees trying to cross the Annisquam river