The Post-Apocalyptic Roadmap/North Carolina
Part of the Post-Apocalyptic Roadmap Project.

Piedmonte[edit | edit source]
In the North Carolina Piedmonte the city of Greensboro has become the new capital in the wake of Raleigh's destruction (along with the state's large military bases). The Governing Council (consisting of the city mayor, city council, and those county and state officials that could be found) arose quickly after the attacks to organize engineers, doctors, and other workers to try to keep the works in the city and surrounding town going and to manage the refugees fleeing the radiation and fallout of the Triangle. Their ambitions at doing the same for the entire Piedmonte fell apart once the National Guard units were called North in a massive convoy to the federal camp in Virginia.
The State Militia; created under legal precedent with Governor powers by the Council and consisting of city, state, and township police as well as civilian volunteers; exercise the Council's planning authority throughout the towns of Guilford county, of which Greensboro is the largest city. However a challenger has arose on the other side of the county in High Point, which had a dual courthouse and is calling itself the legitimate county seat in the face of Greensboro's "delusions" of state authority. No word has been heard from those sent out as far as the mountains, Cape Fear, and the Inner Banks; but the Council has been hearing things from travelers about the University folk in Durham trying to deal with the radiation sickness and starvation of the Triangle, and of Charlotte being fought over by starving gangs as the chamber of commerce tries to rule and they all seek to feed themselves off the trade of scavengers and meager farmers from throughout the Centralina area of the NC and South Carolinian counties in the Charlotte-Gastonne-Salisbury metro.
(Edit: Going to rewrite this. In the full on Cold War nuclear plan it was thought NC would be targeted with 10 percent of the Soviet nukes. Even the not actual military bases, like the Greensboro fuel center, the Charlotte financial center (second to New York City, just not as popular among non financial crowds I guess), and Wilmington port were targeted. However in this more limited and post-Cold War "oh shit!" exchange maybe not all of those non-military targets would be hit. I'll be giving some thought and try to think of a scenario. Any suggestions would be welcome. Just put them in ( ) like I am while we think about this)