The Post-Apocalyptic Roadmap/Texas
Part of the Post-Apocalyptic Roadmap Project.

East Texas[edit | edit source]
Being that Dallas/Fort Worth is a dilapidated wasteland due to lack of fresh water and Houston a large field of glass, as are the several of the large military bases in central Texas and the Army supply base near Texarkana, and much more west of Central Texas, and you already have a near uninhabitable wasteland. Because of this, and other factors to be named, East Texas would probably become the seat of power of the New Republic of Texas.
East Texas is a large rural area with good soil, plenty of surface water, and even more groundwater. Before the accident, it was filled with chicken farms, oil wells, logging operations, and small farming operations. Luckily, after the larger cities in TX were hit, along with New Orleans (shipping and oil processing) and the prevailing winds blowing to the west, there was not too much fallout dropped the central portion of east TX.
Almost all of the above ground water sources are tainted, but due to the large number of aquifer layers through the region, there is plenty of fresh, potable water. The cities that have taken a power hold in the region are Nacogdoches and Lufkin, due to their large populations before the accident. Since the event, a lot of people have moved into the safer region from the outskirts of Houston, Dallas, and Austin.
Many of the people who moved in have filled in the region along US 59 between Nacogdoches and Lufkin, forming a large ghetto of somewhat poorly constructed houses connecting the two cities. Away from the heavily populated areas is huge amounts of land, perfect for farming enough food to support the population of the region. Beyond the availability of enough food to support the populace, there is lots of black gold still being pumped out of the ground which makes for a populace able to move further away from the populated areas to farm. Small refineries have been constructed, and are currently being expanded to allow for more even more readily available petroleum products.
There is also still electricity available to much of the region due to the large amounts of coal easily available near the surface.
tl;dr: Since the rest of Texas is nuked/unlivable, survivors from the large metro areas have moved into deep east TX and have formed a somewhat autonomous region of farmers, lumberjacks, and oil producers.
Texan Empire[edit | edit source]
The Texan Empire was started a year after the Exchange or Incident, it used to be a Dallas Militia but it grew in power due to raids on the other militia's and the new government's bases. They have Dallas as their capital and own all of North Texas, Texarkana area, and Northeast New Mexico. It has a Emperor General as it's leader and Grand Generals as the Elite/government officials.
Most towns submit peacefully due to it offering the most appealing option of new government. The New Pentagons interference didn't start until the Texan Empire had reached Abilene. The New Pentagon set up shop in College Station claiming it as new state capitol, but Pegasus claimed Corpus Christi to be the new capitol. Not many Texans liked their options, so when the Texan Empire showed up and claimed Dallas to be the true capitol and Austin the state capitol Texans thought it best(as well as the other benefits).
In the Civil War the Texan Empire stayed as an un-recognized force, even though it owned half of Texas and it's citizens claimed it true and the Empire proved itself by invading West Texas, Santa Fe, Oklahoma, and Central Texas.
Other Stories[edit | edit source]
Fall of Dallas[edit | edit source]
Garland, Texas.
We're one of the suburbs of Dallas, not too crowded, and the Big D wasn't quite big enough to earn a mushroom cloud. So we were pretty okay, at first. I mean, relatively. We're pretty spread-out, for one thing. Dallas is fair-sized, but it's surrounded by like a hundred miles of suburbs, so we weren't all packed in together like the Panic hit, like in Detroit or Philly. The looting took about five hours to warm up, and seriously, who didn't see it coming? The cops stayed home, didn't even try to stop it. Anyone who was smart left downtown quick as they could; they were running buses and trains packed like cattle, and all those bigass redneck trucks finally came in handy; half the drivers just went cross-country as soon as they cleared the off-ramp.
The news crews packed it at about this point, so most of what I'm about to relate is hearsay:
Anyway, some of those shop-owners downtown didn't want to be looted, and so you had a fair number of shootings, and that touched the riots off in earnest. Uh... riot's the wrong word. It was unreal. Everyone says it was the South Dallas blacks or the illegals that started it, take your pick which, but every redneck with a pickup and a hunting rifle made a beeline for downtown and joined right in. There's a guy I work with, former army, he caught one of the last buses out. He said it was like Beirut. Like fucking Blackhawk Down. The rednecks rolled in shooting, but in the dark, they couldn't see who was who and it just turned into a 360-degree spray-and-pray gangfuck.
Whitey came out on top, for what it's worth. The sun came up, and people could distinguish targets, and an awful lot of people were hurt or dead so everyone was thinking a bit more cautiously. The "peacekeepers" called all their buddies, got organized, and swept right through shooting anyone that looked at them funny. A guy at my church was bragging about how many guys he'd shot, said they did a dozen thugs up against a wall, firing-squad style.
The rioters saw how it was going by evening. The smarter ones ran, mostly into Richardson and Rockwall. They burned and looted that shit to the ground, and then melted away while the /k/ommando fags were moping up in Flower Mound. The shooting was mostly over by 8pm, two days after the nukes landed.
Now, things are just... quiet. The phones are down now, Internet's down, there's nothing much on TV or radio but canned PSAs from the 60s. I keep waiting for the army or the Guard to show up, but it's been a week and still nothing. They're probably busy dealing with the places that did get hit, but I'd be much, much happier to see some actual government around here. The police never came back, and the "peacekeepers" never left. They call themselves the Texas Free Army now, and there's more of them on the streets every day. They say we're under martial law. I'm pretty sure they don't have the authority to do that, but I'm also pretty sure that they'll shoot or hang anybody that argues. I saw my first corpse last Wednesday; they shot a guy in the gutter, and just left him there. wouldn't let anybody take the body away. I've seen three more since, another shooting and two hangings.
There's rumors that we've got bad fallout on the way from California and the rest of the hits out west. I want to get out of here, but the Militia have closed the highways. We've got enough food for four more days, maybe a week or so if we really make it stretch, and we were better-stocked than most. All the stores are looted or bought out, or commandeered by the Militia.
I honestly don't think anyone has any idea what they're doing. Another week and the entire area is going to be in a honest-to-god famine, and those gun cunts won't do a thing about it till it boils over into all-out war. I don't intend to hang around and watch. I'm packing what I can, and my family and a few others are heading North. We'll try to make Alberta, if we can.
I'm taping this account, and leaving it with a co-worker who's trying to set up a ham radio. If this message is received by any representative or agent of the United States Government, please make any effort possible to restore contact with Dallas with all possible speed. People are dying there.
Hill Countries Problems[edit | edit source]
The nukes never hit Austin, but that didn't matter much. With nukes being dropped in Houston, San Antonio, and Abilene( it was ment for DFW area) the radiiation is effecting Austin and the rest of Central Texas. Although most of the people went east for a life of farming, fracking, or begging "we" stayed behind to live in the slightly radiated place known as Hill Country.
The entire city fled in all directions after the bombs hit. The sight was like seeing giant fire mushrooms on the horizon, and it was absulotly terrifying. The people fled to Fredricksburg, Bastrop, Marble Ridge pretty much as long as it wasn't too far north or south it was a place they fled. "We" stayed behind because we could stay in the neighborhood at guard it from looters and plague carriers.
The Plague is something brought by the bombs, and it is the worst side effect. It mostly only effects those places NOT nuked, but in the way of the Radioactive Rain( like Hill Country). The biggest outbreak of it happened two months ago and about a year after the Incident, the community was preparing for the 2nd Thanksgiving in honor of the great HOA. There was a break in the walls and one of the "walkers" came in and infected Pool Sector, luckily the major sectors didn't get affected. We had to kill every other person in Pool Sector.
I hear that the other communities scattered throughout Austin got it worst. Capitol might have been completely wiped out and maybe Zilker. None the less it's been just over a year since the Incident and things are relatively back to normal...but a lot of people are sneaking out. People say that the military is taking back Texas, but I think it's just the Dallas Militia who got amped up a notch. Anyways most smart people are heading into Hill Country to ranch and hopefully lead a better life than what Springcannon has done. I will leave this note with the Head Ambassador of White Rock Sector.
Mike, Citizen of White Rock Sector, Springcannon
Refugees[edit | edit source]
I haved lived in Fredricksburg, Texas since I was born and I never thought that it would be a bustling city. Although it still ain't, there are enough people to be considered one. People fleeing from Austin, San Antonio, and even the border arrived here in Fredricksburg sayin' that the areas they came from are nothing, but pain in misery. Austin is full of assholes who want the seat of the old government in their hands, San Antonio is a wastleland, and Mexico was said to have broken out into a giant war that spreads everywhere. Fredricksburg now has 20 miles of refugee tents along 290 in either direction. They all expect food and even though Fredricksburg still has one of the best peach crop in Hill Country this radiation is doin' nothin' but harm. Radioactive rains accur every few weeks and the entire general climate was been thrown out of balance. The rain that came almost never when we wanted them now come often, but with an added dose of radiation from the south and the north. A few towns have started trading with us including Marble Ridge, Johnson City, Banderra, and Blanco. Llano is a swarm of Texan Empire nutheads. Hill Country had a few military bases and so we raided a large amount of their equipment. We have a local airport which helps us get in contact withother Texan, Mexican, New Mexican, and even some Oklahoman settlements. Luckily the Plague hasn't hit us yet but Comfort got it and it is a ghost town now. Anyway I'm broadcasting this to all stations in thr former U.S, so if you're out there don't come to Fredricksburg or we'll kill ya.
Images[edit | edit source]
A lake showing the terrain of East Texas
Map of East Texas (southern dark red areas being most of what is discussed)