The Rise, fall, and rise of the clover trees

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(Editing in progress)

2014, a year of darkness,

The history of the net is long and full of great tales. Born of 'Yusars' with incredible arcane powers, their namshubs are the very oceans we surf and all else. At the end of the Yusenet era, with the strife of the lazer cat war and eternal September, is where our tale begins. Born between the ages, the half lazer cat, half man 'Corpse-God' was an oddity, but not out of place. He called the port town of Adee'towar, in the Ofell kingdom, home. There the exports of Moon rune people made landfall on the Eagle continent, though not nearly as widely valued as they are today. It was here that young Corpse-God learned of the twin clovered tree and its potential. At a great height in imports, and a surge in interest in the more… 'erotic' aspects of moon rune materials, the king of Ofell began a heavy taxing on all and a persecution of the port town. This led to an exodus of the porters, many landing in the far off village of Raspberry Heaven. There they regrouped, and Corpse-God toiled to translate the runes on a two clovered tree seed. He oddly improved on it, making the four clovered tree we knew and loved. What followed we all know by heart. The many false deaths, the purge of the Furfagotes, each and every new branch bring more glory, the false science church brought to its knees, and the great marbled cake of time and tube. It was a glorious kingdom of equality, with no equal for much of its time. Then the fall came. For some time odd things occurred. The latest wave of branches brought to bear included one for a true fagotes. This was thought as a sacrificial branch as the ponylands were, but something more sinister was beginning. Increasingly the cat king Corpse-God wandered from the kingdom, seeking to give himself power beyond the trees reach. He searched high, low, in the bright, and, in his greatest folly, the dark. The foul and mad witches with their white knights of the tumbling lands had been plotting the downfall of mankind for nearly a generation. Every day their influence in the kingdoms of the Eagle continent, and even further, grew. In the dark of money laundering and sexual favors he was seduced to become their puppet. One of these knights was shattered of his seduction, broke out and warned others. He told of the corruption occurring in the Vidya valley, something long suspected but now confirmed. The witch Zoe had a long history of dark acts, and her five confirmed conspirators was discussed at length by the Vidya port branch. Concurrently the Pollacks conspired with them on a project of great interest. The witch Zoe had denounced an altruistic Vidya work to further her own ends. The people of Polland are few but wise, they saw a way to strike at the witch and her kind while making a great work for the ages, and thus recruited the Vidya port branch to back it. From this a new construct was born, Vivian James, saint of play and son(daughter) of Vee. King Corpse-God had been seeing to the decline of his first great work for some time. He had his old guard deposed, replaced by those the witches vetted. Across the branches people began to notice the disappearing towers of discussion, the worsening of the climate, how some places were bereft of their old culture. Then it struck. In his first open act of aggression to his people. King Corpse-God banned the questioning of the disappearances, the identifying of the corrupt in the Vidya valley, and let his guard have free reign on the boards of their choosing. He and his masters thought they would cut this down before it got far. Fortunately they forgot about the furtive pygmy. Easily forgotten, a lad who noticed the machinations of madness at their beginning had worked much like the old king. The moon rune people had developed in the intervening time, vastly improving the stalk of the two clovered trees. The furtive pygmy took this, and seeing no inherit evil, combined it with the infinite potential of Red'dit machinery. The cloves divided into 8 and linked back to the stalk. When the mad king Corpse-God made his darkness known, the ensuing exodus had a new home already made.