This Guy

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You see this guy? This guy right here? Yeah, this guy is the guy you wanna be with.

This Guy is the polar opposite of That Guy.

The man we all want to game with, a man you will be proud to call your BRUVAH. Generous with play time, friendly and fun. He loves to talk game, he loves to debate setting and system, and he loves to rattle them bones. He will never pick your pocket, stab your back, or forget your familiar's name. (Unless the first two are expected.)

This Guy pulls his share of the load: driving, snacks & sodas, cleaning up, or sitting behind the screen.

He'll try any game at least once, with only a few exceptions. He'll read the campaign background and make a decent character who slots so smoothly into the world you'd swear it was canon. He'll make IC conversation with you and get on board the party wagon.

Confused by a new game system, a new group or even tabletop gaming in general? This Guy won't mind. He'll keep the other players entertained while the GM eases you in, if he doesn't help you learn himself. He'll help you build the character you want to build, and never once try to tell you not to. This Guy will bring you his other army and spend 5 hours playing a tutorial game with you.

This Guy will bring extra snacks and drinks for when others run out or, more often, when they "forgot" to bring some. He knows what you like, what you dislike and is a darn good cook. He always tips the delivery guy when it comes time to pay.

If This Guy sits down at your table, the (dirty Cheetos) stains That Guy left on your hearts will be cleansed. This Guy will even bring chopsticks for you to eat your cheetos.

Always remember, the potential to be This Guy is within all of us. We should all strive to be a little more like This Guy.

Examples[edit | edit source]