
Tokay are one of several variant lizardfolk races created for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in issue #268 of Dragon Magazine. In fact, they're a variant of a variant; tokay are essentially a malevolent subrace of the geckonid species introduced in the same sourcebook.
Tokay effectively resemble their geckonid kinsfolk, being humanoid geckos, but are larger in size, averaging closer to 6ft than their 5ft tall relatives. They are readily distinguished by their coloration, a strange medley of pink scales offset by gray patterns or splotches. Their main difference is in their attitudes; these lizardfolk are notably ill-tempered, with a love of causing trouble and a rude, cruel bent that colors the normal playful and mischievous attitude of the gecko-folk. Thus, whilst the typical geckonid is Neutral Good, a tokay is more likely to be True Neutral or even Neutral Evil.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
- Ability Score Minimum/Maximum: Strength 8/18, Dexterity 12/21, Constitution 8/18, Intelligence 3/18, Wisdom 2/16, Charisma 2/16
- Ability Score Adjustments: +3 Dexterity, -1 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
- Class & Level Limits: Fighter 12, Mage 7, Thief 12
- Hit Dice: As class
- Thieving Skill Adjustments: Pick Pockets +15%, Open Locks -10%, Find/Remove Traps -10%, Move Silently +5%, Hide in Shadows +5%, Detect Noise -5%, Read Language -20%
- Size: Medium
- Movement: 12, Climb 12
- Natural Armor Class: 10, but gain a -2 AC bonus when unarmored and fighting in an area where they can use their wall-crawling abilities to aid in dodging (indoors, heavy forest, etc)
- Natural Attacks: A tokay has a Bite attack that inflicts 1d4 damage.
- A tokay warrior starts with 2 weapon proficiencies, whilst a tokay of any other class only starts with 1.
- A tokay cannot wear armor heavier than studded leather, and a tokay rogue doubles its armor penalties for thief abilities.
- Regardless of class, a tokay has a base Climb Walls ability of 95%.
- From 5th level, a tokay has the innate ability to see the invisible.
- Cold Blooded: A geckonid takes +1 point of damage per die from cold-based attacks, and if exposed to a low temperature for a prolonged period, it becomes sluggish, halving its movement rate and suffering a -2 attack penalty.
- A tokay doubles the cost of armor prices, due to requiring custom-fitted gear.
- Weapon Proficiencies: By Class
- Non-Weapon Proficiencies: Alertness, Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Fishing, Herbalism, Hiding, Hunting, Natural Fighting, Survival (Tropical, Subtropical, Urban)