
Proof that Dungeons & Dragons loves to pad out its Monster Manuals by reinterpretating every single alternate name and spelling they can, Vampyres are a horrible species of Monstrous Humanoid associated with the Ravenloft setting. The easiest way to describe vampyres is as a race of evil, true-breeding dhampirs; they are "living vampires", humanoid creatures with all the traits of mortals, but who derive their sustenance exclusively from humanoid blood. They resemble humans or half-elves of great beauty with a slightly "feline" cast to their features that only heightens their exotic appeal, very pale skin, burning dark eyes, clawed fingers and predatory fangs in lieu of teeth. They have almost no special powers, barring that their saliva is an enthralling agent that functions similarly to a Dominate Person spell. They rely on seduction to lure victims into their embrace, and then rend them apart and feast on their remains.
Whilst found throughout the Demiplane of Dread, vampyres are particularly concentrated in Falkovnia. This is also home to a budding vampyre darklord; Vladimir Ludzig, who hails from a realm called Vladantilan on an unknown world. In this realm, vampyres have openly conquered, and other mortals are kept as docile livestock to feed the literal bloodthirst of their captors. Vladimir became aware of the wider multiverse after planeswalkers led a failed rebellion in his lands, and he sought to begin opening portals to new worlds so his people could spread their empire to other realms. It backfired and stranded him in Falkovnia instead, where he is trying to unite the native vampyres and raise them up into an empire like on his own world, one that will first overthrow Vlad Drakov, and then begin a campaign of conquest against the other nations of the Demiplane of Dread.
Vampyres can be found in the Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium Appendix for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and in the Denizens of Darkness/Dread books for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition.