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The Varanguard are essentially to Chaos Knights what Chaos Knights are to Marauder horsemen. These are the absolute beasts of the legions of Chaos, beholden to none but Archaon himself. Hell, some of these guys were even former Chaos Lords themselves who forsook their glories for the sake of serving someone who represents the entirety of Chaos as a concept.
Organization[edit | edit source]
The Varanguard were one of those concepts introduced in early AoS in the Everchosen Battletome and never really developed in any great detail beyond odd snippets of flavour text scattered around novels and Battletomes the exact organisation of the Varanguard is unclear.
What we do know of their structure and organization begins at the macro level. Based out of their namesake Varanspire; Archaon's personal fortress at the heart of the Eight Points (because it's seated at a point that intersects with all the mortal realms as well as because Chaos has serious fondness of the number eight), the Varanguard are divided into one of Eight designated factions referred to as the thematically Dante-ish Circles because, you know, daemons and hell and stuff.
Each faction appears to be semi-autonomous, being in charge of its own recruitment, deployment and equipment though all ultimately answer to Archaon. Scourge of Fate builds further upon this by positing that each Circle commands its own keep within the greater structure of the Varanspire and its Keep and recruitment processes are a reflection of the culture of the circle and personality of its current Marshal.
These Marshals are the leaders and defacto lieutenants of Archaon who command each of the Varanguard's Circles. Little is known specifically about them save from the implication that each is immensely powerful having risen to leadership in a Knightly Order made of what are essentially Chaos Lords becoming a Chaos Lord of other Chaos Lords is a fair indicator of the threat the Marshals pose. We currently know of at least Three Marshals representing the 5th, 7th, and 8th circles respectively though only the Marshal of the 8th circle is currently usable on the table top. How one becomes a Marshal is also unclear though it's safe to surmise that defeating an incumbent Marshal or direct appointment by Archaon are the most likely means.
Below the Marshals it is unclear what, if any, specific organizational structure exists. The Knights of the Varanguard are organised in formations called Conroys, each at least 3 knights strong with no clear upper limitation on their size. It appears that while no formal designation such as Captain or Sergeant exists to denote who leads a conroy, each conroy forms it's own internal hierarchy either by seniority, strength or personality.
Each conroy and by extention each Circle is also attended by various camp followers taking the form of servile warbands led by aspiring Knights of Ruin and Black Pilgrims. In Call of Archaon we see the Varanguard march to war with various sworn lesser warbands and hosts doing the grunt work while the Knights of Ruin followed in Dhorgar's wake.
Circles of the Varanguard[edit | edit source]
- The Swords of Chaos: The First Circle of the Varanguard. Archaon's chosen warriors named for his original Warband from the World that Was. The Swords of Chaos are described as entering battle using portals torn open in the sky letting them strike anywhere at a moments notice.
- The Souls of Torment: The Second Circle of the Varanguard. Not much specific information exists on this Circle only that they are "Sowers of Sorrow and Despair" and that "they grant their foes the release of death only when all hope is lost".
- The Scions of Darkness: The Third Circle of the Varanguard. While they have limited information about their nature of disposition they are described as "Dreaded Warriors cloaked in unnatural shadow, confounding the aim of those who would seek to strike them down from afar."
- The Reavers of Chaos: The Fourth Circle of the Varanguard. The Reavers of Chaos take a salted earth approach to battle and appear to be the most zealous of the Eight Circles described specifically as" furiously lashing out" at the enemies of the Dark God's. This makes them somewhat dark analogues to the Black Templars of 40k.
- The Scourges of Fate:
The Black Pilgrimage[edit | edit source]
The audiobook Scourge of Fate details some of the process of ascension to the Varanguard, a process referred to as the "Black Pilgrimage" with those embarking upon the Pilgramage referred to as Black Pilgrims. The process shown refers specifically to the recruitment rites of the fifth circle of the Varanguard also known as The Scourges of Fate. The steps taken by a Black Pilgrim of The Scourges of Fate include:
- Sponsorship by an existing Knight of the Varanguard corresponding to the circle the Pilgrim is attempting to join. Resembling something closer to Discipleship rather than squiring.
- Seeking out and obtaining an appropriately badass Daemon weapon.
- Defeating a rival pilgrim in single combat.
Each Black Pilgrims journey ends with their swearing of Oaths to the Marshal of their respective circle and their first task to depart the Varanspire and travel the Eight Realms to find Archaon and recieve his mark.
Named Varanguard[edit | edit source]
- Neveroth: Marshal of the Fifth Circle of the Varanguard "The Scourges of Fate". Neveroth sits upon a throne made of Sigmarite armour and is responsible for dispatching the 'Black Pilgrim' Vanik on his quest to Chamon in the Scourge of Fate
- Arken: Marshal of the Seventh Circle of the Varanguard "The Bane Sons".
- Sir Caradoc: Knight of the Bane Sons, appears to be a follower of Khorne.
- Atarsus: Marshal of the Eighth Circle of the Varanguard known also as Eternus.