
Varanids are one of several variant lizardfolk races created for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in issue #268 of Dragon Magazine. Likely deriving their name from an obscure kaiju named Varan... or possibly just taking the name of the actual lizard genus for monitor lizards, whom they are based on, the varanids are a race of 6ft to 7ft tall humanoid reptiles that share some resemblance to komodo dragons; fast, lithe, agile and vicious, these creatures are walking arsenals of talons, teeth, and a 6ft long whip-like tail ridged with razor-sharp scales. Native to tropical regions, inhabiting dense jungles, remote islands and wide savannahs, they are a source of great fear for any other race who lives nearby.
Varanids are a harsh people, whose culture glorifies war; every varanid seeks to prove its worth as a mighty warrior, because the best warrior makes the best leader. They follow a stoic philosophy of strength and ability; there is no excuse for failure. Unavoidable accident is one thing; allowing yourself to fall for a trick is another. This makes them fearless and merciless in battle; by their philosophy, anyone who is defeated by them deserved to be beaten, as obviously they did not make themselves strong enough to protect themselves. But varanids are not stupid brutes - no, they are wily, cunning fighters who use every dirty trick and guerrilla tactic without reservation. Hit-and-run attacks, sudden ambushes, night fighting, decoys, snares, spoiler runs and even terror tactics are all accepted parts of their wartime strategies.
Ironically, amongst each other, varanids are not so bad. Gathering in tribes of about 100-150 individuals who occupy hut villages around natural formations, varanids not engaged in war are reserved and peaceful, spending most of their day spear fishing, swimming, hunting, repairing huts, and sunning themselves on rocks. If approached carefully, they're not averse to talking or even trading with members of other races. In fact, it's not uncommon for varanid warriors to wander off from their tribes and mingle with other races, seeking employment as mercenaries, adventurers or assassins in foreign lands in order to hone their skills. They take up bodyguard jobs only when they have to; standing around waiting for a fight to happen is against their nature.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
- Ability Score Minimum/Maximum: Strength 12/18, Dexterity 4/19, Constitution 8/16, Intelligence 3/18, Wisdom 3/17, Charisma 3/18
- Ability Score Adjustments: +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -2 Charisma
- Class & Level Limits: Fighter 15, Ranger 12, Shaman 7, Thief 9
- Hit Dice: As class, but +2 hit points at first level
- Size: Medium
- Movement: 15
- Natural Armor Class: 7
- Natural Attacks: 2 Claw attacks (1d3), 1 Bite attack (1d4) and 1 Tail attack (1d4+1)
- Ambidexterous: A varanid can fight with two weapons simultaneously, suffering only a -2 penalty to attacks with its off-hand and no penalty to attacks with its primary hand.
- Cold Blooded: A varanid takes +1 point of damage per die from cold-based attacks, and if exposed to a low temperature for a prolonged period, it becomes sluggish, halving its movement rate and suffering a -2 attack penalty.
- A varanid doubles the cost of armor prices, due to requiring custom-fitted gear. Additionally, due to cultural mores, varanids cannot become proficient in shields.
- Weapon Proficiencies: Axe, Dual-Sword, Two-Headed Spear, Net, Star-shaped Punching Dagger
- Non-Weapon Proficiencies: Alertness, Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Fishing, Herbalism, Hiding, Hunting, Natural Fighting, Survival (Tropical)