
A goddess in Warhammer Fantasy. Worshiped by humans as a god of scholars, bureaucrats, and justice. Fairly popular in the Empire due to the fact they have state run wizards and a lot of paperwork. Her High Elf counterpart is Hoeth, and it's unknown what relations exist between the two although based on the relations between their worshipers it's possibly friendly. Wife of Morr, mother of the goddesses Shallya and Myrmidia. She has no 40k counterpart.
Priests[edit | edit source]
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There is little formal hierarchy within the cult. Instead, it operates in small cells, scattered throughout the centers of civilization, being prevalent in districts that are given over to scholarly pursuits, where they run or fund universities to promote learning and education.
Individual cultists worship law and knowledge and seek professions related to these concepts often serving as advisors in noble courts, and in some places, such as Nuln, they function as judiciaries, working ceaselessly to ensure the rule of law holds sway.
However the Cult of Verena tends to find itself in the center of controversy for their dedication to the preservation of knowledge specifically the radical belief that all writing is worth protecting. Such views put the cult at odds with Witch Hunters and the Cult of Sigmar, who would see all heretical texts burned in holy fire.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
The Gods of the Empire |
Manann - Morr - Myrmidia - Ranald - Rhya - Shallya - Sigmar - Taal - Ulric - Verena |