Veteran Angels

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The Veteran Angels are a Space Marine chapter of an unknown founding, but possibly the 23rd, a belief held by some due to their high mortality rate, though this could be due to other reasons.

The Veteran Angels are a successor of the Imperial Fists, and continue their tradition of siege warfare. As such they make wide use of Vindicator Siege tanks, Ironclad Dreadnoughts, and Land Raiders.

They are far from being a codex compliant chapter, and while this would usually draw the ire of some of the other factions within the Imperium there are not many other extant groups that have any real knowledge of the existence of the Veteran Angels, due solely to the fact that anytime they are present in a battle they are almost always either killed to the last man, or are the only survivors. Their high mortality rate is due in large part to their tactics, which more or less mimic those of the Imperial Guard. This is because of their recruitment doctrine; The Veteran Angels recruit their neophytes exclusively from within the ranks of a select few Imperial Guard regiments, namely the Death Korps of Kreig, the Armageddon Steel Legion and a few other groups that specialize in trench and siege warfare. They often do this under complete secrecy either requisitioning entire regiments and then reporting them as 'casualties' or making use of forgotten and left behind battlefield casualties.

Structure[edit | edit source]

Unlike other chapters, the Veteran Angels only have 4 Companies, and while, if given the chance, they would likely adhere to the 1000 man restriction per chapter, their numbers of full fledged astartes are often limited to less than 800 due to the sheer number of regular losses they endure.

Each company, unlike the more compliant chapters, is highly specialized and recruits from one or two specific locations.

The Chapter also differs heavily from other Chapters in that it makes extremely limited use of Librarians, and has virtually no Chaplains, seeing both these positions as ceremonial and frivolous, preferring to dedicate the entirety of their numbers to strict combat roles. Following this mind set, the few Librarians they do have are almost exclusively schooled in Biomancy, Pyromancy, and rarely Telepathy, better to aid their allies in killing the enemies of the Emperor.

1st Company The first company is called the 'Retrieval Company' and is made almost entirely of Vostroyans. Because of the high death rate in the battlefield, the retrieval of ever suit of power armor and every bolter is an extremely important task. The first company is outfitted entirely in red armor, both a reminder of their home regiments, and a show of allegiance to the Omnissah. Due to it's rarity, they are the only company in the chapter that makes use of Terminator armor, as well as the only chapter that makes use of Lascannons and mixed weapon Devestator squads, all to protect the Techmarine as he attempts to repair a downed rhino, or remove the armor off of a dying battle brother. This company is also tasked with the retrieval and protection of the Chapter's gene seed and as such has a large number of Apothecaries.

Due to the nature of the missions undertaken by the 1st Company they make more use of Razorbacks and Land Raiders than any other company.

They lack a captain, instead having the Master of the Forge fill that role.

2nd Company The second company fills the role of mechanized infantry, and is recruited heavily from the Steel Legion's of Armageddon. Their armor is khaki or tan, and they often color their helmets silver, mimicking their battle dress in the Imperial Guard.

Every squad in the company is assigned a Razorback or Rhino, and a few units have a dedicated Land Raider (usually a Redeemer) at their disposal. Generally they operate in small, highly mobile squads, making limited use of heavy weapons that would normally bog them down, preferring to use single flamers or melta weapons per squad. Filling the role of heavy support, instead of devastators they use what other Chapters would tactically consider Sternguard squads, allowing them to field a large amount of fire power and a highly adaptive unit armed with various close quarters combi weapons.

3rd Company The third company is a dedicated siege company. All of the chapters Vindicators belong to the 3rd Company, and they use dedicated devastator squads equipped entirely with Multi-meltas to burn through enemy defenses. Their tactical squads are often made up of 5 man groups, usually outfitted with either a single Missile Launcher or single melta gun per squad, and their squad leaders often make use of thunder hammers, power fists and combi-meltas.

4th Company The fourth Company serves as the Line Infantry company. Their devastator squads are made up entirely of heavy bolter teams, and their tactical squads all number ten men, with each one being armed with a heavy bolter and a flamer. They also have dedicated 'Trench Clearing' companies, filling the role that the Vanguard Veterans in othe rchapters would. They make limited use of jump packs, allowing them to clear enemy defenses and vast no man land's quickly and enter enemy entrenchments, but their real value lies in their dedicated use of chainsword, thunderhammer, powermaul and power fist. The fourth company also makes limited use of Whirlwinds, Predators and Land Raider Redeemers.

Instead of being held in a reserve training company, the initiates of the company are included among the ranks of one of the four companies as front line infantry and first wave shock troops. Those that survive long enough complete the physical and mental changes of becoming an Astartes will stay with their company and fill the role of the Scout. Within the Veteran Angels scouts are usually used as Shock Troopers to get behind enemy lines before the battle begins, and offer fire support from a different angle.