Warhammer/Tactics/8th Edition/Battlescrolls
A Battlescroll is an optional rule supplement released for Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition.
Mostly forgotten in the clusterfuck of The End Times and the fact that they weren't OP as fuck, but legal to take for anyone playing 8e even if ET is banned.
Why Play Battlescrolls[edit | edit source]
One of the main reasons to take a Battlescroll is they don't affect your limits of Lords, Heroes, Special, and Rare so if your army has a good Core selection but weak Special or Rare, you can bolster your army with non-shit options. Each also has individual strengths to consider.
Battlescroll: The Restless Dead[edit | edit source]
A Battlescroll letting you bring one Wight King, one or two Units of Black Knights, one or two Units of Grave Guard, and one to four Units of Skeleton Warriors that consist of at least 20 Skeleton Warriors. They can March near their King and you can choose an enemy Unit or piece of Terrain that will give a proximity where they take less damage from Crumble and Unstable.
The options are decent, giving you a nice selection of models that don't need to worry about morale and will cause Fear. The Wight King can be your BSB, letting you max out your Heroes allowance in your main army and use the bone-daddy as a flag caddy. The only downside to this Battlescroll is your inability to take a Wizard with the Lore Of Vampires to Invocate them back to life. But you can always take Crypt Scavengers as well for that.
Battlescroll: Crypt Scavengers[edit | edit source]
One Necromancer, one Unit of Crypt Horrors, one Unit of at least twenty Crypt Ghouls, and a Garden Of Morr. Vampire Counts players who take this Battlescroll get an additional Garden, and the Gardens provide bonuses to the army.
Only a VC player who uses a primarily Strigoi army or a Queen Neferata player who uses her Silver Pinnacle Ghouls gets the most benefit from the Garden, most other armies won't want to hang around it for the reduced bonuses, with the exception of the Necromancer for the Channeling bonus. To everyone else it just kind of sits there, being only somewhat useful for ranged armies.
Ghouls are decent options, being inexpensive Regeneration and Poisoned Attacks troops while the Crypt Horrors give a durable and killy Unit for armies solely lacking such things. The best thing in CS is the Necromancer who can heal the CS, the Restless Dead too if you take them, and can summon you Zombie Tarpits that armies like Wood Elves and Warriors of Chaos, and CS is the only way to get a Wizard into a Dwarfs army.