Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (HoR)/Tactics/Death Guard(8E)

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Like their loyalist brethren, the Chaos Space Marines have a grand amount of customization available to them. Their basic troops are tough and they have a good list of guns available, and the access to the Daemons Opus and the newer books makes all their corners covered.

Your common keywords are Chaos, Heretic Astartes, Nurgle, Death Guard

Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Trait: Your troops still have Inorexable Advance.
  • Champions of Chaos: Similar to the loyalists, you can make models that share all of the leader's keywords into Core models or double the number you can take of certain Core models. This also includes the aligned ones, for better or worse.
  • Localized Infection: Pretty much limits any unit-affecting rules to only focus on models
  • Daemonic Ritual: Your leader can summon Nurgle daemons for free once per movement phase. Unlike the vanilla traitors, you can pretty much shit out Nurglings and Plaguebearers from the word go. Fortunately, these daemons don't count towards the rout check.

Armoury[edit | edit source]

  • Bloodrot Rounds: Non-cultist Leaders only. Gives your boss a 3" aura that turns all boltguns into plague weapons. And that is a good feel for a gun-heavy list.
  • Crown of the Pox Plague: Leader only. Lets cultists within 7" of the boss turn into a Poxwalker when they die, extending their survivability and thus their use as meatshields.
  • Covenant of Plague: Leader only. Your boss gets to deal a mortal wound on himself (Subject to being ignored if he gets Disgustingly Resilient) and for the rest of the turn, anyone within 3" takes a -1 to hit. This is very choice for a leader accompanied by ravenous hordes of poxwalkers or some melee marines.
  • Cursed Carillon: Noxious Blightbringer only. These bells have a chance to force everyone closer to the bearer, which could cause as much trouble as it does protection in a mob-heavy list.
  • Icon of Seeping Decay: Non-cultist Leaders only. It's a pretty basic banner, giving +1 Ld to anyone within 6".
  • Plague Cauldron: Journeyman Blightspawn only. Lets you re-roll one die on this Blightspawn's gun, which is a welcome gift.
  • Plague Claw: Biologus Putrifier only. Lets you make one attack with your doc's pistol as if it were a melee weapon.
  • Scab: Plague Surgeon only. Lets you improve a model's Toughness by 1 if they survive thanks to the Narthecium.
  • Pox-Encrusted Adamantium: Nurgle model without Terminator armor only. This suit's even heavier, granting +1T and granting a 6++ invuln, but your model now moves like it's always in difficult terrain. Better hope you're not going anywhere fast.
  • SPIKEY BITZ: By the dark gods, they return. Every fight phase gives you a chance to deal a mortal wound to one random schmuck within 1" of the model.
  • Occuli Maledictum: Hidden models within 12" of the bearer are immediately exposed, making you a good foil for scouts and stealth suits.
  • Haunted Adamantium: Good for more morale-busting, but not for sneaky. It bans hiding, but it makes anyone within 6" (or IP if the model has it) take -1 to Leadership.
  • The Death Toll: Leader only. You get a hand flamer that goes d6 hits with S3 AP-1 D1, but the real kicker is the penalty to WS just for being wounded. If you ever needed to sic your marines at someone and have a shot at winning, you throw this first to soften them up.
  • Bone Maul: Leader only. It's a hefty bundle of a Plague Weapon that hits hard, but it has no AP unless you roll a 6 to wound and has a power fist's hit penalty.
  • Epidemia: Leader only. Gives you a beefed up plague sprayer at S5 AP-1 D1. Pretty much what you want to support any overwatch.
  • An'Garrach: Cultist leader only. You get a fancy chainsword with AP-2, which is respectable enough against other GEQ models.
  • Smoke Grenade: Same as the other Opuses, this thing gives you a zone of obstruction, protecting you from anything trying to aim across it.
  • Hypercharger: Gives a bit of an exchange between BS and one gun's Strength, which might be handy if you know how to game your odds. Especially useful since you lack snipers.
  • Bloodseeker Ammunition: Not compatible with auto-hitting guns. This will give you a little push in demolishing any sort of armor, but this only triggers on a 6 to wound with a gun.
  • Personal Teleporter: Terminator only. This is your one means of compensating for the crappy movements of these models, though it's just as random as advancing without any of the fallbacks.
  • Targeter: Lets your model re-roll 1s to hit if they stand still. It's cheaper and easier to grab than a familiar.
  • Hungering Grimoire: Psyker only. Lets your sorcerer heal a wound if they kill an enemy with mind-bullets or swords, but not with pistols.
  • Daemonic Visage: Robs 1" from all charges against this model, which is pretty nice. Combine with the right terrain and you have someone unreachable.

Familiars[edit | edit source]

You have a rather decent list of familiars available to more than just psykers. Leaders can pick two different ones while anyone else just gets one.

  • Reloader Familiar: The EVIL armourium cherub. This only re-rolls 1s to wound, but it won't go away after one use.
  • Linkdevil Familiar: This might make retreating a bad idea for the enemy, as it lets you shoot once with a pistol or make one whack if they fall back.
  • Combat Familiar: This one's a bit of a mixed sell, since it costs more if your model's stronger, but weaker guys shouldn't be fighting anyways. In any case, it's two free attacks at the user's strength AP0 D1.
  • Spell Familiar: Psyker only. This allows you to re-roll a warp die, but you perils if the re-roll matches the original roll.
  • Regeneration Familiar: Leader only. Normally the most expensive familiar, but this gives the power of regaining lost wounds...until you roll a 1 and get another mortal wound instead.

Plagues of Nurgle[edit | edit source]

You can buy a plague to afflict your leader with, but only one.

  • Aleynikov's Bane: Forces models within 1" of this guy to count as dead for the purposes of Rout, which is more useful for them than it is for you. That is, unless you're joined by some daemons.
  • Flyblown Palsy: Reduces the movement of all enemy models within 7" by 1". It's an inconvenience any way you cut it, and you're already slow enough as it is.
  • Brain Fever: Forces all psykers within 7" to add +1 to the casting values of all powers, which is a bit of an issue.

Philosophies[edit | edit source]

  • Count the Seven: +1 TP for every seven kills you rack up.
  • First Plague Company: +2 TP, but only if your models all have either the Terminator or the Poxwalker keywords. You're gonna be stuck with the polar extremes of the team, either unkillably heavy fuckers or annoying small zombies.
  • The Gifted: +3 TP, but this locks all your Tactical Actions to focus on only Poxwalker or Cultist keywords. Pretty viable since you have zombies that can last long enough to use it. Or you could just spam Putrid Detonation for messy deaths.

Tactical Actions[edit | edit source]

  • Cloud of Flies (1 TP): Gives an infantry model some protection. Now enemies can only shoot at anyone within 3" if they're the closest ones there.
  • Putrid Detonation (X TP): Select X models of Cultists or Poxwalkers. If these guys die before the next turn, you turn them into improvised blight grenades. In most instances, save this for close-quarters combat or in the fight phase.
  • Blight Bombardment (1 TP): EVERYONE! THROW YOUR GRENADES! No, that's it. Everyone throws a grenade.
  • Inevitable Fate (1 TP): Lets a model re-roll to hit with a plague weapon. Pretty nifty for your heavies.
  • The Galaxy Burns (2 TP): Your models all get one extra attack for the fight phase. Especially useful for melee-focused forces.

Unit Analysis[edit | edit source]

Your FOC is as follows

  • 1 Leader
  • 1-20 Core
  • 0-3 Special

Leaders[edit | edit source]

  • Blightlord Terminator Champion: Though not as focused as the Seeker of the Mantle, you're still a terrifyingly tough terminator marked by the Big N himself. You can pick up a decent share of things between combi guns and the plague weapons, and your Aura of Rust makes sure you can chop down even marines without a sweat.
  • Plague Champion: The basic leader, sharing a share of the versatility of a plague marine. If you intend to spend points elsewhere but want an actually competent leader who can take down something, you'll tend to pick this one.
  • Plague Surgeon: Costly, and this is after downgrading his melee weapon to a plague knife. He's still plenty helpful as he gives a minor boost to your Disgustingly Resilient saves and he's more motivated to chop up Loyalist forces.
  • Tallyman: He's more of a support leader than a combatant. He's got an aura to support his fellow plague-spawn and he has a rare chance of refunding TP when you spend it.
  • Plaguecaster's Apprentice: A mini wizard. He's ungodly expensive, but he's not only a plague-infested psyker, but he also has the ability to set off more plague grenades after casting thanks to a special rule.
  • Seeker of the Mantle: The Deathshroud-lite leader. Though they lack the special rules for characters/Morty, but they house an aura of 7" that make engaged enemies take a hit as if they were hit by a grenade. Don't worry about their weapon either, you're just losing a point of Strength unless you pony up for the full Manreaper.
  • Cultist Champion: Let's face it: If you're taking him, it's not going to be to fight. He's absolutely shit at that, and he can't even take anything aside from trash weapons. He's got a risk of backfiring on rituals, he lacks any benefits from <legion> traits, and he can only use IP on other cultists. So why take him? Because you wanna load up on your other boys. Simple as that.
  • Possessed: This is the guy you want to lead a possessed force. He makes 0-5 Possessed Core and has his extra mutations to bolster his lessers. If there's any issue, it's that fucking atrocious pricetag.

Core[edit | edit source]

  • Chaos Cultist: A pathetic distraction. Their only options are for one out of ten of these fuckers. Otherwise, figure out what you want them to die doing and keep them staying there while your real soldiers do business.
  • Plague Marine: The basic goon, these are the standard in plague warfare and are just as versatile as their unaligned brethren. With some loadouts you can make them fight harder, otherwise abuse the fuck outta their ability to shoot heavy weapons without issue and their access to plasma, melta, and not-flamers.
  • Poxwalkers: Your durable distractions. They're still able to convert enemies to their cause and gain a bonus to hit if you grab more than 5 of the fuckers - which you should.

Special[edit | edit source]

  • Noxious Blightbringer: If your leader tends to be the upfront sort, then you'll likely want to bring him too so his aura can get to work and push those routs.
  • Journeyman Blightspawn: The Foul Blightspawn's apprentice. Their gun's a bit weaker than in Bighammer, but they remain as much of a wall to crash upon as the termies. Their grenade becomes even more valuable, as all grenades are single-use, so you need to choose when to throw it.
  • Biologus Putrifier: The grenade party becomes infinite, as this guy's hyper blight grenades will never run dry and he can bolster his allies' lone grenades. Excellent for a use of the Bombardment TA.
  • Deathshroud Terminator: These guys are very much untouched, unlike the Seeker of the Mantle. Though they lack the variety of armaments offered by the Blightlords, these guys have the deadliest weapons out there and are true HQ guards. Where the Blightbringer's for supporting your assault, the Deathshroud's here to back up your boss and tank a few blows while they rack up a tally of bodies.
  • Blightlord Terminator: The vanilla-ish Terminators. These fuckers have it all, from melee weapons that are even deadlier, a wide list of armaments, and the double-downer of thickness from Cataphractii armor and Disgustingly Resilient.
  • Those Thingies: Expensive units, but using even one gives you a unit easily capable of tying up whatever comes across it. Throwing one at an enemy while escorting a Leader or other key unit can force the enemy to prioritize between firing at the thing as it charges them and use up their Overwatch or ignore it to fire the other guy and get charged anyways.
  • Possessed: Deadly bastards, they are pretty good for their price and their random powers are useful in combat. However, they absolutely NEED to get into combat in order to be useful. Despite being Death Guard, they sadly lack the protection afforded by Disgustingly Resilient, but their weapons are just as deadly and they possess the Daemonic 5++ save. Useful to support in melee, but not as a centerpiece in the assault.