
"I hate you campers! Everybody bloody hates you!"
The Warhawk, also known as the Masakari to the Inner Sphere, is one of The Clans' premier Assault BattleMechs. While as an OmniMech it can be outfitted for a variety of roles, its main configuration is known for being an aimbot sniper. Using one to cheese by camping automatically makes you That Guy.
Overview[edit | edit source]
The Warhawk was originally designed in 2999 by Clan Smoke Jaguar (ironic fitting that the 'Mech called the Warhawk was made by the clan of war hawks) in anticipation of the return to the Inner Sphere, its schematics a jealously guarded secret. Well, until the Second Star League wiped the original Jaguars off the map in an informal Annihilation that left few survivors. Nevertheless, even before the original Smoke Jaguars were extinguished as an independent Clan power, the inherent internal conflict of the Clans meant Warhawks got passed around via battle salvage and Trials of Possession to several other clans, such as Clan Jade Falcon and Clan Ghost Bear (now the Rasalhague Dominion).
During the actual Clan Invasion, the Warhawk would often be paired with the Dire Wolves the Jaguars had "acquired" from Clan Wolf. The "Masakari" moniker was given to it by the Draconis Combine (like the "Daishi" moniker was for the Dire Wolf), and since they're Weeaboos of course it's a type of Japanese axe.
Ironically, the Warhawk became LosTech in the Inner Sphere due to the Word of Blake's douchebaggery cutting off the Invading Clans from the Homeworlds even more than the Wars of Reaving had. Guess the Clannerscum now know what it's like to lose tech to petty conflict, huh? However, the design would be revived outside of the Clan Homeworlds by the Scorpion Empire repurposing factories on Antwerp to produce it once more.
For technical specs, the 85-ton 'Mech itself is based on a Huntress WH frame powered by a 340 XL engine, giving it a top speed of 64.8 km/h despite its 13.5 tons of Forging X85 ferro-fibrous armor. For heat management, it carries twenty Double Heat Sinks - mainly because many of its configs produce a fuckton of waste heat that'd make the thing an oven otherwise. The infamous Targeting Computer is also standard, which is what gives the Warhawk (especially the Prime configuration) its reputation as the aimbot 'Mech.
It also has the Design Quirk of Improved Targeting (Long), which certainly doesn't dissuade its association with campers scoring cheap kills with aim assist.
Configurations[edit | edit source]
The Warhawk is unique among OmniMechs in that its Prime variant is the super-specialized of the bunch while its alternate configurations try to make it more of an all-rounder in various different ways.
- Prime - Ever had a bout of rage against a cheating sniper in a vidya? That's the average experience of a Mechwarrior pitted against a Warhawk Prime. This is due to its main weapons being four Targeting Computer-assisted ER PPCs that are configured to use volley-fire for heat management. So you get headshot four times in a row. An LRM-10 launcher is also installed as a backup weapon.
- Alternate Configuration A - the first of the many generalist reworks, a Warhawk A uses two ER Large Lasers, an LB 10-X Autocannon capable of firing both solid and cluster rounds, and an LRM-15 launcher. CQC is done by a Streak SRM-6 launcher that replaces the LRM-10 of the Prime.
- Alternate Configuration B - generalist #2. Uses a Gauss Rifle as its main gun, while toting 3 ER Medium Lasers, an ER Small Laser, and two SRM-6 launchers for closer engagements. However, the real thing of note is a Narc Missile Beacon, which is essentially a Markerlight for its mates' missiles to ruin your day using.
- Alternate Configuration C - Switches two of the ER PPCs for Large Pulse Lasers, meaning a bit less damage, but even greater bullshit levels of aimbot accuracy. It also has a Flamer for burning infantry alive, though it necessitates three more Double Heat Sinks.
- Alternate Configuration D - Long range without being a camper. Main weapons are now two ER Large Lasers and an Ultra Autocannon/10, with a ER Small Laser as backup. It also has an ATM-9 launcher meant for use at all ranges, its various missile types having an inverse relationship between explosive payload and range bracket.
- Alternate Configuration E - Essentially the Warhawk B and C's lovechild. Has an ER PPC, a Large Pulse Laser, and an SRM 6 as backup weapons - but the main star of the show is 3 plasma cannons.
- Alternate Configuration F - Designed to reduce heat load. Only has two ER PPCs, swapping out the other two with an LRM-20 and LRM-10. The torso mount is now an Ultra AC/2.
- Alternate Configuration G - Completely flips the Warhawk to prefer close-range instead of long. Its right arm's PPCs are replaced with a single LB 20-X Autocannon with three tons of ammo, while the left's are swapped for two Improved Heavy Large Lasers and a Streak SRM-6 with one ton of reloads. Also has a Supercharger installed to make sure it can get right up close and personal as it wants to.
- Alternate Configuration H - Another close-range config, though not as much of a hit-and-runner as the Warhawk G. Has an LRM-10 so it's not completely defenseless at long-range, and its main arm guns are now two Large Pulse Lasers and two Heavy Large Lasers. Four double heat sinks are added to manage additional waste heat.
- Alternate Configuration I - Plays to the original Prime's strength as a sniper, though without the cheese of 4 PPCs. Utilizes two ER PPCs and two ER Large Lasers as its main guns, with an LRM-5 and SRM-6 in the center torso as secondaries. Said missile launchers have a ton of reloads each, and two Double Heat Sinks are added.
- Alternate Configuration L - Generalist #3, brawler edition. Its right arm sports an ATM-12 with CASE II-protected ammo, while the left has two ER PPCs with PPC Capacitors and two ER Flamers. A Watchdog CEWS package both conducts and defends from electronic warfare, while a Supercharger is added so the 'Mech can quickly go to whatever range bracket it desires. Scary to deal with but compared to the Prime it's fairer to fight against.
- Alternate Configuration T - The mixed-technology variant, combining Clan tech with that from the Inner Sphere. The right arm mounts two IS-grade Plasma Rifles while the left mounts two Clantech ER PPCs. As an emergency option, a Rocket Launcher 10 is installed in the torso in case a last-ditch attack is called for. The Plasma has 3 tons of reloads.