
Warp-Seers or Warpseers (Not to be confused with Enginseer, Farseer or Spiritseer) are Psykers who have the ability to use the time distortion properties of the warp to see into the future in combination with the Emperor's Tarot (Tarot, singular and plural, silent T so it rhymes with arrow...and not arot, you idiot) ....yeah they are a bit lame. They are sometimes used by Inquisitors. Because of their precognitive nature, divination is possibly the most popular psychic teachings for Warp-Seers.
The Emperor's Tarot[edit | edit source]
So what is the Emperor's Tarot that we're all talking about? Well the Emperor's Tarot (also called the Imperial Tarot) is a system of divining the future and the Emperor's will by using a pack of 78 psychoactive liquid-crystal wafers that are linked to the psyche of the Emperor of Mankind in the Warp. It's commonly believed to have been designed by the Emperor Himself before the Horus Heresy. The cards are laid upside down and then turned. As they are turned they are read and interpreted by the reader. The second and fourth cards drawn are signifiers, bringing clarity to the ones preceding them.
The Emperor's Tarot is believed to be one of the few ways remaining for the Emperor to directly communicate with Mankind and is held by the Ecclesiarchy and the devout of the Imperial Cult to be a sacred tool used by Him to warn of impending dangers now that he is in his Ascended state (As in interred within the Golden Throne). The Emperor's Tarot can only provide a truly precognitive reading if it is used by an individual who is a trained psyker. A non-psychic individual who uses the cards will only produce a random reading with no more deliberate predictive value than the original deck of Tarot cards from Old Earth. While the Emperor Tarots can be used by anyone, Warp-Seers are the most potent and professional users due to their nature. Trying to play these cards like Magic the Gathering is Heresy.
Known Cards[edit | edit source]

Known cards of the Emperor's Tarot include:
- High Priest
- Emperor / The God-Emperor
- Harlequin (of Discordia)
- Inquisitor (of Mandatio)
- Assassin (of Adeptio)
- Space Marine / Astartes
- Squat
- Daemon (Major Arcana)
- Hulk (Major Arcana)
- Warped Renegade (of Discordia)
- Galaxy (Major Arcana)
- Star (Major Arcana)
- Knight (of Mandatio)
- Sword
- Emperor's Throne
- Eye of Horus
- Great Hoste
- Shattered World
- Galactic Lens
- The Great Eye
- The Despoiler
- The Silver Key
- Hound
- The Shattered World
- The Lightning Tower
- The Horde
- The Young Warrior
Descriptions of Some of the Cards[edit | edit source]
The God-Emperor[edit | edit source]
- A human body, brown with age and blackened in death, sits locked within a great throne of gold, steel and brass. The corpse's mouth is open, projecting a silent scream that echoes through the unseen layers of the universe. Before the howling cadaver, a legion of angels kneels, crying violet tears.
- When drawn from the deck, this card speaks of Warp travel, of discovery, of hope in the cold depths of space.
- Inversed, when drawn upside down, it foretells of the Warp's malign touch infecting the servants of the Imperium. A hopeless war. Death from the far reaches of space.
The Great Eye[edit | edit source]
- An eye. The Eye. A wound in reality, an open scar in space where the bruise-purple and blood-red eye of Chaos leers into the galaxy. The stars die around the Eye: some fading into cold blackness, others bursting in white hot torment. The Eye stares dully, little emotion beyond distant hate. But the nebula flares, tendrils spreading across space. The Eye has opened.
- To draw this card it to foretell of war against the Forces of Chaos as the Eye is often interpreted to be the Eye of Horus, the Warmaster who betrayed the Emperor and unleashed the terrible Horus Heresy upon the galaxy.
The Despoiler[edit | edit source]
- The galaxy burns. A figure stands in ancient Power Armour, wreathed in a billion screaming souls that encircle him like mist. In its right gauntlet, Holy Terra blackens and crumbles. A demigod's blood drips from the talons. In the dim reaches of the vision, almost an afterthought, a distant howling light fades into darkness and silence. The figure smiles for the first time in ten thousand years.
- When drawn, the Despoiler card is the bane of life, the truest indicator of coming loss and unavoidable bloodshed for the Imperium of Man, usually at the hands of Chaos.
- Inversed, the card represents a rival for the Despoiler. Someone destined to stand against the machinations of Abaddon the Despoiler, the Archenemy of Mankind, and those of the Ruinous Powers of Chaos.
Some Interpretations of the Tarot[edit | edit source]
The combination of the Eye of Horus with the Great Hoste, the Shattered World above the Emperor's Throne reversed, and the Galactic Lens reversed is known to be a very bad portent. It signifies the gathering of the powers of Chaos and the death of many worlds, usually a warning of another Black Crusade from the Eye of Terror or a similarly devastating campaign by the Imperium's many enemies.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Forces of the Inquisition | |||
Command: | Inquisitor (Ordo Malleus Inquisitor - Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Ordo Xenos Inquisitor) | ||
Retinue: | Acolyte - Arbites Enforcer - Arco-flagellant - Astropath - Banisher Cherubim - Chiurgeon - Crusaders - Daemonhost - Death Cult Assassin Hierophant - Inquisitorial Agents - Inquisitorial Pyroclast - Jokaero Ministorum Priest - Militarum Veteran Squad - Mystic - Pariah - Penal Legion Penitent - Sanctioned Psyker - Sage (Autosavant - Lexmechanic - Sister Dialogous) Servo-skull (Data Skull - Tome-skull) - Servitor - Sister Hospitaler - Warp-Seer | ||
Auxiliaries: | Inquisitorial Stormtroopers - Deathwatch - Grey Knights Sisters of Battle - Callidus Assassin - Culexus Assassin Eversor Assassin - Vindicare Assassin - Vanus Assassin Venenum Asssassin | ||
Vehicles: | Chimera - Land Raider (Land Raider Crusader Land Raider Redeemer) - Razorback - Rhino | ||
Special Vehicles: | Throne of Judgement | ||
Flyers: | Valkyrie | ||
Spacecraft: | Aquila Lander - Gun-Cutter - Inquisitorial Black Ship |