Warriors of Heaven

Warriors of Heaven is a 1999 splatbook for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition. Like its counterpart, Guide to Hell, it is a plane-focused splatbook that, for some insane reason, wasn't marketed with the Planescape brand, causing it to be mostly overlooked.
This book is a player-centric expansion upon the Upper Planes and the angels that dwell there, providing new magic spells for priests and wizards, expanded aasimar material, and not only expanded lore, but also full PC writeups, for the full range of Celestial creatures! That's right, this book lets you play an Aasimon, Archon, Asura, Eladrin or Guardinal!
One unusual element of lore introduced in Warriors of Heaven is that only Aasimons, Archons and Asuras are created from the souls of Upper Planar Petitioners; Eladrin and Guardinals, despite often being considered the ascended souls of elves and animals, are actually entirely separate species who dwell on the Upper Planes, marry, have children, and ultimately die, just like mortals do!
Celestial Magic[edit | edit source]
Naturally, Warriors of Heaven has a number of new celestial-invented spells and magic items. Some of these spells are specifically created by certain races, and these spells a) are added to the list of spells that race can take as racial abilities, and b) are generally unavailable to any other race, although the book itself notes that the spells tend to "get arounds" and mortals are forever attempting to chase these spells.
- Aasimon invented the Wizard spells Armor of Light, Bestow Wings, and Phantasmal Terror; and the Cleric spells Aura of Terror, Inspiration, Aura of Invincibility, Aura of Valor, Divest, Conflagration and Ray of Life.
- Archons invented the the Cleric spells Crown of Cold, Crown of Radiance, Aura of Terror, Blessed Forgetfulness, Crown of Flame, Crown of Brilliance, Crown of Glory, Holy Smite and Shield of the Archons.
- Eladrin invented the Wizard spells Twilight Touch, Dolorous Motes, Shroud Presence, Starfire, Starmantle and Mantle of the Heavens; and the Cleric spell Radiant Messenger.
- Guardinals invented the Wizard spells Windsphere, Arms of the Tree, Diffuse Damage, Phantom Strike, Animate Trees and Elemental Wall; and the Cleric spells Protection from Silver, and Aura of Puissance.
Celestial Wizard Spells[edit | edit source]
Twilight Touch: 1st level Enchantment spell, grants a +1 bonus to all saving throws and ability checks for 1 turn/level.
Armor of Light: 2nd level Abjuration spell, grants the use AC equal to platemail as well as causing them to shed magical light (equal to full daylight) that dispels Darkness and blinds enemies for a -4 attack roll penalty (-6 for light sensitive foes). Lasts for 1 round + 1 round/level.
Protection from Prime: 2nd level Abjuration, functions similarly to Protection from Evil, but only applies to creatures from the Prime Material Plane and only works on planes other than the Prime. Lasts for 2 rounds/level.
Dolorous Motes: 3rd level Evocation, the caster can summon clouds of mist filled with flickering motes of light that flood the mind with mental anguish. The caster summons 1 cloud/level (clouds fill a 10'*10'*10' cube) and place them wherever they like within a 120 yard range. Creatures caught in the clouds must save vs. spell or suffer a -4 penalty to attack rolls, proficiency checks, ability checks, and saving throws for as long as they remain in the cloud. Spellcasters also have a (50-Intelligence score)% chance to miscast spells if they fail their saves and remain in a cloud. Escaping a cloud requires forgoing all other actions for the round and making a successful save vs spell, with a cumulative -1 penalty for each failed save. Dolorous Motes last for 1 round/level.
Shroud Presence: 3rd level Illusion, the caster becomes Invisible and Inaudible, save to any creatures designated by the caster at the casting of the spell. Lasts for 1 turn/level and only affects intelligent creatures; undead and nonintelligent ones are immune.
Windsphere: 3rd level Conjuration, the caster summons four swirling balls of air, each of which can be placed on one creature within 120 yards and lasts for 1 round/level. Creatures enveloped in a windsphere are immune to nonmagical hurled and projected missiles, and melee attackers both suffer a -4 penalty to attack rolls and must make a save vs. paralysis with each attack or ha ve their weapon torn from their grasp.
Arms of the Tree: 4th level Transmutation (or Alteration, as it was known then). Allows the wielder to pluck up to four branches, twigs or roots from a living tree and transform them into +1 weapons (sword, bow or quarterstaff for branches, arrows or bolts for twigs, whips for roots) for 1 turn/level. At the spell's end, the weapons magically resume being part of the original tree.
Bestow Wings: 4th level Transmutation (or Alteration, as it was known then). The caster grants a target creature a set of magical wings for 1 turn + 1 turn/level. The caster chooses whether to give the target butterfly, dragonfly, eagle, hornet or swan wings, with different wing types granting different flight speeds, maneuverability and extra effects. Butterfly wings let the target use Blink at-will for the duration, Dragonfly wings grant +2 to saves vs. fire and cold-based magical effects, Eagle wings grant a Dive attack, Hornet wings grant a +4 bonus to saves vs. magical confinement effects, and Swan wings grant a wing buffet attack.
Diffuse Damage: 4th level Transmutation (or Alteration, as it was known then). The caster targets one individual, designated "primary target", and then any number of individuals as "secondary targets". For 1 turn +1 turn/level, all damage done to the primary target is instead divided equally amongst all targets within a 20ft radius of the primary target.
Phantasmal Terror: 4th level Illusion, targets up to 4 creatures/level, targets must pass a save vs. spell or be rendered helpless for 1 round/level. After the spell's primary effect expires, victims must pass a second save vs. spell or flee for 2d6 rounds, with a 50% chance of dropping anything they're holding in the process.
Phantom Strike: 4th level Evocation, for 3 rounds the caster can make a bonus attack against a single creature (chosen when the spell is cast, so you only attack the same creature on each round) with a range of 20 yards. This attack uses the caster's THAC0, does 1d10+2 damage and inflicts a -4 penalty to initiative on a successful hit, and is treated as a +2 blunt weapon for damage resistance purposes.
Protection from Prime 10' Radius: 4th level Evocation, functions as per Protection from Prime, but targets a 10' radius rather than a single creature.
Starfire: 5th level Evocation, causes starlike embers to rain down over 30' radius on a target point or creature within 240 yards for 3 rounds. On each round, creatures in the area of effect take 5d6 damage (save vs. spell modified by Dexterity to halve damage). The burning embers ignite anything made of wood or flammable materials, but a medium or large shield of metal further halves the damage (so half damage on a failed save, quarter damage on a successful save). Creatures with Immunity to Magical Fire are immune to Starfire, but creatures with Immunity to Mundane Fire still take half-damage.
Summon Leser Equar: 5th level Conjuration, summons an equar for 1 day/level. Of course, the creature's alignment will play a heavy role in how willing it is to cooperate.
True Arrow: 5th level Transmutation (Alteration). Imbues 2d6 arrows or bolts with divine power; for 1 day, these missiles function as +4 weapons, ignore adverse weather or weather-modifying spells, and will steer around any objects or barriers that appear between it and the target after being launched. The missiles can pass through a minor globe of invulnerability, antimagic shell or permanent dispel magic zone, but will lose their +4 bonus when doing so.
Sentinel of Light: 6th level Conjuration, summons a plasmic entity from the Positive Energy Plane in the form of either a disc, a humanoid, a jellyfish, a star, a sword or a worm. Once summoned, it remains as a protector of a designated creature for 1 turn/level of the caster, attacking assailants with traits depending on its form.
Starmantle: 6th level Abjuration, envelops a touched target with a magical aura resembling a cloak of tiny cascading stars. The Starmantle lasts for 1 turn + 2 rounds/level, disintegrates any nonmagical weapons that strike the target before they can inflict damage, and grant the bearer the ability to make a save vs. spell whenever struck by a magical weapon or an unarmed strike; success halves the damage.
Animate Trees: 7th level Transmutation (Alteration), animates trees as loyal allies for 1 turn + 1 round/level, similarly to a treant. The caster can animate 1 tree per 4 levels. Animated trees can be turned by druids, in the same way clerics can turn undead.
Summon Greater Equar: 7th level Conjuration, summons a greater equar for 1 day/level. The caster must have learned the Summon Lesser Equar spell before they can learn this one, and the Greater Equars have just as much free will as the lesser ones do.
Elemental Wall: 8th level Evocation, the caster summons a barrier made up of either fire, ice, lightning, ooze, smoke, stone, water or wind. This barrier can be either an anchored plane (5ft thick, 10ft square per 2 levels) or a hemispherical shell (radius 3ft + 1ft/level, thickness 3ft). The barrier lasts for 1 turn/level and the caster can change its elemental composition whenever they like so long as they concentrate on the spell.
Mantle of the Heavens: 9th level Abjuration, applies a Starmantle to 1 creature/level within 10 yards with a duration of 1 turn + 2 rounds/level.
Celestial Cleric Spells[edit | edit source]
Protection From Prime: 1st level Protection sphere/Abjuration, Casting time 4, duration 3 rounds/level. Otherwise as per the Wizard spell.
Protection from Silver: 1st level Protection sphere/Abjuration, nullifies a single creature's vulnerability to silver weapons for 1 hour/level.
Create Healing Potion: 2nd level Healing sphere/Transmutation, transforms a single container's worth of liquid into a standard healing potion (2d4+2) for 1 day + 1 day/level.
Divine Weakness: 2nd level Combat sphere/Transmutation; reduces the Strength of a single creature within 30 yards to 1 for 1d4 rounds + 1 round/level if they fail a save. If the caster attacks the target or otherwise allows them to be harmed, the spell ends immediately; it was created to temporarily pacify foes so that they can be talked down or captured without killing them.
Impart Resistance: 2nd level Protection sphere/Abjuration, can only be cast by a caster with innate magic resistance. The caster can sacrifice their own Magic Resistance, in 5% increments, and dole the sacrificed Magic Resistance out to as many creatures as they want for as long as they want.
Renewed Ability: 2nd level Charm sphere/Enchantment, can only be cast by a caster with an innate spell-like ability. Instantly restores a depleted use of a spell-like ability. Can only restore spell-like abilities that mimic 3rd level or lower spells.
Crown of Cold: 3rd level Combat & Elemental spheres/Evocation. The caster surrounds themselves with a magical aura of holy frost for 1 round + 1 round/level; for that duration, all innately evil creatures (fiends, undead, evil spirits and evil fey) within 10 feet take 2d4 magical cold damage. Damage from this spell is halved by cold immunity, and it ignores cold resistance of the "take half damage from cold" variety. Evil creatures vulnerable to cold, such as yugoloths, take double damage from this spell.
Crown of Radiance: 3rd level Sun sphere/Evocation. A touched creature radiates Continual Light (10ft radius) until dawn.
Radiant Messenger: 3rd level Summoning sphere/Conjuration. Summons a lesser entity from the Plane of Radiance that will deliver a message to an individual of the caster's choice. The message must take no longer than a single round to convey, and the caster must know the recipient's true name and present location for the spell to work. If successful, the entity vanishes by stepping through the nearest light source and teleporting off to the target. It takes 1 hour to deliver a message to a target on the same plane, and 1 day if the target is on a seperate plane.
Aura of Terror: 4th level Charm Sphere/Transmutation and Enchantment. The caster gains a soft aura of shimmering silver and golden hues for 1 round/level. During that time period, intelligent evil creatures that look at the caster must make a save vs. spell at a -2 penalty or be fearstruck, suffering a -4 penalty to morale checks so long as the caster is visible. Creatures with 2 or fewer HD will flee for 1d6+1 rounds, those with 3+ HD will instead only be able to defend themselves for 1d3 rounds.
Blessed Forgetfulness: 4th level Necromantic & Thought Spheres/Transmutation and Enchantment. This spell permanently cures the effect of failed Fear or Horror checks, as well as Madness caused by exposure to Pandemonium or the Abyss. It can be reversed to form the spell Winged Memory, which will permanently restore memories of creatures affected by Styx water, the Forget spell, or a Touch of the Styx spell, and can alternatively be used to restore a 1st or 2nd level spell to a spellcaster.
Inspiration: 4th level Divination Sphere/Divination. Can only be cast 1/day. Grants the user the answer to one question or the solution to one problem.
Protection from Prime 10' Radius: 4th level Protection sphere/Abjuration. Aside from its casting time of 7 and its duration of 1 turn/level, this is identical to the Wizard spell of the same name.
Vengeful Strike: 4th level Combat & Guardian spheres/Necromancy. The caster summons ghostly wisps, 1/level, that encircle the spell's single recipient. Each time that the spell's target is successfully wounded or debilitated, one of the wisps expends itself to inflict the exact same damage or effect on the assailant. The spell lasts for 1 turn/level or until all wisps are expended. They cannot retaliate against non-damaging or non-debilitating magical attacks.
Wound Transfer: 4th level Healing and Necromantic spheres/Necromancy. The caster can "heal" an injured creature of up to 1d6 damage per level by transfering the damage to a second willing creature. If the caster attempts to transfer damage that would reduce the volunteer below 1 HP, then that damage is instead inflicted upon the caster.
Aura of Invincibility: 5th level Protection sphere/Abjuration. The target gains immunity to nonmagical damage of all sources, whether caused by unenchanted weapons, falling stonework, acid, nonmagical fire/frost/lightning, or whatever, for 1 round/level. Spells and magical attacks still work.
Aura of Puissance: 5th level Combat sphere/Transmutation. The caster grants a target a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls with melee and missile attacks for 1 round + 1 round/level.
Aura of Valor: 5th level Combat sphere/Enchantment. The caster can grant 1 creature/level immunity to natural fear and a +4 to saves vs. magical fear for 1 turn/level.
Crown of Flame: 5th level Sun sphere/Evocation. Basically, Crown of Frost, but doing 2d6 magical fire damage.
Divest: 5h level Combat and Thought spheres/Transmutation. The caster can apply one of the following debuffs to a creature within 60 feet:
- Creature cannot use a specific innate spell-like ability for 1 day/level.
- Creature loses a memorized spell of 4th level or lower.
- Creature loses 1%/level magic resistance for 1 day/level.
- Creature loses 1 damage immunity for 1 day/level. This can not be used to remove resistance to weapons.
Blessed Concoction: 6ht level Healing and Protection spheres/Transmutation. The caster transforms a single flask or bottle of liquid into either a Potion of Extra-Healing, Elixir of Health or Potion of Vitality for 1 week + 1 day/level.
Crown of Brilliance: 6th level Sun sphere/Evocation. Target gains a blinding aura around their head for 1 round/2 levels. Creatures trying to fight the target in melee must save vs. spells or be blinded for 1d4 rounds suffering a -4 penalty to attack rolls, AC and saves. Even if they succeed the save, they still take a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Creatures with light sensitivity have it even worse; they have to make a save vs. spell when they get within 30ft of the Crown of Brilliance or flee, and even on a save they still suffer their usual light blindness penalties. Undead other than skeletons and zombies take 1d6 damage per round they remain within 30ft of the Crown.
Crown of Glory: 7th level Sun and Charm spheres/Evocation and Enchantment. For 1/round level, the caster gains an aura of godly power that affects any creature of 6 HD or lower. These creatures must make a save vs. spell or fall to the Crown's effects, which allows them to understand the caster regardless of language and be affected by Suggestion spells.
Holy Smite: 7th level Combat sphere/Evocation. The caster can target a single creature anywhere on the same plane by invoking their true name. If they don't know it, this spell won't work. If it does work, the target immediately drops to 1 HP and is disorientated (-6 penalty to all rolls) flor 2d6 rounds.
Ray of Life: 7th level Healing and Necromantic spheres/Necromancy. The caster zaps a single creature within 60 yards with a beam of concentrated life-force. On a living target, this acts as a Heal. On a corpse, this acts as a Raise Dead. On an undead creature, this inflicts 1d6 damage per HD of the target. It has no effect on constructs.
Shield of the Archons: 7th level Protection sphere/Abjuration. Can only be cast 1/day. For 1 round/2 levels, the caster is immune to all incoming magical attacks - howeover, there is a cumulative 5% chance each time the shield absorbs an attack that it shatters and is rendered useless. Against area effect spells, as well as breath weapons, the shield grants +4 to saves and -2 hit points per die damage reduction. If the caster is targeted by 2 attacks simultaneously, it will only block the most dangerous attack (as determined by the DM).
Slay Evil: 7th level Necromantic sphere/Necromancy. Instantly annihilates (5 + 1/level) hit dice worth of evil creatures within a 60ft radius. Fiends destroyed by this spell can only be revived with a Wish. Other evil creatures can be restored, but only by a Resurrection or Reincarnation spell.
Spiritdance: 7th level Summoning & Necromantic spheres/Conjuration & Necromancy. By touching the body of a fallen champion, the caster summons the manifestation of that champion's spirit to battle once more for 1 round/level.
Celestial Magic Items[edit | edit source]
Archon's Horn: By spending a full round and making a successful Musical Instrument (Horn) check, the bearer of this horn can cast the following spells 1/day each: Control Winds, Dismiss Elemental, Raise Dead, Turn Wood, Weather Summoning, Word of Recall (user). 3/day it can also be played to mimic the effects of Turn Undead used by a 16th level cleric.
Chains of Light: When used to bind an evil creature, these chains emit magical light that can blind other evil creaturers. If the victim tries to escape, they steadily increase or decrease in temperature, depending on whether the victim is more vulnerable to fire or cold damage, inflicting ever-greater damage until the victim stops trying to fight free.
Eel Trident: This magical trident can generate light (60ft radius) at will. When underwater, it can generate watery bolts 3/day (treat as Magic Missiles that take a full round to coalesce, range 120 yards, 1d4+1 damage each), and 1/day can turn into a 7ft long eel, which can bind creatures as per a Rope of Constriction.
Fiendslayer: This is a guardinal-crafted +2 Silver Spear that doesn't lose its enchantment on planes outside of Arborea - yes, that was a thing in AD&D; your precious magical stuff might spontaneously stop working if you took it to the wrong plane. It also inflicts double damage to baatezu, gehreleths, tanar'ri and yugoloths. The drawback? It compels all fiends within 50 feet to make a save vs. spell each round or be forced to engage the bearer in a fight to the death.
Nephilus of Spell Immunity: This enchanted necklace gives the bearer total immunity to 3d6+4 specific spells of 4th level or lower. It does not function in conjunction with any other protective devices apart from bracers of defense, although protective spells still operate normally.
Prism Maze: This faceted crystal can cast Maze, as per the Wizard spell, 1/day.
Scimitar of Final Striking: At rest, this blade appears as a finely wrought platinum sword hilt. When wielded by a good-aligned creature, they can call forth a shimmering scimitar blade of holy energy at will. This blade functions as a Scimitar +4, except it also emits holy music that inflicts a -4 penalty o moral checks for evil creatures, and any evil creature struck by it must save vs. death magic or die instantly. Oh, and it can shatter walls of force, walls of ice, Otiluke's resilient spheres, Otiluke's freezing spheres and forcecages on contact. Evil creatures stupid enough to try and grab the hilt must make the same save vs. death magic (-2 penalty for Chaotic Evil) or die outright. Fiends slain by this scimitar are destroyed utterly, no matter where it was used against them.
Trumpet of Healing: By spending a full round and making a successful Musical Instrument (Horn) check, the bearer of this horn can cast the following spells 3/day each, with each spell affecting all non-evil creatures other than the player within 120 feet: Cure Blindness & Deafness, Cure Serious Wounds, Neutralize Poison. The bearer can also grant Heal to a single reature within 120 feet 1/day.
Vambraces of Evil's Warding: Evil creatures suffer a -4 penalty to missile attacks against the wearer. Evil creatures stupid enough to try and wear these bracers take 2d8 damage and gain no benefits.