Wicket Tank

Originally designed to be a similar weapons platform to the American Flame Tank, the Wicket tank was designed to fire a huge gout of burning, sticky fluid. Unfortunately the fuel proved maddeningly difficult to ignite and more often than not would just cover the target in a huge sticky mass rather than engulf it in flames. Before the British could cancel the project in disgust, the press began running stories about the fantastic new weapon the British army was testing, a weapon capable of gumming up the legs of the Invaders Tripods and leaving them helplessly stuck. Realizing the new application for the new Wicket Tank, soon dozens were rolling out of the workshops of the home islands.
Which means that yes, this tank’s name is literally a pun on “Sticky Wicket.” Alein Dungeon confirmed for making dad jokes.
British Forces in All Quiet on the Martian Front | |
Armored Fighting Vehicles: | Imperial Tank - Kitchener Tank - Wicket Tank - Specter Armoured Car - Defiant Armoured Car - Mono Tank |
Transports: | Cardigan Infantry Carrier - Lloyd Command Carrier |
Infantry: | British Command Squad - Vickers Machine-gun Squad - British Assault Squad - Cavalry Squad |
Artillery: | 2-pound Heavy Coil Gun |