Wraithskin Suit

A pretty new and awesome piece of Daemonic-wear that appears to be the only piece of armour a Daemon from Chaos wears. Wraithskin Suits are by function, the Immataerium's answer to a Bodyglove.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Wraithskin Suits are worn only by the Infernus Abomination for some reason. No other Daemon has been seen wearing something like that. Like the aforementioned Bodyglove, the Wraithskin Suit is less armor and more secondary skin.
Nevertheless, the Suit does give the Infernus Abomination additional benefits other than making him look like he just stepped out of red paint. For one, Wraithskin Suits override their neural impulses and warps their body, pushing them beyond human limits to become the perfect killer. Whether this means regular old Joes could wear it too is unknown, but we do know that it enhances the physical strength, speed and reflexes akin to the Crysis Suit.
For another, the Wraithskin Suit, like their wearer, is forever amorphous, meaning that finding the right size isn't an issue. Although it is sort of creepy given that the Suit behaves like it is a semi-sentient piece of slime, akin to that of a Venom Symbiote.
Overall, fucking baller.