Yeoman (Battletech)
"Yo Dawg, I heard you like missiles"
- – Ancient Meme

The Yeoman is a heavy fire-support BattleMech known for bringing as many missiles as there are stars in the sky down on unsuspecting lances and regiments as humanly possible. It can be considered the Free Worlds League’s answer to the Catapult.
The 'mech is also notable for its.... divisive appearance, being, essentially, a literal box of LRMs on two legs.
Overview[edit | edit source]
The Yeoman was developed by Curtiss Militech, a company previously borne from a hydroponics firm that got way out of hand. After their first mech, the Wraith, was a surprise smash hit, they wanted to branch out into different kinds of Mechs to see what they could come up with and capitalize quickly. The Wraith was unconventional due to it's shockingly powerful engine and large weapons payload, and so they wanted to make something in the Heavy category that was somehow even better at dealing destruction on a larger scale.
The Yeoman was born from this, and to say it fulfills it's role is underselling it.
Officially a Fire support Mech, the Yeoman is in fact two preposterously large missile pod arrays on legs with a cockpit in-between them, but if this was the way they were going to make it, somehow, Curtiss found a way to make it work, giving it Ferro-Fibrous armor and an Endo-Steel chassis, powered by a tough fusion reactor that can somehow get this thing above 60kph. Oh, and it should go without saying that the Yeoman also sports the CASE system, because otherwise this would be an easily explodable fireworks factory.
Armaments[edit | edit source]
Those two fuck-off missile arrays that dominate the Mech in fact count as four different LRM systems: Two LRM-15s and Two LRM-10s. This means that the Yeoman can drop an absolutely ridiculous amount of munitions from half a continent away on top of any unlucky son of a bitch that happened to not notice the walking missile platform, but even with its respectable armor, its Achilles heel is that the Yeoman has no short-range weaponry whatsoever (not even a machine gun or some snub lasers like the Catapult) so it needs to kill you at bare-minimum from six hexes away before it becomes a sitting duck.