
Also transliterated as Zentradi, Zjentohlauedy, T'sentrati, or Zentrady. Straight from Macross and carried over to Robotech.
A militaristic race of alien humanoid giants created through genetic cloning. Knowing nothing but combat and war, this race divided itself into male and female (Meltraedi) camps, forgetting love, compassion and culture. These guys are the OG space animu aliums and are proof that Bards really do work. They are playable in Robotech RPG Tactics, and the Robotech and Macross 2 RPGs.
This page will cover the Macross version of the Zentraedi. If you want Robotech's version, look over at the Robotech page.
History[edit | edit source]
In the beginning, there were aliens. Not just any aliens but THE aliens. We're talking Old Ones tier. These creatures were called the Protoculture, and their goal was to spread their advanced civilization to the universe. They were so powerful they could even create life in a petri dish using inert chemicals. It was this ability that saw the creation of the Zen and Meltraedi, space giants who love to fuck shit up, in order to spread their genius to the brainlets who didn't want it.
They weren't the only Xenos in the universe, however, nor the only one that was retard strong. Cue the Protodeviln, space demons who can suck the spirit energy out of any being, as well as mind control them. The Protodevlin used their mind rape abilities to control some Protoculture and Zentraedi to fight against each other causing such a rapid population decline that it would make Japan blush.
While the Protodevlin would eventually be defeated, the Protoculture were extremely crippled and their race doomed. This made them look for a culture to carry on their work, mainly because the Zentraedi were too stupid and rebelled. So, of all their creations, they chose the monkeymen of Earth to inherit their greatest technology. How? Why, by crashing it straight into them of course! They even put a giant bird robot on Earth a long time ago to make sure we didn't get too big for our britches and kill us all if we did. The Protoculture were definitely playing favorites!
Space War I[edit | edit source]
Millions of years went by after the Protoculture genetically influenced Earth and were then genocided by the Zentraedi. Earth was still getting its shit together, having just fought a global civil war between the evil United Nations that wanted to do away with individual culture and the proud freedom fighters who wished to see their nations stay independent. Unfortunately, the good guys lost, and Earth was united under the UN.
After this they found lots of lost technology that could conveniently be made for battle. The earthlings made lots of plane Mecha, regular Mecha and the SDF MA-KU-ROSS, a giant battleship that could transform into an even BIGGER Mecha. The Zentraedi saw this and seethed to high heaven as this technology was used by the Protoculture, so they invaded the planet in 2009 and waged a war for the complete annihilation of the Earthlings.
Do to some tomfuckery on the parts of the Macross and the invading Zentraedi, the entire island it was on was teleported all the way to the end of the solar system. Lots of battles took place in space as the Macross and her human complement made their way home until the Zentraedi heard a teenage Japanese industry plant play her mixtape about her boyfriend being in the military or a reminder on what love is.
Needless to say, the beast was stunned. So much so even that they turned against their leaders and eventually settled with the humans... Admittedly not ALL of them sided with the little people of Earth and some even blew up its surface, but the ones that mattered (and stayed alive) did.
The Present[edit | edit source]
After Space War I, the once proud warrior race had been completely turned. The Zentraedi were wearing blue jeans, playing vidya, and listening to the jams that Earth culture provided. Some of them even shrunk themselves to human size and got hitched to them! The Zentraedi had completely fallen in line with humanity.
They may have had a few hiccups here and there, but they have been officially declared honorary Humans along with all the other children of the Protoculture. They are the main reason why people still shill their soundclouds in the middle of active warzones to this day.