Renegade Enforcer

Renegade Enforcers are troops that fall within the Lost and the Damned. These brutish and crude minions of Chaos serve to keep the undisciplined hordes of a renegade army under control and keep up the advance in the battlefields.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Renegade Enforcers are much like Commissars in fluff and crunch, they increase the LD value of the unit they’re with by 1 as long as they’re alive, and should the unit fail a Morale check or LD test, they’ll execute one squad member and force the unit to re-roll the test. As if that wasn’t good enough, they have access to a special piece of wargear, combat drug injectors. This lovely item allows you to give the entire unit Rage when you declare a charge, but at the end of the assault phase, they must pass a Toughness test, or D3 random models will be removed.
Well, they were until 8th edition took away the combat drug injectors and then 9th edition got rid of the blamming. All these guys do now is buff leadership of squads around them, which isn't that big a deal considering random leadership is gone.
They are also cooler than their loyalist counterparts. Who the hell wants to serve some red capped fucker when you can serve under a badass motherfucker wearing a black skull for a mask.
Other than the pretty cool outfit, Enforcers wear Carapace Armour and are equipped with either a laspistol or even a bolt pistol for Blamming cowards who have disappointed the Dark Gods and a sharp and pointy Close Combat Weapon like a sword to shank both enemies and allies alike.
Traitor Commissar[edit | edit source]

Enforcers basically got a fluff makeover in the new Kill Team: Moroch set where they ditched the badass black skull helmet for the lameduck commissar outfit.
While it was originally believed to be near impossible for any Commissar to fall to Chaos (at least for those of you following the the Regimental Standard, and the Regimental Standard never lies, although it may make very minor errors at times for none save the Emperor is perfect), the existence of Traitor Commissars has been confirmed. While it seems they still act as leaders of heretics and traitor Guardsmen, their exact role (and whether or not they execute people for being possible Loyalists) is uncertain, although a good guess is that they'd act like enforcers on a wider scale.
Ciaphas Cain in his memoirs states that Commissars occasionally do join Chaos when their regiment joins Chaos, but normally if a regiment decides to serve Chaos, the Commissar is one of the first people killed by the regiment when it decides to purge loyalists of the Corpse Emperor. In one of the Ciaphas Cain books, a Commissar joins the 13th Black Crusade.
Out of meta, there are only three instances where we've seen playable Chaos commissars: the first being the above-mentioned Enforcers made by Forge World, the second being the Escalation expansion of Blackstone Fortress, where he's accompanied by a mutant Ogryn bodyguard, and the third being the aforementioned Kill Team: Moroch set, which reuses the same commissar and ogryn models from Blackstone Fortress.
On the tabletop, Kill Team at least, the Enforcer is surprisingly less trigger happy than his loyalist counterparts. He comes with a support aura that lets operatives activated within 3"/square to ignore the Injured condition so they can make the most out of their remaining life before becoming tokens. He also has an action that lets him goad a non-readied operative forward, letting them either Dash or fire overwatch regardless of circumstances. This combined with the bolt pistol+power fist combo makes the enforcer a powerful leader-type.
He counts under as a Combat and Staunch category.