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Legio Antsar
Militaris Grade Primus
Warden Domain Al-Sherar
Cognomen The Conquerors
Allied Houses Order of Bahri
Allegiance Fidelitas Constantus

This page details people, events, and organisations from the /tg/ Heresy, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. See the /tg/ Heresy Timeline and Galaxy pages for more information on the Alternate Universe.

Legio Antsar was a mighty Titan Legion based on the Forge World Al-Sherar. Even before Al-Sherar's compliance, the Legion fought in campaigns in the Al-Sherar Sector, including the subjugation of the Order of Bahri. After the Forge World's discovery by Gaspard Lumey in the Al-Sherar Sector War, Legio Antsar often aided the campaigns of the Fifth Legion in the Great Crusade and Hektor Heresy.

Notable Campaigns=[edit | edit source]

  • 897-898.M30: Latoti Crusade. A battlegroup of the Conquerors was dispatched to Pandora to fight WAAAGH! Rok'Ed alongside Fifth Legion. They played a key part in the Imperial victory by countering the wrath of Orkish Gargants.