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==Kabal Demeanour==
==Kabal Demeanour==
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! colspan="3" |Kabal Flaw (d6)
! colspan="2" |Kabal Flaw (d6)
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Revision as of 07:19, 25 October 2013

This article provides a number of fluffy options for you to consider if you create your own Dark Eldar Kabal. Options were sourced from /tg/. Currently some diceroll ranges are missing, so these tables do not function as a random Kabal generator. Feel free to invent your own ranges.

Kabal Motivation

Kabal Motivation (d12)
2 Sport
3 Kabal splinter
4 Fallen Craftworld Eldar
5 Fallen Exodite Eldar
6 Homunculus front
7 Kabal front
8 Pleasure Cult
9 Defence of a district
10 Pirates
11 Backup dancers
12 Some Spiritual shit

Kabal Age

Kabal Age (d100)
1-50 Extremely Recently: Not very powerful.
51-75 250-1000 years ago: Middle-aged as Kabals go; can range widely in power.
76-90 1-2 thousand years ago: Most that are still around are powerful in their own extremely localized fiefdoms. Not a lot that are shadows of their former glory; Vect didn't leave much behind when he wiped somebody out.
91-99 3-10 thousand years ago: Vect's Kabal arose around this time. Kabal is either extremely powerful or a shadow of its former glory.
100 Before the Fall: Kabal is either extremely powerful or a shadow of its former, extensive glory.

Kabal Progenitor

Kabal Progenitor (d8 Disregard first option unless you rolled one of the last two results on previous table.)
1 Member of pre-Fall nobility
2 Usurping Dracon or Sybarite
3 Hellion who gave up gang life for power
4 A ruthless badass who came out on top after the violent anarchic days before the Kabal fully formed
5 A Dark Muse
6 Fallen Craftworlder
7 Fallen Exodite
8 Pirate/Corsair

Kabal Leader's Personality

Archon/Haemonculus/Succubus Personality (d12, roll twice and add for really colorful results)
1 Insane- His mind is so twisted and erratic that even Tzeentch couldn't read it
2 Sadist- Your leader's desire to see others suffer is disturbing, even for a Dark Eldar
3 Calculating- He rivals Vect in his level of playing chess
4 "Intimidate by Example"- Your leader considers fear (and mutilation of failed subjects) to be the best of motivators
5 Delusional- Perhaps he thinks that torturing people is doing them a favor? Or maybe he just doesn't realize reality. Who knows
6 Indifferent- Sex and drugs gets old after a while
7 Hatred- Your leader is motivated by vengeance or a deep-seated hatred that fuels him to indescribable acts
8 Flamboyant- The only thing he loves more than his fancy outfits are dramatic displays of destruction and carnage; with him as the centerpiece
9 Arrogant- His pride outshines all others in Commorragh. They refuse to even have their clothes touched by all but the purest and most expensive courtesans.
10 Curious- "These grey-skinned creatures; send a raiding party to one of their worlds. I wish to know if their fore-heads can be used for something useful."
11 Hedonist- Your leader cares for little other than ecstatic pleasure and seeks out the highest of highs. Would probably release daemonettes into Commorragh just to fuck them.
12 Ambition- Torture and raiding are all fun and games, but he's in it for the big leagues. Vect better watch his back

(I know some of these are a little redundant but I felt we needed this, so I whipped it up)

Kabal Demeanour

Kabal Flaw (d6)
1 Swift As The Wind - Faster raiders even than other DE. They'll have the skin off your body faster than you can scream in torturous agony.
2 No Stone Unturned - Thorough looters and pillagers. Nothing is left untouched.
3 Purity Above All - A particular hatred of psykers, for the attention from She Who Thirsts that they bring.
4 See, But Don't Be Seen - Sneaky and undetectable right until the point where they leap out and feed you your own testicles to laugh at your gurgling. 5 Xenophobe/Xenophile - Particular hatred/interest for alien species. Might capture them for a zoo, or just slaughter them because they're not Dark Eldar. 6 Why do you hate Commorragh? - Particular hatred for their super-pure and uptight siblings.

Some of these are going to have to be renamed. Suffer not the alien to live does not imply interest and it's a massive stretch for Dark Eldar to have a concept of heresy.

Kabal Flaw

Kabal Flaw (d8)
1–2 We Stand Alone - The Kabal maintains distant relations with everyone, seeing imminent betrayal everywhere.
3–4 Pride in the Colours - The Kabal insists on wearing gaudy and ostentatious ornamentation declaring their might and wealth.
5–6 Kabal Cult - The Kabal practices exotic and extreme rituals, even for the Dark Eldar.
7–8 Eye to Eye - The Kabal finds pleasure only in the slaughter of hand-to-hand combat.

Territory Location

Territory Location (d8)
1 High class district
2 Habitation spires
3 Slave-labour complex
4 Slums
5 Docking spires
6 Arena district
7 Haemonculus laboratory/temple/shrine
8 Non-Eldar Xenos camp

Territory Condition

  • Average
  • Toxic
  • Warp-poisoned
  • Fiercely-contested
  • Fogbound
  • Mandrake-infested
  • Warpbeast-infested
  • Haunted
  • Especially Grisly (by DE standards)
  • Partially Organic
  • Crystalline
  • Decaying
  • Ruined
  • Abandoned
  • Recently-conquered
  • Roll two dice, and reroll any duplicate results

Kabal Tactics

Kabal Tactics (d10)
1 Boarding Actions
2 Infiltration Tactics
3 Performance Art: Agony
4 Performance Art: Poison
5 Performance Art: Speed
6 Performance Art: Terror
7 Performance Art: Death (the go big or go home of the performance art segment; the really big Archons pay well for raids that specialize in mass slaughter, but they're also the ones who are most likely to subject you to tortures even they find novel if your performance isn't up to par.)
8 Death From Above
9 Capture Specialists
10 Sting And Disappear

Kabal Resource

Kabal Resource (d100)
01-20 Nutrient Sources
21-50 Anchorage
51-60 Incubus Shrine
61-70 Owned Arena
71-73 Webway Gate
74 Realspace Fleet
75 Trueborn Majority
76-85 Weapon-Forge
86-89 Cloning Vats (more dudes/easier to attract Haemonculi)
90-99 Ship-Forge
100 Own a Sun

Kabal Signature Weapon

Kabal Signature Weapon (d9)
1 Splinter weapons
2 Close combat
3 Blaster weapons
4 Slave hunting focus
5 Jet bikes
6 Mandrake herders
7 Heavy weapons
8 Wrack lovers
9 Trueborn snob pain dealers

Currently Not Betraying

Currently Not Betraying (d8)
1 Another Kabal (That Might Be A Front For Yours)
2 A Wych Cult
3 A Haemonculus Coven
4 A Corsair Prince
5 An Exodite World
6 A Craftworld Exarch
7 A Craftworld Farseer
8 A Xenos Patsy (unbetrayed state EXTREMELY temporary)


Goals? (d8)
1 Carnal Pleasure
2 Stimulants & Hallucinogenics
3 Music
4 Inscrutable
5 Riches
6 Murder
7 Power
8 Survival
Warhammer 40,000 Faction Creation Tables
Imperium Adeptus Custodes Shield Host - Grey Knight Brotherhood - Imperial Guard Regiment - Imperial Knight House - Inquisitor - Legiones Skitarii - Legio Titanicus - Renegade Space Marine Chapter - Sisters of Battle Order - Space Marine Chapter - Tempestus Scions Regiment - Underhive Gang - Noble House
Chaos Chaos Space Marine Warband - Chaos Warband - Heretical Cult - Lost and the Damned Regiment - Renegade Knight House - Dark Skitarii Force - Traitor Titan Legion
Xenos Creature Creator - Dark Eldar Kabal - Eldar Craftworld - Harlequin Masque - Genestealer Cult - Necron Dynasty - Ork Klan - Tau Cadre - Tyranid Hive Fleet - Wych Cult
Planets Forge World Generator - Dark Mechanicus Forge World Generator - Planet Generator - Solar System Generator
Misc. Power Armour