Wych Cult Creation Tables

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This article provides a number of fluffy options for you to consider if you create your own Dark Eldar Wych Cult. Many options were taken from the Dark Eldar Kabal tables.

Origin[edit | edit source]

Cult Age[edit | edit source]

Every Wych Cult was founded at some point.

Cult Age (d10)
1-2 Juvenile (<1000 years old)
3-7 Young (1,000 - 2,500 years old)
8-9 Old (2,500 - 5,000 years old)
10 Ancient (>5,000 years old)

Cult Origin[edit | edit source]

How did the Wych Cult form?

Cult Origin(d8)
1 Formed by members of another Wych Cult that split off
2 Formed by members seeking excitement and sport
3 Formed by members that found an abandoned arena
4 Fallen Craftworld/Exodite/Corsair Eldar
5 Created by an Archon to offer entertainment to their territory
6 Descended from a pre-Fall Pleasure Cult
7 Dark Eldar pirates created a place to show off their living booty in a gruesome way
8 Spiritual reasons (e.g followers of a Dark Muse's teachings)

Leader[edit | edit source]

Current Succubus (d100)
1-10 Founder
11-30 Usurping Hekatrix
31-50 Former Slave
51-70 Syren (second in command)
71-90 Puppet of a Haemonculus or Archon of an "allied" Coven or Kabal
91-99 Fallen Craftworlder/Exodite/Corsair Prince
100 Something extremely unusual, like a ruling triumvirate or a male

Cult Leader's Personality[edit | edit source]

Succubus Personality (d10, roll twice and add for really colorful results)
1 Insane
2 Calculating
3 Delusional
4 Flamboyant
5 Arrogant
6 Ambitious
7 Fuelled by Hatred
8 Hedonist
9 Tyrannical
10 Curious

Greatest Deed[edit | edit source]

Arena[edit | edit source]

Condition[edit | edit source]

Arena Condition (d100)
1-19 Average
20-29 Toxic
30-35 Terrifying
36-40 Ornamented
41-45 Foggy
46-55 Cramped
56-60 Infested
61-70 Haunted
71-75 Crystalline
76-80 Decaying
81-85 Ruined
86-90 Colossal
91-95 Shadowed
96-100 Impossible

Shows[edit | edit source]

Realspace Raids[edit | edit source]

Frequency[edit | edit source]

Tactics[edit | edit source]

Culture[edit | edit source]

Signature Weapon[edit | edit source]

Cult Signature Weapon (d10)
1 Ranged weapons
2 Wych Knives or other small, bladed weapons
3 Punch Daggers or Vambrace Blades
4 Hydra Gauntlets
5 Weighted Flails
6 Razorflails
7 Agonizers or other whip-like weaponry
8 Impalers
9 Power swords or other large, bladed weapons
10 Multiple - roll 2d10, rerolling 10s

Demeanor[edit | edit source]

Flaw[edit | edit source]

Cult Flaw (d8)
1 We Stand Alone - The Cult maintains distant relations with everyone, seeing imminent betrayal everywhere.
2 Pride in the Colours - The Cult insists on wearing gaudy and ostentatious ornamentation declaring their might and wealth.
3 Cult Rituals - The Cult practices exotic and extreme rituals, even for the Dark Eldar.
4 Infrequent Performances - The Doors of the Cult's Arena frequently stay closed, earning them the ire of Commorragh's other denizens.
5 A Knife in Every Back - The Cult is riven by internal feuds to a degree that is extreme even by Commorragh standards.
6 Endless Thirsting - The Cult members are ravaged by the Thirst even more than the rest of their race.
7 Forbidden Pact - The Cult has had dealings with another power that would earn it the wrath of the rest of their race if this was revealed.
8 Eldar Arrogance - The Cult will not hesitate to attack even the most dangerous foes or the most heavily-defended targets.

Politics[edit | edit source]

Strength[edit | edit source]

Cult Status (d10)
1 Endangered - The Cult has suffered heavy losses, falling to less than a thousand Wyches, with almost no allies and mercenarys remaining. They will need a dramatic reversal of fortune to return to their former heights.
2-4 Slightly Understrength - The Cult has recently taken some losses, though they remain a significant power.
5-6 Typical Strength - About average strength for a Wych Cult: many thousand Wyches and slaves supported by a reliable supporting caste united under the iron grip of a strong Succubus.
7-9 Slightly Overstrength - The Cult is slightly larger than most in some manner.
10 Massive - Loads of Wyches, loads of Slaves, the works. These gals are a significant power in Commorragh.
Cause of diminished strength (If Endangered or Slightly Understrength) (d10)
1 Infertility: The cult is kept small because it lost access to its means of procreation (cloning vats, breeding slaves, etc.).
2-4 Fractured Deployment: The Cult is strong, but its forces are spread thin: deployed by an allied kabal, skirmishing, following their own agendas, etc.
5-6 Internal Strife: Conflicts within the Cult. This may be anything from a dispute over the spoils of a raid to an all-out civil war.
7-9 Heavy Losses: The Cult sustained massive casualties in an ill-fated raid.
10 Treachery: A part of the Cult split off.
Cause of increased strength (If Slighly Overstrength or Massive) (d10)
1 Patronage: The warband is favoured by a mighty Archon, or perhaps a powerful haemonculy, which allows it to draw upon their forces.
2-4 Takeover: The Cult merged with a smaller one or picked up the remains of a defeated one.
5-6 Enemy Mine: The Cult joined forces with another Drukhari faction that shared the same goals or a common enemy.
7-9 Legendary Artists: Rumours of the Wyches' prowess attracts many initiates and other factions willing to serve them.
10 Population Growth: The Cult has gained access to cloning vats or a large amount of slaves, allowing them to quickly grow their numbers.

Allies[edit | edit source]

Dark Eldar don't have allies in the traditional sense, but they always find it useful to manipulate others...

Currently Not Betraying (d10)
1 Another Wych Cult (That Might Be A Front For Yours)
2 A Kabal
3 A Haemonculus Coven
4 The Ynnari
5 An Exodite World
6 A Craftworld Exarch
7 A Craftworld Farseer
8 A Xenos Patsy (unbetrayed state EXTREMELY temporary)
9 A Corsair Prince
10 Roll on Enemies Table

Enemies[edit | edit source]

It's beneath the Dark Eldar to consider lower races their rival, but many Cults have preferred targets...

Who does the Cult raid frequently? (d10)
1 Orks (specific Klan)
2 Imperial Guard (specific Regiment/homeworld)
3 Space Marines (specific Chapter)
4 Minor Aliens(see below)
5 Another Dark Eldar Faction
6 Daemons (specific god)
7 Chaos Space Marines (specific Warband)
8 Necrons (specific Dynasty)
9 Tyranids/Genestealer Cult (specific fleet/cult)
10 Roll twice. Re-roll additional results of 10.

Goal[edit | edit source]

Warhammer 40,000 Faction Creation Tables
Imperium Adeptus Custodes Shield Host - Grey Knight Brotherhood - Imperial Guard Regiment - Imperial Knight House - Inquisitor - Legiones Skitarii - Legio Titanicus - Renegade Space Marine Chapter - Sisters of Battle Order - Space Marine Chapter - Tempestus Scions Regiment - Underhive Gang - Noble House
Chaos Chaos Space Marine Warband - Chaos Warband - Heretical Cult - Lost and the Damned Regiment - Renegade Knight House - Dark Skitarii Force - Traitor Titan Legion
Xenos Creature Creator - Dark Eldar Kabal - Eldar Craftworld - Harlequin Masque - Genestealer Cult - Necron Dynasty - Ork Klan - Tau Cadre - Tyranid Hive Fleet - Wych Cult
Planets Forge World Generator - Dark Mechanicus Forge World Generator - Planet Generator - Solar System Generator
Misc. Power Armour