Traitor Titan Legion Creation Tables

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(WIP) Inspired by the unfinished Titan Legion Creation Tables (and by proxy, FFG's Deathwatch RPG Space Marine Chapter Creation Tables), this is a /tg/ homebrew for creating defiled god-machines that have fallen into the grasp of the Ruinous Powers. (Actually, this was written by an editor of this here wiki, but they still frequent /tg/ and chose to write it here for convenience's sake so it counts.)

Engines of the Legio & Lupus Primus[edit | edit source]

What is the Mainstay Engine of the Titan Legio? (1d100)
Warhound Pattern 1-20
Dire Wolf Pattern 21-30
Reaver Pattern 31-60
Warbringer Nemesis Titan 61-75
Warlord Battle Titan 76-85
Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan 86-95
Imperator/Warmonger Pattern 96-100

First and Lead Engine of the Legio (1d100)
Warhound Pattern 1-15
Dire Wolf Pattern 16-20
Reaver Pattern 21-35
Warbringer Nemesis Titan 36-55
Warlord Battle Titan 56-75
Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan 76-85
Imperator/Warmonger Pattern 86-100
  • If desired, the lead engine can be automatically chosen to be an equal or bigger pattern than the mainstay engines. And yes, if you get two 100s you can get an Apocalypse Titan as leader.
  • You can switch any of these for any of their Chaos equivalents - Feral Scout Titans, Ravager Battle Titans, the Chaos God-specific Warlords (especially if you are pledged to the service of a specific God), what have you. The Lupus Primus in particular can be Daemonically possessed and warped, a la Abominatus.

Origins of the Legio[edit | edit source]

Before the Fall[edit | edit source]

Legio Homeworld (1d100)
1-10 Armory World - Amongst the Forge Worlds of the Adeptus Mechanicus, a rare few gain renown as masters of the forge. Whether they produce Land Raiders or bolters, these Armory worlds are renowned for the quality and quantity of their production. The establishment of a Titan Legio is a moment of great pride - and an even greater shame in the eyes of the loyalist Tech-Priests should they fall.
11-20 Forge Altar - Even amongst the ranks of the Forge Worlds, this world once stood out for its devotion to the Omnissiah. The esoteric symbols of the Cult Mechanicus once infused all its creations, from the lowliest powercell to the mightiest Titan. The tech-priests blessed to service these awe-inspiring creations are all the more attentive to their devices, even after they were tainted.
21-30 War World - The 41st Millennium is a time of war, and not even Forge Worlds are free from it. Despite formidable defenses and nigh-unlimited resources, this forge is embroiled in a war for its very survival. Yet even so, the demands from those above must be met - be it the Imperium once or now thirsting gods. A Titan Legio from a War World is made up of battle-tested Titans, something valuable to their new Traitor allies.
31-40 Manufactorum - The millions of worlds of the Imperium rely upon the Adeptus Mechanicus, and this Forge World was one of the most important. A tremendous variety and quantity of the technologies that are used elsewhere to hold the Imperium together are produced on this world, but such prodigious production means that the loss of their production capacity to heresy is a dire blow to the Imperium.
41-50 Shipyard - Focused on the complex and secretive art of shipbuilding, it is rare but not unheard of for forges of this sort to turn their arts to the construction of Titans. With their intimate knowledge of void shielding and fusion plants, they can produce Titans with similar enhancements.
51-60 Silent Forge - Insular and isolated, this forge has little to do with the Imperium as possible. This made their betrayal relatively painless, already used to being self-reliant.
61-70 Ghost Forge - A terrific cataclysm has befallen this forge. Whether by accident or design, its manufactories have fallen silent, powerplants glow no more, and its people have turned from the Omnissiah. The Titan Legion is now no different, believing the Omnisiah to be an aspect of Chaos.
71-80 Primeval Forge - Without the resources of the Primeval Forges, the Adeptus Mechanicus would be entirely unable to function. Not simply mining worlds of the Imperium, Primeval Forges are responsible for the extraction and processing of rare elements and trans-phasic substances required in the production of some of the most ancient weapons in the galaxy. The loss of one of these worlds to Chaos is a travesty indeed.
81-90 Datahive - Extremely rare and nigh-legendary, a datahive is a Forge World devoted entirely to the collection and analyzation of data. On those rare occasions when a Titan Legio is established upon a datahive, they are invariably equipped with immense and comprehensive databases on the foes of mankind from those long-dead tomes. With their change in allegiance, this database is turned against the Imperium.
91-99 Arsenal World - The wars of both the Imperium and the Traitors require vasts amounts of materiel, and it is the Arsenal Worlds which produce them. Other forges of this type are key and critical parts of the Munitorum's vast logistics chain, supplying everything from engine grease to bolter shells to Vortex torpedoes. With such massive foundries at their command, the Titan Legio is never at a loss for fresh ammunition.
100 Antiquary World - The Adeptus Mechanicus is a millenia-old empire, spanning hundreds of thousands of worlds throughout the galaxy, and privy to uncounted secrets of the distant past. Some worlds ruled by the Mechanicus are repositories of that past, charged with safekeeping of the most ancient and mysterious relics of the Dark Age of Technology. Perhaps these dark secrets are what turned the Forge and its Legion against the Emperor...

Legio Age (1d100)
1-5 Pre-M30 Age of Strife - Deep within the abyss of time, this Legio was founded by the proto-Mechanicum to defend its far-flung colonies. As Imperial compliance was met, the Forge World and its Legion(s) joined the Imperium as the successor to the old human government which collapsed after the Iron Rebellion and the beginning of the Age of Strife.
6-15 M30-004.M31 The Great Crusade - In the wake of the signing of the Treaty of Olympus, the Legios of Mars are unleashed at the Emperor's command. This Legio was created at the behest of the Emperor, in order to meet the needs of the Great Crusade.
16-20 005.M31-014.M31 The Horus Heresy - The Horus Heresy devastates the Mechanicum, as Forge Worlds throughout the galaxy are forced to choose a side. Your Legio was born in that chaotic time, a Loyalist offshoot of some long-dead heresy.
21-25 Early M31-Mid M34 The Forging - Following the death of Horus, long centuries pass as the Imperium rebuilds itself. This Legio was established in order to aid the reconquest of the galaxy, or in the aftermath of the catastrophic War of the Beast.
26-35 Mid M34-Early M36 The Nova Terra Interregnum - The dark age of the Nova Terra Interregnum saw the Cult Mechanicus cleft in twain as the Moirae Schism rocked its own stability even as the Ur-Council declared independence from the High Lords of Terra.
36-45 Mid to Late M36 The Sanction of Vandire - The end of the Nova Terra Interregnum failed to bring the hopeful peace as the Moirae Schism continued. Declaring its independence from the corrupt and mad rule of Goge Vandire, the Adeptus Mechanicus rearmed its defenses to fight for Mankinds freedom against the insane tyrant.
46-55 End of M36-M37 Age of Redemption - Following Vandire's defeat and the Thorian Reformation finally fixing the clusterfuck that started with Nova Terra Interregnum, the Moirae Schism was also peacefully ended as the schismatics rejoined the mainstream cult, probably after fighting together to end the reign of terror. As the Imperium prospered, so too did the Adeptus Mechanicus.
56-65 M38 Crusades of the Fringe - Long and bloody, the crusades of the fringe consume billions of lives and trillions of tonnes of materiel. Founded to sustain a long and difficult crusade, this Legio has fought with honor and won much glory alongside the Imperium's greatest heroes.
66-75 M39-M40 Tides of the Outer Dark - The rise of powerful new xenos threats in the fringes of the Imperium such as the awakening ancient and mysterious Necrons and the arrival of the innumerable hordes of Tyranids forces the Mechanicus to respond.
76-85 M41 Hold Back the Apocalypse - As the 41st Millenium drew to a close, the might of the Imperium was strained to the breaking point. This Legio was founded to stem the tide.
86-90 999.M41-012.M42 The Indomitus Crusade, first phase - As the great scar cut the galaxy in half the Legio was raised on the orders of the Re-Awakened Primarch to stem the flow of blood from a beleaguered Imperium.
91-100 012.M42-Present Age of the Dark Imperium - With a galaxy-wide spike in Psykers and the Imperium in more peril then ever before even after the first phase of the Indomitus Crusade brought borderline heretekal relief across the galaxy your Legio was founded to deal with the new threats that have appeared in the aftermath of the Battle of Raukos (the final battle of the first phase of the Indomitus Crusade) and definitely not in preparation for a potential Mechanicus civil war.

After the Fall[edit | edit source]

Fall & Corruption (1d100)
1-10 The Horus Heresy - The Titan Legion sided with the Warmaster during the great Schism of Mars, making them among the most ancient of those devoted to Chaos. The data-tracts of their fell machines remember striding into battle alongside the traitor Primarchs. (Reroll if Legio Age is anytime after the Heresy. Otherwise choose "Destroyed" for the fate of the Legion's homeworld, due to The Scouring.)
11 - 20 Good Intentions - The Titan Legion's fall was an exemplar of the old saying of "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions". Whether the Legio were trying to change the Imperium for the better behind the scenes, seeking to purge a particular foe of man with overwhelming zeal, attempting to preserve the stability of the Emperor's domain by any means necessary, fighting for the sake of allowing happiness to come to all of man, or something of the sort, the Chaos Gods used that desire and twisted it into a gnawing taint which eventually drove them to turn their guns against those they once protected. They may have instead rebelled against the Imperium outright in the name of a good cause, only for that cause to either be capitalized on by the Gods or for them to be driven to corruption in order to survive the harsh rebuke.
21-30 Tainted by the Rift - In the wake of the opening of the Cicatrix Maeldictum, the Titan Legion's home was either caught within or was too close. The Warp-taint emanating from the tear in the Galaxy changed and twisted the Legio, its members going insane and proclaiming a new allegiance to dark powers. (Reroll if Legio Age is after 999.M41)
31-40 Charismatic Traitor - An influential Princeps within the Titan Legion was the first to betray the Emperor, and proceeded to use said influence to slowly but surely turn others to service of the Chaos Gods.
41-50 Betrayed - The Titan Legion was excommunicated by the Imperium for no good reason, be it they crossed an Inquisitor, someone needed a scapegoat for a recent disastrous campaign, or similar. Out of spite and/or in order to survive, the Legion threw in their lot with the Ruinous Powers.
51-60 Lost in the Warp - The Legio was tainted during a Warp jump gone wrong, be it that they were off course for so long that they went insane, or the Gellar Field failed and the Titan Legion was hijacked by Daemons. Whatever the case, they returned as servants of the Archenemy.
61-70 Converted - Another Chaos force, perhaps other agents of the Dark Mechanicum or another group of servants of the Ruinous Powers, brought the Titan Legion to their knees, yet spared them so as to enlighten them of their 'truth' and perhaps gain new allies. Whether they actually believed their words or changed sides to save themselves mattered not, for they joined willingly.
71-80 Daemonic Incursion - The Titan Legion was unfortunately caught in the midst of Neverborn tearing their way into realspace. Their Titans are now inhabited by Daemons which have long broken any surviving Princeps into serving their own masters.
81-90 Rebellion - The Titan Legion rebelled against the Imperium for reasons that did not pertain to the Ruinous Powers, yet they would end up having to turn to them in order to stand a chance against the overwhelming might of the Emperor's followers.
91-99 Hereteks - Unsanctioned innovation and experimentation led the Titan Legion to ruinous powers, either before or after the Cult Mechanicus cast them out. Their Titans are rife with bizarre technologies not seen within the Imperium, many of which are tainted by the Warp itself.
100 From the Eye - This ancient Legio was lost to the Eye of Terror when it formed at the end of the Age of Strife. Whenever it reemerged does not matter, for the Legion and its homeworld have long been tainted for millenia. (Reroll if Legio Age is anything but pre-M30. Otherwise, select Hellforge from the Fate of Legion Homeworld table and ignore your originally selected Legio Homeworld.)

Fate of Legio Homeworld (1d5)
1-3 Destroyed - whether because their homeworld joined them in Chaos worship or just by association, Exterminatus has been conducted by the Imperium for the Legio's treachery. (Roll on New Homeworld table below.)
4 Loyal - unlike the Legio, their Forge of origin has not been found wanting, or has been retaken by the Imperium. They seek vengeance upon the traitors for being a black mark upon their name. (Roll on New Homeworld table below.)
5 Hellforge - The Legio's home Forge was also corrupted by Chaos and joined the God-Machines in their secession from the Imperium. They survived the Emperor's ensuing wrath and are now a Hellforge, producing damned technology and Daemon Engines alongside supporting their Legio. (Optionally can be a Daemon World as well, depending on how you want to flesh it out.)

New Homeworld (1d100)
1-10 Voidborne - No longer having anywhere to call home, the traitor Legio wanders through the Galaxy. While not able to support as many of their numbers due to this, it has been a boon in allowing them to spread the Gods' reach wherever they wish. (Legio Strength must be lower than Full Strength.)
11-20 Conquered World - After the loss of their Homeworld, your Legion forcefully took another to serve as its new base of operations. The populace is now enslaved to your will, forced to maintain the God-Machines in the name of Chaos.
21-40 Daemon World - Forced to flee into one of the Galaxy's many Warp Storms, the Legio is now based on a world that belongs thoroughly to the Chaos Gods and their daemonic spawn.
41-50 Chaos Knight World - A house of Chaos Knights has agreed to host the Legion in return for their assistance in the House's campaigns. (You automatically select a Chaos Knight house as your Main Ally.)
51-60 Asteroid Cluster - The Legion hides from the Imperium's watchful gaze in an asteroid field, mining the metal-rich rocks for resources to maintain their God-Machines with.
61-90 Hellforge - A pre-existing Hellforge of the Dark Mechanicum welcomed your Legio with open arms, granting them sanctuary and means of sustaining themselves in exchange for a cut of their spoils.
91-99 Chaos Space Marine world - A Warband of Chaos Space Marines has allowed the Legion to be based off (one of) their world in exchange for their servitude. (You must have some Chaos Warband or Chaos Lord as you Main Ally.)
100 Large Domain - the Titan Legion has carved out a large region of space for themselves with their diabolical might, ruling it with literal iron fists. Multiple star systems are controlled by them and their allies, and has proven a tough nut for the Imperium to crack.

Power of the Legio[edit | edit source]

Strength (1d10)
1 Sole Survivor - Critical Failure. The Legio has been reduced to a single engine, leaving the First Engine a leader with no followers. However, the iridescent fury within the survivors blazing reactor and vengeful servo-motors is something to behold indeed. Whether it will burn out fast and bright, or somehow claw back survival from the jaws of destruction remains to be seen.
2 Decimated - Defeat has dogged the Legio, exacting a terrible toll in engines and crews. It has been decimated, reduced to a shadow of its former self; what few principes remain are either battle-scarred veterans or fresh-blooded recruits, and their engines burn with the desire to avenge their fallen. (10 or less Titans)
3-4 Under Strength - The Legio's victories have come with terrible costs. Many engines are destroyed or badly damaged and numerous principes have been slain, but the survivors are among the strongest and most experienced of the Legio's warriors. (24 or less Titans)
5-7 Half Strength - Scarred by war, the legion grows tightly-knit. (25 Titans)
8 Battle Damaged - The costs of war have taken their toll on the Legio, but the value of the experience gained is incalculable (40 Titans or below).
9 Full Strength - The Legio stands ready for battle (50 Titans).
10 Over Strength - This Titan Legion has grown strong over the centuries as replacements have outpaced losses (50+ Titans).

Deeds of the Legio[edit | edit source]

Pre-Fall[edit | edit source]

Deeds before Betrayal (1d15)
1 Victorious Campaign - Victory! Your Legio was critical to the success of an Imperial crusade.
2 Wrath of the Gods - Your Legio crushed a rebellion against the Imperium with such ferocity and skill that it was held up as an exemplar of Imperial tactics and might. It's still taught of today, though the name of the Legio that did the deed is obviously now censored by Inquisitorial decree due to its betrayal.
3 Destroyer of Daemons - This Legio had laid low a Possessed Titan of one of the Traitor Titan Legions. This would lead to a begrudging respect by the other Legio once you changed sides.
4 Forlorn Hope - In the last moments of a losing battle, your Legio stood proud in the midst of defeat, buying time for Imperial reorganization. Though your Legio took ferocious casualties in men and material, your sacrifices either turned the tide of the battle or at least ensured a chance to later strike back.
5 Last Stand - Beset on all sides, your Legio survived a desperate last stand when all other Imperial forces had fallen.
6 Lost in the Warp - A catastrophic accident once led to your Legio being deemed lost to the Warp for untold centuries, until suddenly you reappeared and joined battle without a moment's hesitation.
7 Champion Slain - A mighty warlord renowned and feared by the forces of the Imperium was finally brought down by your Legio.
8 Scourge of Hereteks - It was by your Legio's hand that a vast war-host of the Dark Mechanicus was broken, and by your cannons that their vile Daemon Engines were blasted into Warp-tainted scrap. Not one Heretek survived past the battle's end, such was the zeal with which you hunted them. Needless to say, the Dark Mechanicum is glad they no longer have to face you on the battlefield anymore.
9 Service at the Gate - In centuries of service, your Legio has faced down the Great Enemy at the Cadian Gate and won. (reroll if formed on or after 999.M41, or if they fell before or on)
10 Overwhelming Victory - The forces of the Imperium have triumphed! The Legio had covered itself in glory, once renowned across the Imperium for its role in conquering a terrible foe. Your princeps were once vetted from Sol to Constantium, and your Titans had oath-bonds from the grateful powers of mankind. Your fall is considered a tragedy by those permitted to know about it as a result, and considered an exemplar of how the Ruinous Powers can seduce even the most loyal.
11 A Knife Blunted - Foul enemies of the Imperium knew they could never fell your Titans on the field of battle and attempted to lay you low using more subtle methods. Whether through ambush, sabotage, or the assassination of the Legio's Princeps, unseen foes set about silencing your guns with stealth and subterfuge. They failed; you foiled their plots, uncovered their plans, and tore away the veils under which they hid before annihilating them in the way only the mightiest war-machines in the galaxy can, that they may never again lay low the Omnissiah's chosen in such a manner.
12 Stand Defiant - In the Dark Imperium, the Astronimicon is dim and the enemies of man run rampant against an Imperium that can do little to beat them back. Yet where your God-Machines tread, this is not true. Where your Titans walked, hope was brought to the hopeless, and the tides of Darkness were kept at bay for just a little longer. Yet even God-Engines can be susceptible to the whispers in the dark... (Reroll if the Legio fell before or on 999.M41)
13 The Great Rift - When the Cicatrix Maledictum tore open the Galaxy and Daemons descended on the Galaxy, the Legio was not caught unaware. With the thunder of guns and great mechanical zeal, the Legio obliterated the Forces of Chaos with impunity, allowing its world to reassume nominal production almost immediately before setting out to staunch the flow on other worlds. However, this was not to last. (Reroll if the Legio fell before or on 999.M41)
14 STC Reclaimers - Thanks to the Legio's valiant actions an extremely valuable piece of Archaotech was reclaimed by the Adeptus Mechanicus; this could be an ancient weapon, remains of a mighty warship, scraps on an STC or even a Venerable Titan which now marches at the forefront of your Legio. The Adeptus Mechanicus will now seek to have this back now that you have turned your back on the Imperoum.
15 Saviours - Somewhere out there is a powerful or notable Imperial force which owes its continued existence to the Legio's god-engines, though with your fall they are extremely hesitant to admit it. Whether it be a fellow Forge World, a planet vital to its sector, a full Chapter of Space Marines or even a Shield Host of Adeptus Custodes, they were once in the debt of your mighty engines.

Old Trophies (1d15)
1 Head of the Waaagh! - The might of an Ork Waaagh! was shattered by the might of your Legio's Titans, and the head of the Warboss remains a treasured trophy of the Legio, and a sign of the power of the Omnissiah.
2 Scars of Behemoth - Your Titans were scarred by the massive chitin claws and biological acid of the Bio-Titans of Hive Fleet Behemoth, whom you faced directly in battle. The hulls of your god-machines bear the scars to this very day, as a mark of prideful defiance against the Great Devourer.
3 Icon of the Cadian Gate - The forces of Chaos once hated and despised your Legio for foiling a major attack during one of their horrendous Black Crusades. Following your betrayal, this has become a reluctance to ask for your aid due to bad blood. (Re-roll if founded on or after the Great Rift's formation, or if they fell before)
4 Xenos Helm - A vile xenos race faced your Legio and was found wanting. Their might was broken against your strength, and their race shattered into oblivion.
5 Shattered Blade - At the height of battle against the full force of the Eldar, your Titan shattered the blade of their mightiest Titan against its god-machine hide, suffering no damage in the slightest.
6 Monolithic Ruin - The ruins of a world long dead are the only monument to your Legio's passing. The former allies of yours during these battles substitute the word massacre for your Legio's name, and now speak of it in fear for their lives knowing you have turned.
7 Twisted Drive Chain - Over the ages, your Legio has slain countless armoured vehicles and enemy titans on the field of battle.
8 Broken Monument - The crushing power of your Legio has reduced whole cities or worlds to ruination, shattering their fortresses like they were little more than meat under the weight of your Titans.
9 Crusader's Banner - Your Legio was at the vanguard of an Imperial Crusade, serving as a beacon of glory and a spearhead of massacres. They won many honours for their actions, though with your fall the Imperium seeks to strip them from your corpses.
10 Blessing of the Emperor - Your Legio had once fought closely alongside the Astartes of the God-Emperor in the forefront of a great battle, turning the tide in their favour and carrying the day to victory.
11 Ancient Machinery - Though most Titans are not bereft of Archaeotech, your Legio has come across something truly ancient and unique. Whether it was discovered by the Legio or its Forge-World, granted to it in return for some extreme heroism, or has been a part of the Legio for as long as it has existed, one or more of your God-Machines walk equipped with arcane technology otherwise lost to the Imperium. With your fall, the Adeptus Mechanicus seeks to claim this technology for themselves.
12 Skeletal Champion - They were a legend amongst their people and a terror against the Imperium: an unmatched General, a peerless warrior, a powerful psyker or a indomitable orator. Before they stood against your Legio they were a living legend amongst their kind. Now their shattered corpse is all that remains of their efforts against the Imperium of Man and the doomed cause for which they took arms.
13 Sacred Salvage - A number of Titans from the Legio (or another Legio) fought bravely against impossible odds before falling beneath the tide. Their sacrifice that day allowed other Imperial forces to achieve an unlikely victory after many years of fighting and while the remains of the fallen God-Machines were too far gone to possibly be repaired, the Engines of the Legio proudly adorn themselves with scraps of their fellow Titans' hulls, and have equipped themselves with those few weapons that could still be recovered as a way to honour their comrades' great sacrifice.
14 A Mural of Magnificence - A Titans hull is huge, and your Legio made great use of the space that it provides. Every Engine was once adorned with masterfully wrought pictures of its glory over the enemies of mankind, from notable kills and deeds of that particular Titan to intricate frescos of the Legio's finest hours, every single God-Machine was a walking, smiting exhibition of the superiority of Man.
15 Spotless - Your Legio had no need for something as petty as a trophy to commemorate its victory - they are Imperial Titans, and their presence is enough. When your Legio marched to war, they were spotless and polished to a resplendent shine. Once your enemy had been wiped from the face of the Galaxy by blessed gunfire and holy servos the last traces of your foe would be wiped from the feet of your Titans, leaving whatever they had been sent to annihilate to wallow for all time in the halls of the forgotten - as they deserve, for daring to challenge Mankind's rightful dominion over the Galaxy.

Post-Fall[edit | edit source]

If your Legio sided with the Warmaster during the Horus Heresy, roll on "Deeds of the Heresy".

Deeds of the Heresy (1d15)
1 Besiegers of Terra - The Titan Legio participated in the Siege of Terra and was present for the final hours of the Horus Heresy. While they lost, the Legio is remembered as a terror that slaughtered millions upon holy ground.
2 Clash of the Machines - Your Titan Legio was victorious against another that had stayed loyal to the Emperor. Although you took many losses, they were wiped to the last.
3 Battle of Gods - Your Titan Legion bore witness to a battle between two Primarchs, and assisted the Traitor Primarch in securing victory.
4 Terror of Mars - Your Legion shed blood on holy Mars during the Schism, being loyal followers of Fabricator-General Kelbor-Hal. Although driven offworld, you would remain loyal to Kelbor and the Warmaster's cause.
5 Disregard for Mortals - The Solar Auxilla were but mosquitoes for the Titans of your Legion - while its successor of the Guard remembers how you humiliated them, you simply disdain them as weaklings.
6 Dark Compliance - Your Titan Legion carved a bloody path to Holy Terra, razing many worlds and bringing them under the Warmaster's heel. It would be a subsequent bloody battle for the Imperium to undo what was wrought.
7 Openers - If not Istvann V itself, your Legio's allegiance to the Warmaster was known very early on in the Heresy, participating in some of its earliest battles.
8 Astartes Killers- The Legio completely crushed a force of Loyalist Space Marines, forcing them to retreat lest they be utterly wiped out. Those of that force's geneseed still recall your brutality.
9 Eye Piercers - The Titans of this Legion were involved in the campaign to claim the xenos superweapon known as the Angel Exterminatus from the heart of the Eye of Terror. They bore witness to the ascension of Fulgrim and crushed Aeldari revenants under their steel feet.
10 Bane of Ultramar - Your Legio participated in the Shadow Crusade, fighting alongside the Word Bearers of Lorgar Aurelian and the World Eaters of Angron. Your Legio's name is feared in the 500 Worlds, for they have witnessed the slaughter you can bring.
11 Heretekal Deviation - During the Horus Heresy, your Legion rejected the Cult's creed against innovation and began altering your Titans to include less...agreeable forms of technology that gave you an edge over your Loyalist counterparts and brought terrible victories. This practice would continue long after the war as the Dark Mechanicum came into existence.
12 Veterans of Thramas - Serving alongside the Night Lords in order to bring Loyalist brethren to heel, your Legio was tasked with bringing the three forges of Thramas into the Traitors' fold. While unsuccessful due to the coming of the Dark Angels, your actions left scars in both the worlds themselves and the minds of their inhabitants.
13 First-Tainted - The Titan Legion was one of the very first to truly fall to Chaos worship during the Heresy, either due to close ties to the Word Bearers or other circumstances. The Imperium remembers you openly flying the Eight-Pointed Star in the early years of that dreadful conflict. (Chaos Devotion cannot be "Loathed".)
14 Survived the Emperor's Wrath - Your Legion participated in a battle where a Loyalist Primarch led the enemy. By sheer luck and/or your own skill, you managed to come out of that conflict without egregious losses.
15 The Warmaster's Own - The Titan Legion served in the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet alongside Horus himself, standing shoulder to shoulder with terrible legends such as Dies Irae as they tore through the Loyalists. The Traitor Legions revere your God-Machines as icons of the time they brought the Imperium low, and the Black Legion in particular favors your service in the Long War. (You may choose to take option 1 in addition to this if you want the Legio to follow Horus to the very end. In addition, you may choose the Black Legion as your Ally instead of rolling on the Allies table.)

Dark Deeds (1d15)
1 Conquerors - Your Legion brought about a great victory in the name of the Dark Gods, turning a world to their worship under your thunderous footsteps.
2 Eye of the Storm - Your Legio stood against the Imperium during the 13th Black Crusade, wreaking untold havoc upon the Loyalists in the days leading up to the fall of Cadia. (Reroll if founded during or after 999.M41, or if they fell after.)
3 Titanslayer - A loyalist Legio's Lupus Primus was slain by your own, reduced to a burning wreck. The enemy Legio seeks to pay you back, while your fellow traitors speak well of your triumph.
4 Wallbreaker - The Legion was instrumental in the conquest of an Imperial Fortress World, your mighty weapons more than a match for the great fortress walls of their cities. The Guardsmen that survived that battle are well traumatized by your mighty steps and blaring warhorns.
5 Veterans of the Long War - Your Titan Legion saw action in one or more of Abaddon's Black Crusades, being an instrument of mass destruction for the Despoiler. (Reroll if founded during or after 999.M41, or if they fell after. Otherwise, you may pick option 2 in addition to this to reflect if they saw action during the 13th Black Crusade.)
6 End of a Chapter - A Loyalist Space Marine Chapter was turned to ash before your guns, rendering them extinct. Their genetic relatives seek to avenge their loss.
7 Foil of the Crusade - An Imperial Crusade seemed to be an easy sweep for the Imperium of Man. That is until they met your guns.
8 Forge-Sacker - Your Titan Legion is notorious for sacking a Forge World for all its worth, taking its resources for use by yourself and other Traitors. The Adeptus Mechanicus will seek to repay this slight against them.
9 Towering Backup - The Legio acted as reinforcements for a Chaos incursion into Imperial space. Your arrival signaled a dread turning of the tides in the Ruinous Powers' favor.
10 Heralds of the Neverborn - Your Legio's actions during a campaign allowed for the denizens of the Warp to completely overrun an Imperial world - be it due to your own ritual, an ally's, or just the sheer impact on the Warp your slaughter caused.
11 Pirates - The Titan Legion's voidship support has turned to piracy in order to support their God-Engine charges. Imperial shipping lanes are regularly beset by them.
12 Censure of False Worship - An Imperial Cardinal or Shrine World fell to your devastating steel, your Titans executing swift condemnation of the Ecclesiarchy's worship of the Corpse-Emperor.
13 A Boon for the Dark Gods - Your Titan Legion was instrumental in helping the Dark Mechanicum obtain an STC fragment before their loyal counterparts could. Due to your role in this discovery, many Hereteks revere your name and offer dark prayers to bless your mighty machines of war.
14 The More the Merrier - Your Titan Legion humbled another that still served the Emperor and somehow convinced them to betray their former masters. Those among them that stayed loyal were less fortunate as their comrades' mighty guns were suddenly pointed at them.
15 Chilvary Killer - A Loyalist House of Imperial Knights was utterly crushed by your superior machines. Whatever remains of them are now Freeblades, refusing to acknowledge the dishonor you brought upon them.

Blasphemous Trophies (1d15)
1 Titanic Head - The ruined head/cockpit of a loyalist Titan you slew remains in your reliquary to this day, denying their Legio the ability to reclaim it and the fallen Princeps inside.
2 Dark Blessing - Your tributes to the Dark Gods have curried favor, causing your Lupus Primus to be twisted into a cursed form. (Reroll if Devotion is Loathed)
3 Fallen Champion - These wracked remains are all that is left of one of the champions of the Loyalist dogs, completely decimated by your guns. Whatever they were - Astartes, Guardsman, or the like - they stood no chance before the might of the Dark Gods.
4 Fell Horn - The Great Game demands that the Chaos Gods and their servants fight against one another. This grim trophy was ripped from a Chaos Titan that was slain for this purpose. (Reroll if Devotion is loathed or you are Chaos Undivided)
5 Ruined Standard - In the Long War against the Imperium, your Legion has felled many foes. This banner is all that remains of an army you wiped off the map.
6 Icon of Excess - This boon was granted to your Legion by Slaanesh due to committing an act of great hedonism. It heightens the senses of your Lupus Primus Princeps, granting them greater sensations as well as boosting their combat awareness. (Reroll if you are devoted to Khorne)
7 Effigy of Decay - For bringing death and rot to a world, Nurgle has blessed your Lupus Primus Princeps with his gifts. Rife with pestilence, they are now their own deterrent against assassination and boarding. (Reroll if you are devoted to Tzeentch)
8 Monument of Bloodshed - Supreme slaughter gained Khorne's favor towards your Legion, granting your Lupus Primus Princeps with heightened strength and a taste for the blood of boarders. (Reroll if you are devoted to Slaanesh)
9 Boon of Change - Symbolizing your Legion bringing a great and convoluted plan to fruition, this mutation was granted by Tzeentch and grants your Lupus Primus Princeps flexibility of form. (Reroll if you are devoted to Nurgle)
10 Daemon Weapon - One of your Lupus Primus' weapons has been possessed and warped by a Daemon trapped within it, bound in a feat of strength and willpower. The sinister energies of the Immaterium greatly heighten its destructive potential.
11 Crushed Baneblade - This pancaked superheavy tank shows the loyalist tanks their place - beneath your foot, reduced to nothing.
12 Blasphemed Relic - During one of your raids upon the corpse-worshippers, your Legion pilfered an Imperial relic as a great trophy. While they will seek to reclaim it, your defilement of its holiness will take decades to reverse - if it ever falls back into Loyalist hands at all.
13 Giant Blade-Leg - Ripped straight from the socket of a Hierophant Bio-Titan, this grim trophy is a declaration that the galaxy belongs to the Ruinous Powers, not the Tyranid swarms.
14 Xenotech Arm - A Xenos Titan foolishly got in your Legion's way. All that remains of it is this arm, and it will remind the foolish aliens not to oppose the Chaos Gods.
15 Corrupted Archaeotech - Your Legion stole some piece of ancient technology predating the Imperium from the Adeptus Mechanicus. After subjecting it to dark rituals, it now serves the Dark Gods.

Traditions of the Legio[edit | edit source]

Before Chaos[edit | edit source]

Quirks ("1d15")
1 Divergent Pattern - The Legio is harbouring divergent practices, like experimental machinery or unorthodox beliefs. These may change or become more extreme due to their new allegiance.
2 Steel Body, Steel Mind - The Legio is slavish in its devotion to the tenets and traditions of the Collegia Titanica. All servants of the Legio are heavily upgraded with combat-focused augmetics, and most Principes are interred within amniotic tanks to provide a particularly strong connection with their Titans. This may continue as traitors, or be corrupted into a sinister perversion.
3 Martial Rime - The histories of the Legion are borne proudly by the Titans of the Legio; their crews know the Legio's martial history off by heart, and their Titans broadcast it to challenge their enemies during battle. Following their betrayal, the deeds told to others are exclusively those done in the service of Chaos.
4 Spiritless Servants - The Titan crews of the Legio are exclusively servitors, save for the princeps. This may continue while being Traitor.
5 Nomads of War - This Legio's Titan crews and Principes are raised "on the road", with their training being fitted into the periods of downtime between battlefield deployments. This likely continues now that they are no longer in the Imperium's grace, making them more adapitble than some of their other Traitor Legio bretheren.
6 At Arm's Length - The Legio disdains the Imperium of Man and its heretical view that the Emperor and Omnissiah are the same, once tolerating this belief solely for the sake of their Forge and the wider Mechanicus. They were loathe to serve alongside servants of the Ecclesiarchy, and tend to be rather disdainful toward their Imperial allies when summoned to battle. Now that they are servants of the Runionous Powers, they put this disdain on full display, chastizing the worshippers of the Corpse-Emperor for following a false god.
7 For Legio, Terra, and Mars! - The Legio once worshipped the Omnissiah as the God Emperor, believing them to be one and the same (or at least, that the Emperor is the Omnissiah's physical avatar). Their fall shook this belief, and now spout that this is a fool's path that they saw the truth of as being naught but a lie.
8 The Long Hunt - The Legio considered a particular Traitor Titan or similar war-engine to be the arch-enemy of their Titans, and has vigorously hunted this threat down over the course of its existence. Once they became traitors themselves, this hunt became an instance of Chaos infighting.
9 Fears Unspoken - The Legio had a hidden fear of a certain foe. Perhaps that fear persists, or has dissipated - it certainly has if that foe was Chaos.
10 Fractured Mind - Whether due to the shock of their first MIU connection or some flaw in their systems, Principes of this Legio are unusually susceptible to developing mental issues, ranging from mild hallucinations to full-blown split personalities - these only getting worse due to letting the Dark Gods into their minds. The Legio maintains an outsize cadre of Magi dedicated to ensuring the psychological and spiritual health of their crews as a result, with Principes judged to be too unstable even for Chaos being confined to their medbays (permanently, if the flaws are serious enough) until they show improvement.
11 Human Frailty - Recognising the flaws and limitations of unaugmented humanity, the Legio once went out of its way to limit the collateral damage and allied casualties it caused to the minimum possible. This may remain in a twisted form.
12 Destructive Passage - The Legio is infamous for causing widespread destruction and damage whenever it fights, paying little mind to civilian or even friendly casualties so long as their objectives are completed. This has only gotten worse with their fall to Chaos.
13 Efficiency Coefficient - Your Legio's structure is distinctly difficult from the normal pyramid, such as being violently meritocratic in nature or being internally divided into factions. This may remain after their fall.
14 Internal Struggle - Your Legio bears a deep seated grudge against a particular body or individual within the Imperium. Relations with them are likely to be tense at best, if not close to outright conflict. Now that you have fallen, relations have turned into both desiring to destroy each other.
15 Life Debt - Your Legio once had a blood debt to a specific power/group within the Imperium... or possibly one outside, such as the Eldar. Their betrayal has been seen as a betrayal of this debt, and as such they are seeking to collect what was owed with the Legio's lives. (Roll on Enemies table to determine, rerolling if Tyranids.)

Present[edit | edit source]

Devotion to the Ruinous Powers (d10)
1-2 Loathed: Many of, if not all, the Princeps in the Legion refuse to see Chaos as an ally and shun those who submit themselves to it, realizing the dangers of Chaos' ever-shifting nature.
3-7 Neutral: The Legio believes Chaos to be more of a tool than something to be worshipped, serving the dark gods when it benefits them.
8-10 Fanatical: The Princeps of the Legion are highly devoted to their chosen god or gods, willingly submitting themselves to the Ruinous Powers and viewing possession as favourable.

Chaos Worship (d12) (Ignore if your Legion's devotion to Chaos is "Loathed")
1–2 Chaos Undivided
3 One of the minor gods, including Malal.
5-6 Slaanesh
4, 7 Nurgle
8, 11 Khorne
9-10 Tzeentch
12 Roll again, twice.

Fell Quirks ("1d20")
1 Reroll on this table twice, ignoring this result if rerolled.
3 Prolific Raiders - This Traitor Titan Legion is known for taking what they want by force. Going beyond the normal amount of raiding a Chaos force usually commits, many Imperial worlds have been sacked by them for resources and slaves - many of which they don't even need and instead sell to the highest bidder.
6 Perfection Obsession - Slaanesh's excess manifests in the Legio as an overwhelming desire for perfection, seeking the elimination of their enemies in an elegant and flawless manner. (Reroll if you are not Devoted to Chaos Undivided or Slaanesh. You can choose to take this automatically if you are Slaaneshi as well.)
7 Biological Warfare- The traitor Legio utilizes Nurgle's gifts as weapons of mass destruction, their very presence heralding untold suffering at the hands of pestilence. (Reroll if devoted to any Chaos sect other than Undivided or Nurgle. You can choose to take this automatically if you are Nurglite as well.)
8 Bloodcrazed - Khorne's rage has perforated princeps and god-machines of the Legio alike, both being driven to acts of wanton violence which may hinder their allies as much as it assists them. (Reroll if you are not Devoted to Chaos Undivided or Khorne. You can choose to take this automatically if you are Khornate as well.)
9 Sorcerous Augmentation - Sorcerous rituals of Tzeentch have been cast upon the war engines of the Traitor Legio, granting them esoteric traits. (Reroll if you are not Devoted to Chaos Undivided or Tzeentch. You can choose to take this automatically if you are Tzeentchian as well.)
19 Conflicting Loyalties - The Legio's allegiance is complex. Despite being known to the Imperium as traitors sworn to Chaos, there are elements within that are still loyal to the Emperor and have sworn off corruption. As a result, there is much confusion over whose side they really are on, with nominally traitor Titans being fielded against the Imperium's foes. However, this also means that the Titans are split between two opposing internal factions, and therefore are never seen as a unified force - though the Chaos faction is the largest of the two.

Relations of the Legio[edit | edit source]

Main Ally (1d100)
1-10 Abaddon the Despoiler/Black Legion
11-20 Other Chaos Warband or specific Chaos Lord
21-30 Dark Mechanicum
31-40 Other Traitor Titan Legion
41-50 Chaos Knight House
51-60 Chaos-aligned Xenos (roll on Minor Xenos table)
61-70 Chaos Cult (reroll if Chaos Devotion is "Loathed")
71-80 Rogue Inquisitor
81-90 Lost and the Damned (Traitor Guard, group of Rogue Psykers, etc.)
91-100 Corrupt Imperial official (Planetary Governor, for example)

Main Enemy (1d100)
1-10 Imperial Guard
11-20 Orks
21-30 Eldar
31-40 Tyranids
41-50 Space Marine Chapter
51-60 Necrons
61-70 Adeptus Mechanicus (alternatively Imperial Knights, loyalist Titan Legion, etc.)
71-80 Dark Eldar
81-90 Tau
91-99 Sisters of Battle
100 Other Xenos (See here for inspiration. Alternatively, roll on Minor Xenos table)

Minor Xenos Species/Empires(1d100)
1-10 Roll Twice
11-18 Hrud
19-20 Khrave
21-28 Fra'al
29-30 Scythian
31-40 Uluméathic League
41-48 Yu'vath/Legacy of the Yu'vath/Rak'gol
49-50 Enoulians
51-55 Enslavers
56-58 Saruthi
59-60 Dracolith
61-65 Barghesi
66-70 Tarrelians
71-73 Thyrrus
74-75 Paramours of the Morpheus Rift
76-80 Hellgrammite
81-85 Loxatl
85-90 Saharduin
91-92 Xenarch
93-95 Cythor Fiends
96-97 Nightmare-Engines of the Pale Wasting
98-100 Other Xenos Species (pick one or roll/write one up)

Combat Doctrine of the Legio[edit | edit source]

Tactics (1d17)
1 Maximum Overkill - Kill everything as much as possible. (Does it really need explaining?)
2 The Big Guns Never Tire - Each muzzle blast is a note in a never ending orchestral score. (Salvo bombardment)
3 Inexorable Advance - Move and fire, a moving bulwark of high firepower. (Keep moving, keep shooting).
4 Electro-Shadow - There is no such thing as being too large and visible to lay an ambush. (Stealth Warfare... somehow)
5 Plains of Ash - Fire and plasma cleanse the battlefield righteously. (Incendiaries and Plasma weapons everywhere).
6 Red in Cog and Claw - Rip and tear the enemy asunder and grind them underfoot. (Close combat. You are free to choose this instead of rolling if you have the Mark of Khorne.)
7 Bulwark of Sturdiness - Hold that ground until all the enemy have thrown themselves against you and died. (Defensive tactics. If you have the Mark of Nurgle, you can choose this instead of rolling, since that pestilence makes you hard to kill.)
8 Mechanical Supremacy - Kill all other machines by any means, then turn them into slag and stomp the remains. (Tank and vehicle killers.)
9 Adapt and Destroy - Observe the enemy. Discover their strengths, learn their weaknesses, and exploit them both with impunity. (Fighting smart.)
10 Hellfire - Place your odds, ladies and gentlemen - which one dies next? (Scatter weapons, scorched earth, and nukes.)
11 Data War - Blind and confuse these fools, make them unable to notice the others. (Support Warfare, EM Warfare. Id )
12 Thunder and Lightning - These fools don't know about the electromagnetic storms? Good cover for our advance. (Environmental Warfare.)
13 Flanking Speed - They underestimate how fast a Titan can move. (Flanking and outmanuvering, with a side of top speed modifications. If you have the mark of Slaanesh, you can choose this instead of rolling.)
14 Titan Killers - Finally, a fair fight. Let's bring them into the realm of the utterly annihilated. (Specialise in destroying enemy Titans).
15 Siege Breaker - Crush the walls, the bunkers, the forts. Cave them in on the cowards inside and break the rubble to dust. (Siege specialists).
16 Psionic Might - Our weapons aren't the only thing to be feared. (Use psionic abilities and sorcery provided by some means. Reroll if Khornate, for obvious reasons. You can also choose this instead of rolling if you have the mark of Tzeentch.)
17 Advanced Doctrine - Roll 2 more times on this table re-rolling multiples of the same result.

Warhammer 40,000 Faction Creation Tables
Imperium Adeptus Custodes Shield Host - Grey Knight Brotherhood - Imperial Guard Regiment - Imperial Knight House - Inquisitor - Legiones Skitarii - Legio Titanicus - Renegade Space Marine Chapter - Sisters of Battle Order - Space Marine Chapter - Tempestus Scions Regiment - Underhive Gang - Noble House
Chaos Chaos Space Marine Warband - Chaos Warband - Heretical Cult - Lost and the Damned Regiment - Renegade Knight House - Dark Skitarii Force - Traitor Titan Legion
Xenos Creature Creator - Dark Eldar Kabal - Eldar Craftworld - Harlequin Masque - Genestealer Cult - Necron Dynasty - Ork Klan - Tau Cadre - Tyranid Hive Fleet - Wych Cult
Planets Forge World Generator - Dark Mechanicus Forge World Generator - Planet Generator - Solar System Generator
Misc. Power Armour