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m rules weren't working properly during playtest, had to change
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Flier: Move 12", d6" sprint, 6" charge. Can fly over things while moving, fall back 3d6". Can climb ruins. Deep Strike.
Flier: Move 12", d6" sprint, 6" charge. Can fly over things while moving, fall back 3d6". Can climb ruins. Deep Strike.

Monstrous Cavalry: Both monster and rider have separate profiles. Monster's movement is used. When attacked, roll a d6. On a 1-4, monster is hit. On a 5-6, rider is hit, and is granted +1 T from being mounted. If rider dies first, monster must take a Ld test or flee. If it succeeds, it gets Fearless and Frenzy for the rest of the game. If Monster dies, rider takes a hit equal to Monster's strength, no saves allowed, but continues to use the Monster's base. Both monster and rider may fire Heavy and Regular weapons as if Assault.
Monstrous Cavalry: Both monster and rider have separate profiles. Monster's movement is used. When attacked, roll a d6. On a 1-4, monster is hit. On a 5-6, rider is hit, and is granted +1 T from being mounted. If rider dies first, monster must take a Ld test or flee. If it succeeds, it gets Fearless and Frenzy for the rest of the game. If Monster dies, rider takes a hit equal to Monster's strength(without the +1 T bonus), no saves allowed, but continues to use the Monster's base. A rider who has lost his mount must take a pinning test if he survives. In a unit of multiple Monstrous Cavalry models, if a mount dies, the rider is removed as a casualty automatically instead. Both monster and rider may fire Heavy and Regular weapons as if Assault.

Artillery: Separate profiles for artillery and crew. Crew's movement is used. When attacked, roll a d6. On a 1-3, artillery is hit, on a 4-6, crew is hit. If crew flee or are all killed, artillery is also destroyed.
Artillery: Separate profiles for artillery and crew. Crew's movement is used, unless the artillery piece is noted as being immobile. When attacked by a shooting attack, roll a d6. On a 1-3, artillery is hit, on a 4-6, crew is hit. When attacked in close combat, either the crew or the artillery may be targeted by an enemy unit's attacks, but together both crew and piece count as a single unit for combat resolution. The artillery piece is automatically hit in close combat. If crew flee or are all killed, artillery is also destroyed.

Monstrous Fliers are both Monstrous Creature and Fliers. They are Monstrous Creatures, except they can Deep Strike, fly 12", fall back 3d6".
Monstrous Fliers are both Monstrous Creature and Fliers. They are Monstrous Creatures, except they can Deep Strike, fly 12", fall back 3d6".

Revision as of 14:47, 27 April 2012

Scrollhammer is a Tabletop Miniatures wargame under development by /tg/, using the same engine and scale as Warhammer Fantasy Battle and Warhammer 40000, that takes place in the Elder Scrolls universe.


Scrollhammer began in the early days of 2011, when a fa/tg/uy posted a thread talking about the game as if it existed. Many newbies were disappoint, longing for a chance to do battle with huge swarms of cliff racers. A year went by, and now a project is underway on /tg/ to bring Morrowind and Skyrim to life on the tabletop.

Core Rules

These rules are still in the experimental stage, and are subject to patching based on the results of your playtests. A lot of these rules refer to WHFB and 40k. So post the results!


The turn sequence is similar to that of Warhammer 40k. Movement, shooting, and assault. The unit types are Infantry, Cavalry, Beast, Monstrous Creature, Flier, Monstrous Cavalry, and Artillery. Movement works like in 40k, including difficult terrain and declaring charges. If there are multiple movement speeds in a unit, the different models may move at different speeds, as long as they remain in coherency. Cover saves work like in 40k 5th edition.

Infantry: Move 6", d6" sprint, 6" charge. Can climb ruins.

Cavalry: Move 6", d6" sprint (or 2d6" if Fast Cavalry), 12" charge. Fleet of foot, mounting grants +1 T and +1 A to rider's profile, fall back 3d6".

Beast: Move 6", d6" sprint (or 2d6" if Fast), 12" charge. Fleet of foot, cannot hold objectives, fall back 3d6".

Monstrous Creature: Move 6", d6" sprint, 6" charge. Can be targeted if attached to non-monstrous unit, ignores armor in close combat, only is in cover if 50% or more of the model is obscured, Move through Cover. May fire Heavy and Regular weapons as if Assault.

Flier: Move 12", d6" sprint, 6" charge. Can fly over things while moving, fall back 3d6". Can climb ruins. Deep Strike.

Monstrous Cavalry: Both monster and rider have separate profiles. Monster's movement is used. When attacked, roll a d6. On a 1-4, monster is hit. On a 5-6, rider is hit, and is granted +1 T from being mounted. If rider dies first, monster must take a Ld test or flee. If it succeeds, it gets Fearless and Frenzy for the rest of the game. If Monster dies, rider takes a hit equal to Monster's strength(without the +1 T bonus), no saves allowed, but continues to use the Monster's base. A rider who has lost his mount must take a pinning test if he survives. In a unit of multiple Monstrous Cavalry models, if a mount dies, the rider is removed as a casualty automatically instead. Both monster and rider may fire Heavy and Regular weapons as if Assault.

Artillery: Separate profiles for artillery and crew. Crew's movement is used, unless the artillery piece is noted as being immobile. When attacked by a shooting attack, roll a d6. On a 1-3, artillery is hit, on a 4-6, crew is hit. When attacked in close combat, either the crew or the artillery may be targeted by an enemy unit's attacks, but together both crew and piece count as a single unit for combat resolution. The artillery piece is automatically hit in close combat. If crew flee or are all killed, artillery is also destroyed.

Monstrous Fliers are both Monstrous Creature and Fliers. They are Monstrous Creatures, except they can Deep Strike, fly 12", fall back 3d6".

There are three formations to how a unit can fight:

Ranks: The unit fights in rank and file WHFB style. It does not get cover unless another unit is in front of it or it is obscured. Models must be touching each other. If flanked, the unit strikes last every round against flanker. The unit gets +1 to combat resolution for each rank greater than the enemy while in this formation as long as they are not being flanked. A unit in ranks can also take a Ld test to use the Stand and Shoot special maneuver if charged, letting them fire their ranged weapons at the charging foe. Only the front two ranks in the firing direction can fire ranged weapons other than volley fire weapons, under any circumstance. If one model in the unit can see the enemy, all models which in range and position can fire regardless of line of sight, but the target gets a 3+ cover save against shots from out of line of sight.

Note: units in ranks have special rules for movement. They may move straight forward at full speed. Moving sideways or backwards is done at half speed. They may wheel(move at an angle as long as they end up facing the same way they were facing before). Pivoting and/or reforming or changing direction replaces their movement, sprint and shooting for the turn, or their entire charge range if they pivot into another unit. Units in ranks moving through difficult terrain can visually be shown breaking ranks so as to allow the models to fit: they can move through area terrain, even if it doesn't look like it.

Horde: A Horde gets a 6+ cover save for being in area terrain, and is a lose 40k style formation, except with 1" coherency. It can move freely, and gets +1 to its number of ranks per ten models. Shooting attacks are fired as in 40k.

Skirmish: 40k style. 4+ cover save for woods, 2" coherency, free movement, models can only shoot things they see. No rank bonuses. Lone independent characters use this formation.

Unit stats work mostly like in 40k. Roll to hit, wound, and save. Light armor grants 6+, Heavy 5+, shield increases armor save by 1, and grants 6+ Ward save (or increases Ward save by 1) in close combat if paired with a hand weapon(even an enchanted one). Certain types of armor grant higher saves. Armor Penetration (AP) is a stat on certain weapons. It is a negative modifier from armor saves (a difference from both 40k and WHFB). AP3 reduces armor saves by 3, it doesn't ignore 3+ armor saves.

Wound allocation is 40k style. Instant death is caused by hits at double strength. A model may only take 1 save(armor, ward, or cover) per turn.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv

A model can only use one weapon per hand per player turn(or half a 2-handed weapon, or up to one shield), unless otherwise noted. The model can use spells with those hands instead. If a model uses a spell in a hand (spells are default 2 handed), he can cast as many spells as he has mana for.

Ranged weapons need true line of sight. Blast markers and flame templates are the same as in 40k. Firing modes are Assault (move, shoot, and charge) Regular (move and shoot) and Heavy (move or shoot).


Mg is Magicka. It determines how many mana dice a unit gets, replenished at the start of your turn. Spells have a mana cost. Each mana die is a rolled d6. For every 4+, a stage of casting the spell is successful. The mana cost is how many successful casting stages one must acquire before it goes off.

Example: A wizard has Mg 5, and wants to cast Daedric bite, which has Cost 2. He rolls a die, and gets a 4. His next die gets a 3. He can continue to try, or spend the dice elsewhere. He rolls a third die, and gets a 6. Two mana are successfully spent on the spell, so it goes off.

If a unit of wizards with the exact same spell effects and casting requirements attempts to cast the same spell, they may combine their dice, successes are measured, and then the dice are subtracted from the totals, removing all the dice from a wizard's mana pool when possible, just like wound allocation. So if there are 5 Mg 2 wizards, they can roll 10 dice toward Daedric Bite. They get 6 successes, and so three of them cast the spell, and all of them go down to 0 mana. Each success is measured from a different casting model, one at a time, and if all are successful start all over again one at a time. Each model involved in this must provide at least enough dice to cast the spell, and may not cast a spell they do not have the mana for.

A model with different casting requirements and/or spell effects than the majority of the unit may choose to forfeit those effects(as long as they are from a friendly source) to add his mana dice to the unit for a combined spell. If there is no majority, each individual group of effects and requirements casts separately.

A spell which is a shooting attack must be fired using caster's BS after going off, and may not be fired into close combat, just like any other shooting weapon. Models locked in close combat may not target a unit outside the combat they are in.

One staff of bearer's choice may be wielded alongside bearer's spells for each turn.


Melee combat works like in 40k, except units are in combat if they are in base contact with a model in base contact with the enemy(fighting in 1 rank). Skirmish and Horde models charge closest to closest exactly like in 40k. Units in ranks fill in so that as many are in combat as possible while maintaining prior number of columns: neither player's units may wrap around the other, but must pile in without flanking the enemy. Even Hordes and Skirmishers must follow this when fighting against units in ranks.

Charging and Dual wielding give +1 attack as normal, and when dual wielding, select which weapon is the primary one to use its profile for the hits. Charging into cover does not give a bonus to defenders, except if defenders are Skirmishers, in which case they get to Counter-Attack.

Determining who wins combat is difference in wounds dealt+difference in number of ranks. A standard bearer also gives +1 to the score. Breaking away works like in 40k, and counts as psychology (fearless implies unbreakable, and takes wounds instead of rolling morale). Rallying can be done at less than half strength if unit is all independent characters, or has a musician.

Morale tests are taken in the same circumstances as in 40k. In addition, Fear and Terror are also rules(unit strength for fear is determined by outnumbering, monstrous counts as 5 cavalry as 2 towards numbers). Fleeing units can flee through allies, triggering panic tests. Otherwise, no crazy conditions for morale checks like in WHFB.

Consolidation for non-rank units is as normal. Consolidation for units in ranks means that they must always reform, doing nothing else, but may roll the d6 to see how far they can reform.

Universal Special Rules are the same as in WHFB or 40k unless otherwise noted. Here are some exceptions:

Feel No Pain is effective except against Strength=2X Toughness, ignores armor saves, or AP5 or higher.

The "critical strike" USR is "on a roll of 6 to wound, this model deals d3 additional wounds, and ignores Feel No Pain."

Frenzy: A model with Frenzy is immune to Fear and Terror, +1 A, and must always charge the nearest unit if possible. If the model loses a combat, it loses its Frenzied state.

Fear and Terror: Slight differences in Fear and Terror, based on older WHFB rules:

Fear: A unit must pass a Ld test to charge a unit it fears. A unit must pass a Ld if charged by a unit it fears: if it fails, and is outnumbered, it flees. If not outnumbered, it gets 6's to hit in the first round of combat. If a unit is both beaten in combat and outnumbered by a feared unit, it automatically fails the morale test unless it is fearless.

Terror: Like Fear, except outnumbering does not matter. If a unit passes a Terror test, however, it treats Terror as Fear for the rest of the game.

Fear units are immune to normal Fear, and treat Terror as Fear. Terror units are immune to both.

Weapons and Armor

Common Weapons:

Dagger: Ignores armor when charging from cover or out of a state of Invisibility

Hand Weapon: Parry with shield for +1 Ward Save (or 6+ if no Ward Save) in close combat

Spear: Fight in three ranks. +1 Strength the first round of combat vs cavalry.

Halberd: +1 Strength. Two hands.

Greatsword: +1 Strength, -1 Initiative. Critical Strike(see combat rules above). Two hands.

Battle Axe: +2 Strength, -1 Initiative. Two hands.

War Hammer: +2 Strength, +2 AP, Strikes Last. Two hands.

Lance: +2 Strength, +2 AP when charging. Cavalry only.

Longbow: S3 AP0, Regular 1, Range 30". Volley Fire. Two hands.

Crossbow: S4 AP1, Heavy 1, Range 24". Two hands.

Shortbow: S3 AP0, Regular 2, Range 18". Volley Fire. Two hands.

Throwing Weapon: Strength=model S, Assault 2, Range 6"

Javelin: Strength=model S, Assault 1, Range 12"

Weapons which are enchanted deal damage of their element(if any) and count as dealing magic damage, but are not spells. Spells which double as weapons deal damage of their element(if any) and deal magic damage. Special weapons and armor exist. Certain powerful materials in the Elder Scrolls universe can create stronger weapons.

Silver weapons: Ignore resists to nonmagic damage

Elven weapons: +1 AP

Glass weapons: +2 AP

Ebony weapons: +1 S

Bound Weapons: +1 S +1 AP, Magic Damage

Daedric Weapons: +2 S +2 AP, Ignore resists to nonmagic damage

Light Armor: 6+

Glass Armor: 4+

Heavy Armor: 5+

Orcish Armor: 4+

Full Plate Armor: 4+

Ebony Armor: 3+

Daedric Armor: 2+

A save roll of 1 always fails, regardless of how good you make the Sv value. Models wearing a suit of Armor get -1 Mg, not included in their profile. Models wearing any Heavy Armor which is not a natural part of their body get -2 to their rolls to Sweeping Advance, -2 to to their maximum sprint range(5's and 6's rolled become 4's)and have -2 to maximum charge range(5's and 6's rolled through difficult terrain become 4's). This value is noted as "Encumbrance (2)" for reference in other abilities.

Shouts and Consumables

Dragon Shouts have cooldowns of a certain number of turns. When a Shout is used, no Shout may be further used by that model until it the cooldown expires. To represent the difficulty in using a Shout, a model must take a Ld test to use one. If the test fails, the model does not Shout, and cannot Shout again for the rest of the game.

Dragonborn: Dragonborn is a Universal Special rule allowing a model to automatically pass the Shout test.

Potions are consumable items. Only one Potion may be consumed per player turn, at the start of the turn. They can only be used once.

Scrolls are also consumable items, only usable once. If a model chooses to use both hands for magic during a turn, he may also use any scrolls he might have. Scrolls allow that model to automatically cast the spell written on them.

Racial Traits and Guardian Stones

The races of the TES universe have different physiology, giving the specific traits. The common ones are as follows:

Argonians: Water Breathing (ignore water features while moving, 6+ cover save from water), Histblood (ignore diseases)

Bretons: Dragon Skin (+2 Ward Save from all spells)

Dark Elves: Ashborn (Feel No Pain vs. fire damage), Ancestral Guardian (1 rerolled save per game per unit of majority Dark Elves)

High Elves: Highborn (+2 mana dice per turn), Weakness (elemental damage against High Elves rerolls wounds)

Imperials: Emperor's Strategy (Imperial majority army wins ties on roll to go first, chooses scenario rolling 6 to go first, steals initiative on 5+)

Khajiiti: Eye of Night (does not need to roll for night fighting), Claws (open hands are considered Hand Weapons, dual wielded if both are open)

Nords: Hardy Blood (Feel No Pain vs. frost damage), Battle Cry(+1 to combat resolution in the case of a tie from a majority Nord unit)

Orcs: The Cursed (6+ Ward Save from all spells), Berserk (Orc majority unit can choose to enter Frenzy at any time once per game)

Redguards: Adrenaline Rush (+1 A charge bonus is for first two rounds of combat, rather than just the first)

Wood Elves: Beast Tongue (non-monstrous Beasts must pass Ld test to charge a Wood Elf majority unit), Light Feet (+1 Stealth universal special rule)

Heroes may frequently be blessed by a Guardian Stone, given a destiny by the magicka that flows forth from the stars. These powers may be used automatically, without having to be chosen as the equipped spell or item for the turn. Most armies will have available for purchase one of these several powers for at least a few of their characters:

Blessing of the Warrior: +1 WS

Blessing of the Mage: +1 Mg

Blessing of the Thief: +1 I

Blessing of the Steed: Not encumbered by Heavy Armor

Blessing of the Lord: Regenerate (6+), Fire damage gets +1 to wound against bearer

Blessing of the Lady: Reroll failed morale checks

Blessing of the Apprentice: +2 mana dice, All spells get +1 to wound against bearer

Blessing of the Atronach: Start game with mana dice equal to double Mg, Only gain 1 mana die at the start of your turn, 4+ ward save against spell damage(does not stack with other ward saves). If it succeeds, gain mana dice equal to cost of spell

Blessing of the Ritual: May automatically cast a spell model knows once per game without rolling(even if using a weapon this turn)

Blessing of the Lover: Enemies in base contact with this model lose any +1 A charge bonus they might have

Blessing of the Shadow: May automatically cast the Invisibility spell (cast at the beginning of any phase any turn, cannot be targeted or seen as an individual, enemies charge as if through difficult terrain if his entire unit is invisible, Hit and Run, Initiative 10 first round of combat, may choose not to attack. Forfeited if model attacks in any way, or tries to cast another spell. Ends at the beginning of your turn) once per game (even if using a weapon this turn)

Blessing of the Tower: Reroll one d6 for this model per game.

Blessing of the Serpent: May make attacks Poisoned(3+)for one round of combat once per game.


Test the game out with 6 turns, 4x4, killpoints, 12" from friendly edge deployment. Or mix stuff up if you want to. Feel free to ask questions about the rule in the Discussion for this page or on /tg/

Force Organization chart, per detachment:

1-3 Heroes

0-4 Elite

2+ Core

0-4 Support


The following is the list of complete codices:

Daedra Cults


Great Houses of Morrowind

The following is the list of codices in progress:

Imperial Legion

more coming soon

If you wish to add a new faction codex, request in discussion or post on forums.


Artifacts of Tamriel

Experimental Rules


These rules and codices are still subject to testing, due to being primarily theorycrafted at this point. The following is a record of various playtests posted on /tg/. You may edit the following page to add your own battle reports that you posted on /tg/.

Battle Reports


Q:When will "X Codex" be released?

A: The next codex currently scheduled to be released will be Great Houses of Morrowind, by Lolpwnt and Duke. If you wish to present your work on a codex, request that it be viewed in the discussion for this page or in a Scrollhammer thread on /tg/.

Q: Do flame weapons prevent regeneration?

A: No, not in Scrollhammer, unless they are specifically noted as doing so.

Q: What if there are multiples of Flame, Frost, Shock or Poison in an attack?

A: Count the attack as a single one of the first three elements. Choose(if you can) whether it will be poisoned or not. If it is poisoned, Poison is the only element, and you proceed to wound on the amount specified by the poison(re-rolling failed wounds against equal or lower toughness)

Q:Do Critical Strikes and powerful flame weapons roll d3 to determine total wounds inflicted before or after rolling to wound? Can the extra wounds be split between models?

A:Unless otherwise specified, they roll to hit and wound and are saved against as normal. For each unsaved wound allocated to a model by the weapon, roll the d3 for that individual model to determine how many wounds it takes. Note that this also applies to items which can roll even higher numbers of wounds, such as Goldbrand.

Q: What rules from WHFB do or do not apply? Can units be within 1" of another friendly unit? Do lone independent characters get a 3+ cover save?

A: Those two rules do not apply.

Q: How does charging work? Clarify?

A: If it's Skirmish/Horde vs Skirmish/Horde, do it like in 40k. Closest model charges the closest, then attackers all attempt to charge as far as their range allows against any models they wish to, and then defenders do the same. After this, the beginning and end of each round of combat, all unengaged models(over 2 ranks away from enemy) pile in, moving as close as possible to the enemy models they are engaged against.

In a Rank vs Rank scenario, one unit charges the other. It may make a side turn to slam into the flank instead of moving for this charge, if it can do a direct rotation and all models in the unit can move that far. Units stay in their columns, but units in columns move in their columns(or rows if flanked) forward towards the enemy. So the battle looks like two 5x5 blocks, each touching the other.

In Skirmish/Horde vs Ranks, if Ranks charge, they charge the closest model. Ranks pile in by column, and then Skirmish pile in. Otherwise, Skirmish closest model charges the Ranks by closest possible route, and then they pile in. Flanking only occurs if the angle from the front of the unit is greater than 45 degrees(think 40k vehicle side armor). Skirmishers charging or being charged by a unit in ranks may not move forward to wrap around the unit past the line of battle. So if Skirmishers charge the front, none of them can move to a point where they would get to count a flank as successful.