Star Wars: Legion/Tactics/Rebels: Difference between revisions

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''Targeting Scopes'' (4 pts.) - Gain '''Precise 1''', allowing you to re-roll 3 dice when you spend an aim token. You won't be getting many aim tokens, so don't bother with this one.  
''Targeting Scopes'' (4 pts.) - Gain '''Precise 1''', allowing you to re-roll 3 dice when you spend an aim token. You won't be getting many aim tokens, so don't bother with this one.  
''Ascension Cables'' (4 pts) - Until the end of your activation, you gain scale. This is especially useful to get your troops into position, or traverse a dense battlefield. You can't really go wrong with this one, but Luke does already have Jump.

Revision as of 04:47, 20 December 2020

Why Play Rebels


  • The finesse faction
  • Better infantry shooting.
  • Cheaper units on average.
  • Cassian Andor
  • You have Luke Skywalker, arguably one of the best all-around characters in the game
  • Overall, one of the strongest and most competitive armies that make it to tournaments.
  • Changes will be coming soon are here, Rebels have received price cuts across the board, as of November, 2020.


  • Literally everything in your army, with the exception of a few units, has white defense dice. literally. everything. Yes even the Airspeeder...This means that your troops are among the weakest in the game. Droids at least have the bodies to compensate. A 5+ and 6+ save aren't that different (From a certain point of view, you have doubled the odds of success).
  • You will often be relying on your commanders and keywords for dodge tokens, because using an action to dodge is questionable, at best, and a lot of units need them.
  • You will almost always find yourself fielding either too much, or too little Anti-Tank in your lists, and find it equally punishing.
  • You're technically terrorists. Freedom fighters, too, granted, but the point stands. From a certain point of view.



1-2 Selections

The focal point of you army they often have game changing abilities.

Luke Skywalker

(160 pts.) The Rebel Alliance's only Jedi, he represents Luke as he was around the time of The Empire Strikes Back. So he's a pretty heavy hitter but he is not at the level of the actual Jedi or Sith that the other factions can field.

Note: Commander and Operative Luke share command cards. You can take all 6, if you really want to!

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards


Rebel Officer

(45 pts.) Essentially a much cheaper, half-strength Leia Organa.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards


Leia Organa

(90 pts.) The badass princess herself. She excels at "short-ranged sniper attacks," otherwise known as utilizing a pistol, while also greatly supporting other rebel units.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards


Han Solo

(100 pts.) An unconventional commander who excels at thinning out enemy infantry squads while playing havoc with his Command Cards.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards


Jyn Erso

(100 pts.) Stardust. She's an all-rounder who is decent at both shooting and melee, and has some abilities that coincide with Rebel Pathfinders

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards


Cassian Andor

(90 pts.) Sneaky Spy with droid Buddy

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards



0-2 Selections

Some heroes are not meant to lead. Operatives are powerful individual units often with unique abilities.


(90 pts.) Wookiee first mate. The walking carpet, himself! No, like, really. It's his tag line under his name, on the card.

Nork Deddog but smarter, Vitrix Guard but shootier, Tyrant Guard but with eyes.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards


Luke Skywalker

(195 pts.) Not to be confused with the Commander of the same name; note that operative Luke can use commander Luke's Command Cards, and vice versa.

He represents Luke as he was seen in Return of the Jedi, complete with the spiffy black costume.

Note: Commander and Operative Luke share command cards. You can take all 6, if you really want to!

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards



(45 pts.) Everyone's favorite astromech droid, the architect of the Rebellion, the Resistance, and a elite operative of the Republic; R2-D2 has brought down more governments than you could possibly imagine. Now he is an operative unit for the GAR and Rebel factions of legion. Bundled with his partner C-3PO in a Terrain expansion, you now have the option to add this smoking[1] robot to your army

Upgrade Cards


Command Cards


Sabine Wren

(125 pts.) A powerful Mandalorian warrior who fancies herself an artist. She's a powerful damage dealer who also has the potential to survive a great amount of return damage.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards



(70 pts.) Droid Buddy to a Sneaky Spy

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards



3-6 Selections

The meat, they hold the line and die in the trenches.

Rebel Troopers

(40 pts.) They have big rifles and recycle dodges.

Upgrade Cards


Fleet Troopers

(40 pts.) Dakka troops that excel at locking down areas.

Upgrade Cards


Rebel Veterans

(48 pts.) Rebel troopers who've been in a few battles, so they've learned a thing or two.

Upgrade Cards


Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper

(38 pts.) It's a veteran Rebel equipped with a miniaturized version of the Empire's E-Web blaster.

Upgrade Cards


Special Forces


Slightly more elite troopers to back up your Corps. Most of them are basically more specialized versions of Corps units.

Rebel Commandos

(50 pts.) Veteran Rebel troops who specialize a little bit more in sniping and spec ops.

Upgrade Cards


Rebel Commandos Strike Team

(20 pts.) A two man team of Commando specialists.

Upgrade Cards


Rebel Pathfinders

(58 pts.) The squad of Rebels that accompanied Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor to Scarif at the climax of Rogue One. They excel at sneaking into forward positions and springing surprise attacks while maximizing cover to survive counterattacks. For Jedha!!!

Upgrade Cards


Wookie Warriors

(69 pts.) Do you like tearing arms off things? So do these guys! it's a squad of Chewbaccas.

Upgrade Cards


Mandalorian Resistance

(72 pts.) A squad of Mandalorian warriors fighting against the Empire.

Upgrade Cards


Mandalorian Resistance, Clan Wren

(34 pts.) Ursa and Tristan Wren join the fight to aid the Rebellion. This family reunion is going to be quite explosive, huh?

Upgrade Cards



0-3 Selections

Light vehicles and Beasts

1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team

(70 pts.) The big dish-shaped laser cannon from the Rebel base on Hoth during The Empire Strikes Back. At least they get good television!

Upgrade Cards



(55 pts.) Ironstriders, basically.

These are your standard heavy cavalry, and nothing says janky rebel underdogs than using 20 year old clone war surplus to fight for freedom. It's been one of the most balanced units in the game, as well!

Upgrade Cards


Tauntaun Riders

(95 pts.) Cold weather, fast attack. Where RTs are your heavy cavalry, these are your light cavalry.

Upgrade Cards



0-2 Selections

The other big units to build the rest of the your army around.

T-47 Air Speeder

(130 pts.) A modified civilian vehicle that provides close air support for the Rebellion.

Upgrade Cards


X-34 Land Speeder

(60 pts.) The Toyota truck of Star Wars. Gun, duct tape; Boom. Light assault vehicle.

Upgrade Cards


Unit Upgrade Boxes

Fantasy Flight Games has seen fit to release new boxes with additional and supplementary upgrades in them. Most of them can be applied to any Trooper unit with the proper slots, and are detailed in their respective entries.

Rebel Specialists Personnel

Personnel Upgrades

Rebel Troopers Upgrades

Personnel and Heavy Weapon Upgrades

To Be Released

  • Commander, Lando Calrissian.
  • Portable Scanners
  • A-A5 Speeder Truck (possible)

Tactics & Build Help

  • Some cards have been changed via Errata, so here is a link to it:
  • All of your commanders and operatives are good, so go nuts with the hero hammer lists!
  • Taking Luke and Leia, the wonder twins, for their immense synergy is advisable. Luke is fast and hits hard, but is the center of attention, while Leia can hand him dodge tokens to trigger deflect and is better at babysitting the troops.
    • Leia generally makes a great support/back-up commander, regardless. Generally, if you need a commander, while also having the slot and points to spare, she's a great addition. If 40 points makes a massive difference for your list, the generic commander is a great budget option.
  • All of your support options are good, and can fit most roles. Use FD Turrets in defensive lists and Tauntauns in aggressive lists. AT-RTs are a great middle-ground between the two, if more flexibility is needed.
  • Rebel DLTs are very competitive right now, outside of completely naked troopers, but the Z-6 can give some wild rolls, occasionally.
  • Rebels have access to a surprising amount of threat saturation. Sabine and Mandalorians, Tauntauns, AT-RTs (especially the Flamer variants), Fleet Troopers. The list goes on. Rebels can easily create control lists with these units and dominate what your opponent does. Combine this with a commander like Han, who further messes with your opponent, and you'll have an annoying list to deal with.
  • Let us not forget about the danger sense crew of Jyn, Cassian, and Pathfinders. Imperial suppression getting you down? Not anymore, with all that suppression control and benefits! Combined with K2SO's and C3PO's calculate odds, you will have a strong combination of units.
  • With the November 2020 RRG, Airspeeders got a massive boost. Taking two for 260 points, before upgrades, is a completely viable tactic, now!

See Also

Star Wars Miniature Games Tactical Guides
X-Wing: Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire, The Resistance, The First Order, Scum & Villainy, The Galactic Republic, Confederacy of Independent Systems
Armada: Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire, The Galactic Republic, Confederacy of Independent Systems
Legion: Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire, Grand Army of the Republic, Confederacy of Independent Systems,