Armada/Tactics/The Galactic Republic

"I love the Republic. I love democracy."
- – Chancellor Palpatine
Why Play the Republic[edit | edit source]
The Republic is the straightforward and tough team. Half the Republic's ship cards have both turbolasers AND ordinance slots, and three of those can use boarding teams as well; and not a single one of their ships has ion cannons. The Grand Army likes to get in close and bust face. The Republic's two heavy hitters, the Acclamator and Venator, stand around the Victory in terms of power and durability. They can't expect to take on an ISD or a Starhawk alone.
But they won't have to, because the Republic's squadron game plays a bit more like the rebellion. Republic fighters make the tradeoff of being tough like the rebels with slightly worse anti-squad dice (but good anti-ship dice). Their ace abilities are more like those of the empire, focused around swarming and cooperative boosting. Through various methods republic squadrons can gain snipe, assault, counter, swarm (and make it work against ships), free readied defense tokens, auto-obstruction, and even free anti-ship accuracies. If the republic forms voltron they can become a dangerous anti-everything blob.
Thus the Grand Army likes the Protoss deathball style of play, as a big concentrated fist of doom punching its way straight through the enemy. They need to get close to get use out of their black dice and boarding party friendly builds. But with their high squadron values and squadron friendly titles and officers they'd rather be commanding fighters. With the exception of the Consular, GAR ships are particularly bad at maneuvering, so a methodical advance is better than a full speed rush.
Lastly, the GAR favors going wide over going tall. Their base hulls are exceptionally points economical but aside from carrier builds they don't have a lot of upgrade synergies. If the choice is between spending 50 points on bling, or another small or some fighters, they generally like having more friends.
Ships[edit | edit source]
Class | Variant | Fore | Sides | Aft | AA | Hull | Defenses | C/S/E |
Consular | Armed Cruiser | ❷ ⬤⬤⬤ | ❷ ⬤⬤ | ❶ ⬤ | ⬤⬤ | 4 | Contain, Evade, Redirect | 1/1/2 |
Consular | Charger c70 | ❷ ⬤⬤⬤ | ❷ ⬤⬤ | ❶ ⬤⬤ | ⬤ | 4 | Contain, Evade, Redirect | 1/1/2 |
Pelta | Medical | ❸ ⬤⬤⬤ | ❷ ⬤⬤ | ❶ ⬤⬤ | ⬤ | 5 | Brace, Evade, Redirect | 2/2/4 |
Pelta | Transport | ❸ ⬤⬤⬤ | ❷ ⬤⬤ | ❶ ⬤⬤ | ⬤⬤ | 5 | Brace, Evade, Redirect | 2/1/4 |
Acclamator | I | ❹ ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ | ❷ ⬤⬤⬤ | ❷ ⬤⬤ | ⬤⬤ | 7 | Brace, Redirect, Salvo | 3/3/4 |
Acclamator | II | ❹ ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ | ❷ ⬤⬤⬤ | ❷ ⬤⬤ | ⬤⬤ | 7 | Brace, Redirect, Salvo | 3/3/4 |
Venator | I | ❹ ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ | ❸ ⬤⬤⬤⬤ | ❷ ⬤⬤⬤ | ⬤⬤ | 9 | Brace, Contain, Redirect, Salvo | 3/3/4 |
Venator | II | ❹ ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ | ❸ ⬤⬤⬤⬤ | ❷ ⬤⬤⬤ | ⬤⬤ | 9 | Brace, Contain, Redirect, Salvo | 3/5/4 |
Victory | I | ❸ ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ | ❸ ⬤⬤⬤ | ❶ ⬤⬤ | ⬤ | 8 | Brace, Redirect, Salvo | 3/3/4 |
Consular Class[edit | edit source]

The Consular is basically two very different ships sharing a single mini. Its variants approximate the CR90 and Hammerhead in their roles, with a maneuver chart more like the Imperial Raider. Unlike the Raider, both versions have a support team slot allowing them to use engine techs to go fake speed 5, and with the 5th leg having 2 clicks of yaw.
- Armed Crusier: The cheaper variant, equipped with defensive and ordinance upgrades. The Armed plays more like the Hammerhead, wanting to get in close and unload some black dice with external racks. The standard rebel suicide Hammerhead can throw ❶❶❺. The Armed Cruiser with the same fit, dial, and angle can throw ❸❺ and moves faster. This hull also has ❷ AA, but its upgrades don't offer much synergy as a flak boat.
- Charger c70: The Armed Cruiser's polar opposite; the Charger is a long range run & gun harasser with offensive and turbolaser upgrades. It lacks the second evade that made the TRC-90 such a menace; instead, the Charger wants to use Linked Turbolaser Towers to throw about the same amount of red damage.
- Titles
- Radiant VII: Gives up turbolaser and ordinance upgrades to gain a fleet support. Give it bomber command and team it up with Nevoota Bee to give your Y-Wings and ARC-170s three tries at getting a crit. Or give it Munitions Resupply to feed concentrate tokens to your flying triangles.
- Swift Return: Can change speed or increase yaw value by 1 if determining course near an obstacle.
Basic Builds
Role | Cost | Parts | Notes |
Ranged Harasser | 60 |
The Clone version of the TRC-90. A bit more expensive for a bit more ship. |
Kamikaze | 41 |
One point more expensive than the standard rebel suicide hammerhead. |
Space Cleric | 55 |
Park it behind an Acclamator to push repair tokens. |
Carrier Escort | 50 |
This build wants to operate with Nevoota Bee and some Y-Wings, getting dials and passing corresponding tokens to the Bee. |
Pelta Class[edit | edit source]

The Republic Pelta is cheaper but slightly weaker than its Rebel equivalent. It retains the same shields and defense tokens, but loses one forward dice. Instead of a fleet command, both versions offer a fleet support. Its lower cost puts the pelta in competition with the consular as a fleet building block rather than a centerpiece. This is illustrated by its title list, which leans into making it a better small base ship.
- Medical Frigate: Combining a fleet support with an offensive slot and squadron 2, this is a natural choice for bomber command center.
- Transport Frigate: The cheaper variant with a defensive slot; with two aft red dice, it's worth considering reactive gunnery.
- Titles
- FB-88: Before you reveal a command you may discard your top command dial. DOES NOT DISCARD, making it a strictly better skilled first officer and effectively turning the pelta into a psudo command 1 ship.
- TB-73: Gains an evade token. But you don't have a turbolaser slot so no TRCs.
Acclamator Class[edit | edit source]

The grandpalpy Star Destroyer, the Acclamator is essentially a Victory as flown by clones: its faster and somewhat more flexible in how it can be fitted out and used. More importantly though it fixes the chief problem of the Victory by being much cheaper. It doesn't futz around with ion cannon upgrades; both versions get turbolasers and ordinance. The Acclamator fits out well for squadron work; if you want to load it down with expanded hangars and fly it like a very angry Quasar Fire, it can do that. Its main limitation is that its maneuver chart is bad. Really bad, "marginally better than the super star destroyer" bad. The safest way to fly this thing is to just stack navigate dials and take a dial fixing officer to do whatever you're gonna do with it.
- Acclamator I: At 66 points, you can have almost two of these for what the Empire spends on an Imperial-II. This is the squadron-friendly version with two offensive retrofits. The presence of a second offensive slot raises boarding troopers from "hahaha no" to serious "hmmmmm" territory.
- Acclamator II: Two points cheaper than the basic Victory, the Acclamator II has more staying power on account of its defensive retrofit slot. This is the artillery version and relies on either going big on red with spinals or using the swivel-mount guns to throw black dice out to red range.
- Titles
- Implacable: Can give up to 2 shields from its front arc to a friendly out to 1-2.
- Nevoota Bee: OH GOD THE BEES!!! Generic squadrons gain swarm during activation, and activated swarms can reroll one dice when attacking ships.
Basic Builds
Role | Cost | Parts | Notes |
Basic Carrier | 80 |
The carrier escort build in the Consular section includes a clone navigation officer which can feed squadron tokens to this ship. |
Battle Barge | 80 |
A low cost build for delivering a boarding party. |
MEQ | 95 |
This setup is designed to work in a team using token passing; using Clone Navigator it can generate remote confire tokens for clone gunners as long as it has a partner ship nearby. Think of this as a tactical marine, good without being specialized. |
Venator Class[edit | edit source]

The Republic's big angry triangle. Relative to the ISD, its not as tough, loses a click of manuvering at speed 3, and not as shooty in the forward arc. But it's also cheaper and always has an ordinance slot. The two versions have basically a gork & mork thing going, where they both like to smash face and throw squadrons, and it's just a question of which likes which more.
- Venator I: 90 points gives you an angry triangle with a fleet command slot. Throws red and black up front, rainbow dice in all other directions, with double blue flak.
- Venator II: Ten more points gives you a squadron value of 5, more blue in the dice load, and a defensive upgrade, but you give up the fleet command.
- Titles
- Tranquility: After spending defense tokens you can move shields around.
- Resolute: Starts with four tokens of at least two types; when resolving a dial you can also get the matching token. Doesn't work on navigate.
- Triumphant: Does the same gimmick as the Imperial "Centicore" title, becoming a super relay 3 ship but only for squadrons without adept.
Victory Class[edit | edit source]
The Victory I was dumped on granted to the Republic in Rapid Reinforcements I. Weighing in at 75 points and inheriting literally all of the flaws it's carried since the starter box hit shelves, the Victory has exactly ONE advantage over the Acclamator: Star Destroyer. Which means it can take SPHA-T's, and for less than it'd take for a Venator. If your goal is to get as many ignition attacks on the table as possible, this is the hull to do it with.
Commanders[edit | edit source]
- Obi-Wan Kenobi: While a friendly ship is defending, when it spends a readied redirect token, it may reduce the total damage by 1 before it suffers damage. So far Republic ships only have one redirect, but they're also getting the Reactive Gunnery defense refit which lets you spend any defense token to get a salvo result.
- Bail Organa: Starts the game with any combination of 5 navigate/repair tokens. When a friendly ship reveals a command, you can discard up to one token of each type from Bail to give the friendly an additional dial matching the token type removed from Bail.
- Luminara Unduli (Commander): When one of your ships or ace squadrons is defending and it spends fewer than two defense tokens, it can either refresh one of it's exhausted tokens, or choose another friendly ship at up to distance 5 and refresh one of their tokens instead. Definitely a boon for ship survivability, with Scatter aces able to take a bullet for your Venator or Acclimator.
- Admiral Tarkin: Back when he was
Abraham Van Helsinga navy man, Tarkin was a much more hands-on commander. Assign 6 command tokens of any type on him. Then at the start of each Ship Phase, you may discard one token to either gain a matching dial on your flagship, or all of your ships gain a matching command token. - Admiral Yularen: Really likes his squadrons. Using a squadron token activate an extra squadron. When resolving an engineering command, can repair a nearby squadron for 1 point by spending 2 engineering points.
- Plo Koon (Commander): Squadrons making anti ship attacks near a friendly ship add a blue accuracy to their dice. Also, adepts give grit to non-adepts.
- Anakin Skywalker (Commander): Added in RR2. The absolute unit of skub; Anakin boosts salvos, can spend a salvo token to get another attack in... even after a salvo attack. This has survived one round of errata but only tournament testing will tell if he survives with his wording intact.
Crew[edit | edit source]
- Clone Captain Zak: Can exhaust to add a dice to your side or rear attack pool. Needs a token to ready, comes with one. Zak is better suited to working on a Charger c70 from the flanks.
- Clone Navigation Officer: When you reveal a Concentrate Fire, Navigate, or Squadron command, he can exhaust to give a token of the same type to a nearby friendly. Needs a token to ready, comes with one. This is pretty much a better Comms Net.
- Clone Gunners: When resolving a concentrate fire, Clone Gunners can discard a concentrate fire token from a another nearby friendly ship to add a blue accuracy to an attack pool.
- Adi Gallia: Lets you move 1 damage between zones for each token you spent.
- Ahsoka Tano: Gives out snipe to non-unique squadrons.
- Barriss Offee: Can spend a redirect to change the targeted hull zone.
- Clone Captain Silver: Can exhaust to change speed if you aren't navigating. Needs a token to ready, comes with one.
- Clone Commander Wolffe: Can give assault to squadrons without adept, and printed assault can resolve on hit or accuracy. Needs a token to ready, comes with one.
Equipment[edit | edit source]
- Hyperspace Rings: The Republic's signature gimmick, hyperspace rings allow you to give fighters the Scout ability. This is best used throwing ARC-170's ahead of the deployment zone.
- SPHA-T: Gives Republic star destroyers an ignition attack at the cost of 2 squadron points. Needs a token to ready.
Squadrons[edit | edit source]
Republic squadrons rely on teamwork in order to maximize their potential. They don't have the high damage abilities of the rebel aces, and they're not as economical as the empire. They also have virtually no rogues. What the Republic does have going for it is that their squadrons are tough for their points, and most of their aces boost their non-uniques.
Type | Speed | Hull | AA | AS | Defense | Keywords |
ARC-170 | 2 | 7 | ⬤⬤⬤ | ⬤⬤ | Bomber, Counter 1 | |
Odd Ball | 2 | 7 | ⬤⬤⬤ | ⬤⬤ | Brace, Evade | Bomber, Counter 1 |
BTL-B Y-Wing | 3 | 6 | ⬤⬤ | ⬤ | Bomber, Heavy | |
Anakin Skywalker | 3 | 6 | ⬤⬤⬤ | ⬤⬤ | Brace, Brace | Bomber, Heavy, Adept 2 |
Delta-7 Aethersprite | 4 | 4 | ⬤⬤⬤⬤ | ⬤ | Adept 1, Counter 2, Dodge 1 | |
Ahsoka Tano | 4 | 4 | ⬤⬤⬤⬤ | ⬤ | Brace, Scatter | Adept 1, Counter 2, Grit |
Kit Fisto | 4 | 4 | ⬤⬤⬤⬤ | ⬤ | Brace, Brace | Adept 2, Counter 2, Intel |
Luminara Unduli | 4 | 4 | ⬤⬤⬤⬤ | ⬤ | Brace, Scatter | Adept 1, Counter 2 |
Plo Koon | 4 | 4 | ⬤⬤⬤⬤ | ⬤ | Brace, Scatter | Adept 2, Counter 2 |
V-19 Torrent | 3 | 5 | ⬤⬤⬤ | ⬤ | Escort, Swarm | |
Axe | 3 | 5 | ⬤⬤⬤ | ⬤ | Brace, Evade | Escort, Swarm |
Kickback | 3 | 5 | ⬤⬤⬤ | ⬤ | Brace, Brace | Escort, Swarm |
- ARC-170: The ARC is as slow as a b-wing and as tough as the Falcon. While they can be trucked around and dropped by a carrier, this doesn't take full use of their health reserve. ARCs are better thought of as pickets. If you're going to use them, use them with hyperspace rings, put them well forward, and expect that they will die.
- Odd Ball: Can reroll up to 2 dice when attacking if he moved.
- BTL-B Y-Wing: Almost identical to the classic rebel Y-Wing.
- Anakin Skywalker: In the hands of the best starfighter pilot in the galaxy, the BTL-B is unstoppable. Anakin can spend a defense token to ignore engagement, meaning NOTHING will stop him from making an anti-ship attack. With adept 2 and bomber command center he's essentially guaranteed to throw two damage.
- Delta-7 Aethersprite: Generic jedi fighters. Its difficult to make the case to field the generic Delta when it weighs in at 17 points (one point more than the TIE Defender) for an anti-squadron specialist with rerolls and counter.
- Ahsoka Tano: After moving, a friendly squadron at distance 1 can attack an enemy squadron at distance 1 with 2 blues even after activating. Loves to team up with Kickback and a Fighter Coordination Team.
- Kit Fisto: When you spend a defense token, you may instead discard it to reduce damage by 3.
- Luminara Unduli: When enemy squadrons at distance 1 attack non-unique friendly squadrons, that attack is obstructed.
- Plo Koon: Non-unique friendly squadrons without counter at distance 1 gain counter 1.
- Anakin Skywalker: Added in Rapid Reinforcements; if he manages to land damage on a squadron, he can ding up to two squadrons at distance 1 from the defender for 1 as well.
- V-19 Torrent: Your basic fighter; the V-19 is the toughest swarm fighter to date.
- Axe: If a friendly out to distance 1 suffers damage, he can spend a token to reduce that damage by 1.
- Kickback: After he attacks, he can move 1 even if engaged.
The Ahsoka & Kickback Show: Activate ship, reveal squadron command. Activate Kickback, move to engage Target A & B, attack Target A, maybe use free move to reposition after. Activate Ahsoka and move her so she is at 1 of Kickback but not engaged with Target B, and attack Target A. Ahsoka's ability activates Kickback; if Target A is still alive, shoot it, disengaging Ahsoka, otherwise attack Target B. Ship does its shooting (flak if needed to free up Ahsoka), then move the ship and trigger Fighter Coordination Team. Ahsoka should be unengaged. FCT allows Ahsoka to move, which allows Kickback to fire again at Target B, and then move.