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*'''Specialization:''' TBD
*'''Specialization:''' TBD
*'''Strength:''' 712,000 (2 regiments of 350,000 tribe gangers with 6,000 officers from noble families and the middle hive)
*'''Strength:''' 712,000 (2 regiments of 350,000 tribe gangers with an additional 6,000 in the form of the Officer and Logistics corps) currently in system, 3 such Regiments are usually raised every Tithe with the Officers being raised from the Upper-Hivers and the middle Hivers making up te Logistics corps
*'''Famed Battles:''' <small>TBD</small>
*'''Famed Battles:''' <small>TBD</small>

Revision as of 12:33, 5 October 2020

Sector Cartograph, ca. 7710134.M42



Sector Overview

The Age of the Dark Imperium, also known as the Era Indomitus, is the current period of Imperial history, beginning after the destruction of Cadia in the Thirteenth Black Crusade and the formation of the Great Rift. During this period we find ourselves in the Chaagrut Sector where war has broken out dangerously close to Holy Terra. Chains of catastrophic Warp Rifts have isolated the sector while depositing enemies of the Imperium originating from across time and space.

A Tau fleet, carrying a large Water Caste Diplomatic Corps and guarded by the fire warriors of Sept Mang'Ro, has arrived in the Sector through a warp portal, fleeing the sinister Hive Fleet Nihiloor. At the same time, the Hive Fleet Raksasha immediately began a horrific campaign of planetary infestation and consumption in the agri-world cluster known as The Vines. Genestealer cults rose to meet them, using industrial fertilizers and waste to help create bio titans of unfathomable size before being consumed in turn. It is suspected that Raksasha appeared a few decades ago trough the Storm of Ending, probably by accident after the Cicatrix Maledictum opened; and avoided detection while sending spores of genestealers to nearby world to prepare for invasion. Now its numbers are massive.

In response the Order of the Twice-Blessed Towers has mobilized from the hives of their Shrine World, bringing with them the combined might of the Imperial Guard Regiment Skaði's Thralls and the warhound hosts of the Knights of the Autumn Court. In Hǿjager, The guerilla warfare of the Thralls and the heavy reconnaissance of the Legio Cavall warhounds, are directed by Order Palatines who set up devastating shock and awe attacks that leave the surviving Tyranids reeling. Despite their victories the outnumbered Imperial Forces are unable to slow the progress of Hive Fleet Raksasha, who absorbs its losses with distressing ease.

A Shield Company of the Adeptus Custodes arrive on the Shrine World of Skaði XVIII, to the joy and awe of the Sector's citizens. Tensions rise however as it becomes apparent the Custodes are there to fortify and cleanse the shrine world ahead of possible attack. While the Shield Host is successful in rooting out heretics and mutants, their activities draw troops and supplies that could be used at the front. After this time-costly purge, they procede to move with two maniples of the Legio Cavall, four regiments of the Thralls with five special squads of Company Deystivye, drawn directly from the Inquisition special forces, 150 Sisters of the Twice Blessed Towers and the Adeptus Custodes Company themselves, numbering 60 custodes, two dreadnoughts and their thralls.

Their main goal is to save the homeworld of Cavall, Titania. The remmants of the Legio Cavall and their securatii hold the assault of the genestealer cults and the Hive Fleet Raksasha; their biotitans already pushing trough the lines of the warhounds, three of the god-engines already lost under the giant scythes of the xeno monstrosities. If the forgeworld falls, there won't be enough supplies to sustain the rest of the campaign. The arrival of the combined fleet, lead by Prefect Listorias, Shield-Captain of the Refulgent Hunters, is the only change of pushing back, and eventually flanking, Raksasha.

But Fleet Raksasha is not the only threat the Chaagrut sector faces. Hive Fleet Nihiloor is smaller, but potentially even more dangerous. Worlds ravaged by Nihiloor are left as graveyards filled with poisonous gas and corroded metal. Worse still are rumors that Nihiloor captures prisoners, infecting them with worms that carve their way to a victim's brain and take control. These enthralled prisoners are then released, traveling to safe worlds to sabotage Imperial defenses. Some even say that their infiltration of infected spies was executed before they started consuming their first worlds.

The tyranid invasion unfortunately comes during the 70 year cycle of the Tide, a chaos warband that emerges from the ruins of the now extinct space marine chapter headquarters on Skaði VI. Skaði's Thralls, the planet guard highly prized for their combat prowess is forced to retain a large portion of their forces to contend with the threat.

And there are rumors the greenskins and drukhari are on the move.....

A History of the Sector

Era Events
The Dark Age of Technology:
The Age of Strife:
The Great Crusade:
The Chaagrut Sector is brought into the Imperial fold by the Primarch Lorgar and his legion of Word Bearers
The Horus Heresy:
Records of the sector during the Heresy have been lost but it is though that sometime during the End of the Heresy or beginning of the Scouring the Regiments of Imperial Army troopers who would become the Feral Tribes of Skaði VI were stationed there indefinitely and were eventually forgotten about.
The Forging:
The Reign of Blood:
The Plague of Unbelief:
Circa 800.M38:
Offical Records are lost but it is currently assumed that Early M38 or late M37 a Chapter of Space Marines would arrive on Skaði VI and rediscover the forgotten Tribals. It is recorded that early M38 is when the "Champions of Skaði" Chapter of Space Marines would use the favour won by recovering the Heresy-Era Transport ships which the ancient army soilders had arrived in to claim the planet as their own. Whether the Marines named themselves after the Planet or the Planet after themselves has been lost to history
Circa 380.M39:
Circa 500.M40:
Champions of Skaði would come into conflict with an unknown Chaos Warband apparantly led by a Deamon Prince of an Unknown God, Presumed to be Khorne. The Marines would apparantly vanquish the Prince 20 Years into the conflict however it would return near the End of the Millenium to continue leading the Band before being slain again by =]REDACTED[=
A "Counter Crusade" against a Chaos invasion of the Skaði System is called and a large detachment of either the Order of Valourus Heart, The Order of the Twice Blessed Tower, or a Predeccesor to the Twice Blessed Tower that had already Splintered of from the Valourus Heart (Records have since been lost) is assigned to lead the operation alongside many Walkers of House Pallis. The Heretics occupying The Hive-Shrine world of Skaði XVIII (otherwise known as "The Sacred Spires") on the farest edge of the System rooted out and exterminated. However when Imperial forces land on Skaði VI they find the Chaos Forces completely absent and, worse, the Chapions of Skaði are found dead to a Marine their Fortress Monestary blown wide open. The Order of the Twice-Blessed Towers later set up their headquaters on the sacred spires after one of their number acended to Living Sainthood during the initial Counter-Invasion and would soon be blessed with a second Living Saint during an assult into a discovered Webway portal against "Eldar". Skaði VI would start paying Tithes with Guardsmen soon after creating the Skaði's Thralls regiment of Guard, the Former Recruitment world pf Arcillian-II would also be forced to resume the payment of Imperial Tithes in the Chapters absence
Recent History:
Present Day

Worlds of Chaagrut

  • Skaði VI: "The former domain of the Champions of Skaði" as it is known in some documents now produces the famed Skaði's Thralls regiment of Imperial Guard. Extremely cold and covered in forest ("Forests") the only source of iron and a few other vital nutrients on the planet are small songbird sized avians which the planets children are tasked with hunting so as to improve their marksmanship. While hunting of these creatures are the main source of nourishment for the feral peoples of the planet, the best example of lethal creatures on the world, isn't fauna, its flora. The labyrixinia skatius, is a species of tree, if the classificaction as plant is somewhat dubious. These trees don't really reproduce as any plants do, and their genetic diversity is as low as their disease resistance is high. They grow big, with branches extending at every level of its trunk, being flexible and long, with the "leaves" at their end being like serrated blades. It doesn't seem the labyrixinia is purely photosynthetic, at least the sunlight on this planet shouldn't support trees this tall. What is important is their ability to suddenly whip with its flexible and sharp branches, producing deep cuts and intoxicating the poor fool that approaches one of these things without caution. The poison acts both as a psychotropic drug and as a way of cloning itself, after the toxin makes the host vomit its "seeds" in a far away place (usually the poison makes the target to be disoriented). This makes the labyrixinia a surprisingly good tool to build improvised defenses: labyrinths of fast, sharp and mind altering whips; ideal for the ambushes of the Thralls. They also like to use if as a drug in traditional rituals of their culture and their sap is glue of industrial quality.
  • Skaði XVIII: a Hive-Shrine world at the far-far edge of the system. The hives are only able to survive on this frozen world because of ancient, archeotech cores at the heart of every one. These heating towers warm and power the Hives without the need for sunlight (Skaði XVIII gets very little as it is so far away and because of the Ondürdis Mist) and also gives the ideal conditions and energy needed for the network of agri-tunnels and crioponic engines. As a result Skaði XVIII provide enough food for the planets entire non-underhiver population using ancient farming apparatus almost as poorly understood as the towers of the Hives, with even a slight surplus for their feral neighbours. The Order of the Twice-Blessed Towers has set up on the planet, claiming these ancient relics as holy works of the Emperor that are powered through sheer force of prayer (they probably aren't but saying that on Skaði XVIII will result in the death penalty). This troubles the Ecclesiarcy, because the synchretism with some of the theological ideas of the Mechanicus. However with two members of the local Sisterhood becoming Living Saints, the Sororitas are steadfast in the defense of their offshoot of the Faith and butt heads with the rest of the Administratum over its right to keep spreading their word.
  • Rezelkgulda: TBD
  • Navy Port Ceadora: Naval Headquaters of the Sector and home of the go-to Voidsmen for the Sectors entire Battlefleet the Ceadoran Voidwalkers. These pious warriors are all to happy to go down with an enemy ship after disabling its shields with Cyclopses and driving a Scylla into its Bridge.
  • Narsea Ciryn: A Former Dead World brought to life by a bungled Terraforming project (The Narsea) the details of which were lost to the Ad-Mech. Narsea Ciryn is a massive iceball, it's tilt propelling it from cold summers to even colder winters with 140 hour days. Nethertheless it's been cleared for settlement and a large amount of colonists were sent to set up shop there in the 40th Millenium, followed by another wave after an Administratum mishap to replace all the ones who starved. Burrowing into the Planets Gig-Cliffs and keeping themselves warm with Geo-Thermal heating from the planets many active volcanos (how does one have active volcanos on an ice planet?). The Colony is still in it's early days, They can only produce basic Coginators and Stub-Guns on-planet and only 60 million settlers spread out across the Planets surface (which is rather thin considering how much surface Narsea Ciryn has).
  • Gradhyllan: TBD
  • Mamalm: TBD
  • Lomka X: TBD
  • Lomka I: TBD
  • Pallisadus: Home of Pallas House, these brave knights were either rediscovered towards the end of the beheading or founded, Records are Sparse and contradictory and not even the House itself knows anymore. Founded or Rediscovered to protect Sandhärad XI these Knights hunt relentlessly for STCs in order to find out what is wrong with the truly ancient Walker that apparently belonged to the Houses Founder. a Legendary warrior who defended the world from Deamons during the ancient Age of Strife. The Kights are currently at war with a Genestear Cult that has taken over one of the Smaller planets in their system which is preventing them from helping out against Hive Fleets Nihloor and Rakasha
  • Rika Armamamentarium: Apparantly a rather Warmongering world in the Age of Strife, the Rika Armamentarium was brought to heal by Word-Bearers (Though Rika often teaches its children that they were brought into the fold by the Imperial Fists) before sending its arms and warriors to assist in the Great Crusade. Sometime during the Heresy the planet was rapidly re-fortified and apprantly repelled a small Word-Bearers raid before being labeled as more trouble then it was worth by the Traitor legions at the time (This is because the planet had no real navy nor the capacity to build or maintan one, something the modern-day Imperium has intentially continued) as a result the planet has many emplacements of ancient defences many dating from the Heresy but some apparently being put in place during the Age of Strife or even the Dark-Age of Technology. Aside from an admitably huge Ork Siege during the War of the Beast the planet has served the last 10'000 years more as one of the many deterents keeping enemies away from the heart of the Imperium rather then as a bastion against some pressing threat simply due to its location. This does not effect its tithe of guard however, as the population are very serious about not letting the lack of action weaken their resolve and as such the planets Millitarum Regiments are sent all over the Galaxy to the most dangerous of battlefields to Improve their abilities and Ward off the dangers of Complacantcy. Here service is life, the War will be forever and that is no bad thing.
  • Nixa: TBD
  • Uglah: TBD
  • Sandhärad V: TBD
  • Sandhärad XI: A Data Hive this Forge World is almost exclusively dedicated to storing and sorting information. With one exeption, underneath tehe Largest of it's two oceans 16 manufactorums are set up, these assembly line are important as Sandhärad XI is one of the few Forge Worlds in the Imperium that can still make Grav-Guns, and even still this is only becuase it's ancient Manufactorums contain arcane devices knowledge of which are lost to the Imperium that are able to turn raw materials into otherwise unobtainable parts vital to the construction of Sandhärad Pattern Grav-Weapons. Sandhärad's grav-Weapons take a long time to make but it makes use of a Rouge Trader house (Which claims to have been granted its Writ of Trade for this very purpose) to trade these Weapons all over the Imperium in return for valuble pieces of information to catalog in its vast datories
  • Højager: the Sacred Jungles of Højager orignally served as a beacon of purity to for the rest of the system before the Tyranids cam. Now it is Twisted and dead with two Hive Fleets fighting in the Void over which one gets to eat it in while the Genestealer Cult spawned by Rakasha fight Nihiloor's Brain-Leech Tralls on the ground. The Last of the Planets human defenders are holed up in the recently fortified Hospital-Covent of the Planets order of Hospitalar Soriatas praying to the God-Emperor for deliverence and debating if they should or should not detonate the stash of Starship Grade Torpeados underneath their last bastion in order to deny the Great Devourers(s) some Biomass if not the planet.
  • Ceta-Proxima: TBD
  • Molvåg: TBD
  • Bolga III: TBD
  • Gurtragard: TBD
  • Oserheim: TBD
  • Sophia's Bounty: TBD
  • Tatal V: TBD
  • Arcillian II: Formally a Space Marine Recruitment world Arcillian II's Hives have produced so much toxic sludge that their Underhives have been effectively abandoned, the Gangers left to devolved into (almost) Pre-Industrial Tribes who use the ancient Bionic Manufactorums that were once the lifeblood of the Under-Hives to Augment their bodies and survive in the poisonous Mire that are the Flooded Under-Hives. These Techno-Barbarians are chosen as the Planets Guard Tithe for the same reason the Administratum values feral worlders for service and once their crude Bionics are replaced by Astra Militarum-Grade Cybernetic Enhancements the Arcillian Sappers become one of the Sectors most potent Regiments of Guard.
  • Arcillian III: TBD
  • Arcillian V: TBD
  • Nevoghast: TBD

Military Forces of Chaagrut

Imperial Navy

Battlefleet Chaagrut TBD

Battlegroup Home Port Major Ships
Battlegroup A: Navy Port Ceadora Spear of Determination, Emperor Class Currently Deployed at the head of the Titania Emergency Defence Fleet
Battlegroup B: Titania Dockyards The Great Breaker of Fell Tides, or just The Great Breaker, Nemesis Class Currently Deployed as part of the Titania Emergency Defence Fleet, obviously.
Battlegroup C: Navy Port Arcillian Hammer of the Dammed, Retribution Class Deployed in defence of the Arcillian system
Battlegroup D: Sandhärad Dockyards Parabellum, Modified Invincible Class Currently Deployed as part of the Titania Emergency Defence Fleet, often used to bolster other Battlegroups, adding the specialist weaponry manufactured by Sandhärad XI to arsenal of the battlegroup it supports.

Battlefleet Chaagrut is TBD

Order of the Twice Blessed Towers

Order of the Twice Blessed Towers
Main Convent: Skaði XVIII, Shrine World
Strength: 1.000 Sisters plus additional serfs and zealous followers
Specialization: Shock and Awe
Canoness Superior: Helen Von Longieu
Famed Battles: The Webway Regicide, The Morician Slaughter, The Reclaimation of Skaði XVIII, The Storming of Sandrads castle
Symbol: A stylized heart with two towers behind it. A stylized face with ornamentation, half female in gold, half skull in black.
Colors: White, black, and gold
Daughters Of: Order of the Valorous Heart
Nickname: The Crown of Skaði, The Towers














Legio Cavall

Legio Cavall
Home World: Titania, Forge World
Strength: 70 Warhound Scout Titans
Specialization: Recon, Pack Tactics, Scatter Weaponry
Commanding Officer: Princeps Aona Ó Sluaghadhaigh of the Autumn Court
Famed Battles: The Second Battle for Titania, the Winter Agression, the Defence of Titania Minor, the Battle of Oserheim, the Unrooting
Symbol: TBD
Colors: TBD
Nickname: TBD











Sept Mang'Ro

Sept Mang'Ro
Home World: Beacarda Primus
Strength: TBD
Specialization: TBD
Commanding Officer: Shas'El Mang'Ro Ril'Rax
Famed Battles: TBD
Symbol: TBD
Colors: Green and Brown
Nickname: TBD









DA WURST Freebotas

DA WURST Freebootas
Homeworld: Spacehulk, Tormentor of Eternity
Strength: 30,000 troops, split almost evenly between hulking Nobs and tiny gretchens
Specialization: Shooting and Looting, Da Wurst love their Dakka
Commanding Officer: Captain Jobba Da Grot
Famed Battles: Da Big Haul, Da ORKY Deal
Symbol: TBD
Colors: Green
Nickname: TBD











Hive Fleet Raksasha

Hive Fleet Raksasha
Migration Origin: Southwest Chaagrut
Specialization: Planetary Infestation, Spread and Devour
Common Bio-morphs Titanic Beasts and Symbiotic Swarms
Famed Battles: The Feast of Molvåg, The Decimation of the Vines, The First Battle for Titania, The Second Battle for Titania, the Assult on Imperial Outpost Ceta-Proxima
Symbol: TBD
Colors: Turquoise and Green
Nickname: Raksasha Rajas









Hive Fleet Nihiloor

Hive Fleet Nihiloor
Migration Origin: West Chaagrut
Strength: Roughly 300,000 bio-organisms. Number of brainleech infected: Unknown
Specialization: Corrosion and Poison
Common Bio-morphs: Feeder Tendrils, Brainleeches
Famed Battles: The Hojager Arbites Treason, The Mang'Ro Ambush, The Feast of Molvåg
Symbol: TBD
Colors: Orange and Grey
Nickname: Nids of Nih











Shield Host of the Refulgent Hunters

Shield Host of the Refulgent Hunters
Home World: Holy Terra
Strength: 60 custodes with their serfs, support equipment and vehicles.
Specialization: Jetbikes
Commanding Officers: Shield-Captain Prefect Listorias, a Second Shield Captain
Famed Battles: =]CLASSIFIED[= The Storming of Sandrads castle
Symbol: A fire lance penetrating a black heart tied with snakes, representing the souls of abominable xenos.
Colors: Gold and Red
Nickname: Terra's First Lancers











The Tide

The Tide
Resurrection Location: Skaði VI, Feral World
Strength: Roughly 10,000 Troops and 1 Daemon Prince
Specialization: Terror
Commanding Officer: Always changing
Famed Battles: The Extermination of the Champions of Skaði, and the Defeat of a long forgotten Tzeentchian sorcerous warband.
Symbol: A face screaming in anger, with streams of tears in the shape of centipedes
Colors: Blue and Copper
Nickname: The Tide, The Cursed of Skaði, Khorne's Shame












Kabal of the Nightmare Menagerie

Kabal of the Nightmare Menagerie
Commorragh territory:The Abomninable Circus, a cursed arena district.
Strength: Impossible to estimate eldar numbers. Is assumed this Kabal is relatively small as its a "recent one.
Specialization: These Dark Eldar seem to favour boarding tactics to a point they consider a boarding slaughter a form of art.
Commanding Officer:
Famed Battles:












Imperial Guard Regiments

“Stand true, you dogs of the Emperor! Steady that line!” *BLAM*

-Commissar Ranmothe encouraging the 2nd Company, 4th Heavy Dragoons, at the Battle of Heresy Field
Regiment Name Symbol Details Overview
Skaði's Thralls

Nickname: "Thralls, The Thralls, Those Feral Cannibles"

A vertical bar, one half red and one half blue
  • Specialization: Guerrilla Warfare
  • Strength: 2-3 Regiments of 300-330K Legionarries per Tithe
  • Famed Battles: TBD
Hailing from the ice covered feral world of Skaði VI, Skaði's Thralls are experts of winter and guerilla warfare. Long ago the world was the site of a space marine chapter, drawing upon the thousands of tribes on the planet for their recruitment. However, chaos cultists in the Imperial Navy delivered a devastating sneak attack from orbit, before leading a final purge of the area in person. Mauch of the hapters history was lost when the heretics destoryed their Monestary but the tribes have not forgotten their planet's past and are eager to strike down servants of the ruinous powers wherever they appear.

Skaði's Thralls are expert troops, skilled by nature and training to operate in any cold weather theater. Most dangerous of all are the "Winter's Soldiers", a special unit that recruits tribesmen convicted of cannibalism. These soldiers are led harshly by their commissars, their lives already forfeit. A Winter Soldier may spend weeks living in a frozen hole, waiting for the enemy to approach, before taking a single shot to eliminate an enemy commander. When the enemy draws in they often find themselves flanked by snipers who catch the now leaderless army in a withering barrage of sniper fire.

Ceadoran Voidwalkers

Nickname: TBD

  • Specialization: Shock and Awe, Mechanized Infantry
  • Strength: TBD
  • Famed Battles: TBD
The Ceadoran Voidwalkers are the defense force for the Imperial Navy Port of Ceadora that orbits the Gas Giant Emperor's Might. Rumored to be built during the Great Crusade the port has seen countless ships and armies pass through on their way to the Imperium's Crusades. These thousands of passing crusader armies have deeply influenced the generations of dock workers, who dream of the opportunity to join in such an endeavor.

In the past riots have broken out over limitations on imperial guard recruitment, damaging the port, and so recruitment is now done by lottery overseen by a priesthood of Regiment Officers who are in turn overseen by representatives of the Ecclesiarchy. Recruits are natural experts in operating in the void of space, having so often worked on the outsides of ships with only a rope to keep them grounded. The guard drills their natural ferocity until they are masters of shock and awe tactics, utilizing armored personal carriers and specialized breach cutter lasguns to break through defenses.

At some point in the past Port Ceadora was attacked by Chaos Space Marines who managed to destroy vast sections of the Port and killed dock workers and their families in the hundreds of thousands. The Ceadoran Voidwalkers have never forgotten this outrage and are eager to earn revenge for their ancestors in battle with the Imperium's enemies.

Uryl's Belters

Nickname: TBD

  • Specialization: Shock and Awe
  • Strength: 500,000 troops per regiment
  • Famed Battles: TBD
Deystivye Company

Nickname: “TBD

  • Specialization: Stealth operations
  • Strength: 100-150 scions after being ambushed and slaughtered by eldars
  • Famed Battles: The slaughter of the Hive of the stepi
An Inquisitorial company of stormtroopers reputed for their silent operations and their discipline but also for the fact that they are the Inquisitor Svetozara Korsakova's personal company. Sometime they fight alongside Skaði's Thralls as their elite troops and the sisters of Order of the Twice Blessed Towers which is normal since they both hail from the same schola.

A scion from this company can easily enter enemy territory complete his mission and exit the scene without anyone knowing about his presence. They are often suspected of kidnapping or murdering enemies of the inquisitor.

Recently when the Inquistor learned about the Tide she sent them all to discover any bit of information, but they where not alone a group of eldar found them and slaughtered them only more than hundred managed to escape and now hold a grudge against them.

Arcillian Sapper Corps

Nickname: TBD

  • Specialization: TBD
  • Strength: 712,000 (2 regiments of 350,000 tribe gangers with an additional 6,000 in the form of the Officer and Logistics corps) currently in system, 3 such Regiments are usually raised every Tithe with the Officers being raised from the Upper-Hivers and the middle Hivers making up te Logistics corps
  • Famed Battles: TBD
TBD Name

Nickname: TBD

  • Specialization: TBD
  • Strength: TBD
  • Famed Battles: TBD
TBD Name

Nickname: TBD

  • Specialization: TBD
  • Strength: TBD
  • Famed Battles: TBD
TBD Name

Nickname: TBD

  • Specialization: TBD
  • Strength: TBD
  • Famed Battles: TBD

Power Groups

  • Svetozara Korsakova, Black Duchess of Skaði XVIII:

Sector Lords



External Links

Warhammer 40,000 Faction Creation Tables
Imperium Adeptus Custodes Shield Host - Grey Knight Brotherhood - Imperial Guard Regiment - Imperial Knight House - Inquisitor - Legiones Skitarii - Legio Titanicus - Renegade Space Marine Chapter - Sisters of Battle Order - Space Marine Chapter - Tempestus Scions Regiment - Underhive Gang - Noble House
Chaos Chaos Space Marine Warband - Chaos Warband - Heretical Cult - Lost and the Damned Regiment - Renegade Knight House - Dark Skitarii Force - Traitor Titan Legion
Xenos Creature Creator - Dark Eldar Kabal - Eldar Craftworld - Harlequin Masque - Genestealer Cult - Necron Dynasty - Ork Klan - Tau Cadre - Tyranid Hive Fleet - Wych Cult
Planets Forge World Generator - Dark Mechanicus Forge World Generator - Planet Generator - Solar System Generator
Misc. Power Armour