Brother-Sergeant Matiel
"The battle is upon us Captain."
Brother Matiel AKA Brother Meatball, is a Brother-Sergeant of the Blood Ravens Space Marine chapter. He appears in Dawn of War on the planet Tartarus along with his superior Gabriel Mangelos and the Librarian, Isador Akios. His role as a Brother-Sergeant basically includes being the sub-commander to Gabe, and a necessary tool to help keep the plot moving. He appears to be very sensible, and often talks a lot of sense (unlike some people, therefore making him a somewhat likable character). His voice acting is also quite good thanks to Scott McNeil (no sarcasm).
Brother Matiel's first appearance on the planet gone fucking mad AKA Tartarus, was shortly after the Bluhd Rehvehns had defeated Warboss Orkamungus. He was curious as to why Inquisitor Mordecai Tough had arrived on the fucking mad planet. His concerns were justified, as Toth's appearance shortly after the alleged Chaos sightings was no coincidence. He also helped to disarm some Eldar explosives which consequently stopped everyone from being blown to kingdom come. Later, he held the heretical forces of Chaos at a chasm before Gabe came in with the big guns. All fluff aside, Matiel was actually pretty badass (although Vance Motherfucking Stubbs will always be the total badass) and did not show any hint of fear or doubt in the face of the complete fuck-fest that was Tartarus.
Unfortunately, Matiel died at the final stages of the Tartarus campaign, where he met his end battling Sindri as a daemon prince. His powered armor and chainsword, however, can be obtained in Dawn of War 2 as dropped wargear.
- It can be said that Brother Metiel is also present in every other Dawn of War game as his character model is exactly the same as the Marine Sergeant/Squad Leader.
- He has an official banner of the Bluhd Rehvehns attached to his back. Presumably, this is to make him look bigger than he really is.
- He is bald (no surprises there).
- He doesn't appear to wear a helmet (likely to show off how heroic and manly he is, as helmets are hardly heroic). Oh, and to show everyone his two service studs (meaning he's over two centuries old).
- His weapons of choice include a Chainsword, and a Bolter Pistol. His chainsword named "Tartarus" can be obtained in DoW2, and has a penchant for ripping through Orks.