Pedro Kantor

- – Pedro Kantor, being awesome as usual
Pedro Kantor is the current Chapter Master of the Crimson Fists. As of 999.m41 the chapter was dangerously under-strength and has to campaign not to be folded into other chapters, though one has to wonder why they're being targeted for this and not some other sons of Dorn. Thankfully, the chapter was replenished with Ultima Founding. As successors of the Imperial Fists they are experts in being tougher than your average spess mahreen. Known also for surviving the downfall of the Crimson Fists fortress monastery and managing to organize the survivors and take out the Orks on Rynn's World, saving little kids and women, and making an Ork Warboss run away from him. These achievements are made all the more impressive by the glorious amount of Derp and FAIL that plagued the chapter's resistance before he took charge.
He is bros for life with fellow Crimsoner and the mighty Spaniard himself Alessio Cortez. While currently Cortez is missing, presumed dead, Kantor thinks his bro has merely been kidnapped by the Eldar (although how you kidnap a giant killing machine, especially one as insanely tough as Cortez, is anyone's guess). Pedro would probably get along brilliantly with Ekene Dubaku given their similar workloads and problems.
He also had his fluff messed up by the dark one. In one battle he was killing Orks near Rynn City and was helped by the Eldar. However, when he went to talk to his rescuers, he was told "Thank me not, for the next time we meet on the battlefield it is I who shall bear your blood", but I guess that this was too awesome and grimdark for Matt Ward to handle.
Currently in 40k he is placed of the Loki Sector by Guilliman. However before that arrival of the Indomitus, he led another defense of Rynn's World against several traitor legions and demonic hordes. Pedro is now rebuilding the Crimson Fists with Primaris elements but with most of the Firstborn chapter command.
Originally named Pedro Cantor, back in the days of Rogue Trader. Pete Cantor was the play tester he was named after.
On the Tabletop[edit | edit source]
Pts | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Pedro Kantor: | 185 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 10 | 2+/4++ |
Pedro Kantor isn't exceptional in any one area, but neither does he lag behind in any area. First off we have his rules, ATSKNF and Chapter Tactics (Imperial Fists), independent character, Hold the Line, and Oath of Rynn. He gives Sternguard objective secured and everyone in his detachment gets preferred enemy (Orks). Every friendly model within 12" of him gets an extra attack, giving him great deathstar potential. His warlord trait gives him FNP for a bit of extra durability, which is nice. He comes to the field with artificer armor, an iron halo, frag and krak grenades, an orbital strike beacon, and a relic gun called "Dorn's Arrow" an assault 4 ap4 Storm Bolter.
Pedro is a solid choice for what he brings, and he opens up a lot of fun tactical options. With the extra wound and FNP he's a bit tougher than most characters, though his lack of Eternal Warrior means you shouldn't be too ballsy with that. Honestly though, Pedro himself is pretty vanilla, it's the tactical options he opens up that you take him for. For example think of Pedro in a full unit of honor guard. You have two attacks base, an extra attack from 2 CCWs, one more attack from their standard, and finally ONE MORE attack from Kantor's buff. You now have, on a charge, fifty nine(!) strength 4 with an extra six power fist attacks for flavor. You can buff this further by buying your guard relic blades and having a command squad nearby, adding +1 A and S, bringing you to a grand total of SIXTY NINE STRENGTH 5 AP3 ATTACKS on the charge, in case you need to kill an entire company of space marines in melee for some reason. Of course this squad is going to cost you just shy of 1000 points and it's one of the biggest fire magnets in the game, but it could be fun! If you're looking for something mildly less cheesy you can make an unbound list of Sternguard with lots of combigravs and Meltas. They have objective secured, so this can work quite well.
8th Edition[edit | edit source]
Pts | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | |
Pedro Kantor: | 150 | 6" | 2+ | 2+ | 4 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 9 | 2+/4++ |
Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | |||||
Dorn's Arrow | 24" | Assault 4 | 4 | -1 | 2 | |||||
Power Fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | d3 | -1 from hit roll. |
Special Rules
- Angels of Death: You'll be using the component rules of this plenty. Bolter Drill when you need to hold the point, Shock Assault when the enemy tries to dislodge you, and ATSKNF to keep standing.
- Crimson Fists: Unlike most successor chapters, you have some unique chapter tactics. Not only do you get your founding chapter's double-hit on nat 6s with bolt weapons, but you also gain +1 to hit when outnumbered by at least 5 models (A vehicle counting as 5 models).
- Chapter Master: All Crimson Fists units within 6" can re-roll all attacks.
- Oath of Rynn: All Crimson Fists units within 6" gain an extra attack.
- Warlord Trait: Stoic Defender: All friendly Crimson Fists units within 6" gain the Defenders of Humanity ability, making anything - EVEN TERMINATORS - scoring. And if you have a unit that's already scoring, they count as double the model count for the sake of contesting objectives.
Pedro's cost was dropped a good deal, but so too has his durability. His potential for Deathstars remains as potent as ever, perhaps even more so - That 6" aura not only gives them re-rolls to hit anything, but he also gives models an extra attack and they count as scoring. If you need a super-armored bunker you could go with Terminators, but you could do just as well with a bunch of tac marines or, more trollishly, incursors with their flurries of knives and benefit from that five-man squad counting as ten men.