Chaos Space Marine Warband Creation Tables

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The Chaos Space Marine Warband Creation Tables were actually the first of the faction creation tables created after Fantasy Flight Games released the "Rites of Battle" splatbook -- in fact, they basically were the Space Marine Chapter Creation Tables, but with every table corrupted into a Chaotic form.

Do not confuse this set of tables with the Chaos Warband Creation Tables -- those tables are for generating a Warband that also includes cultists and other non-Chaos Space Marines.

Legion Warband or Renegade Chapter? (d10)
1–5 Renegade Chapter (once a loyal Space Marine Chapter, now serving Chaos)
6-10 Legion Warband (a warband of one of the nine Chaos Space Marine Legions)

Chaos Worship (d10)
1–2 Chaos Undivided, or one of the minor gods.
3-4 Slaanesh
5-6 Khorne
7-8 Nurgle
9–10 Tzeentch

Why did they fall (Renegades only)? (d100)
1-5 The Chapter Master was accused of heresy by the Inquisition. The Chapter fought against the Inquisition’s warriors and failed.
6-15 The Chapter was friends with the wrong people and ended up being punished because of this.
16–30 Marines in the Chapter dabbled in the dark arts and thought nobody would find out. They were wrong.
31–40 They tried to fight heresy with heresy. The Ordo Malleus made them pay gravely for this when they found out.
41–45 The Chapter rebelled, with originally good intentions, against the Imperium.
46-55 It was discovered that the Chapter's progenitor was a Traitor Legion (roll on Traitor Legion table to decide which).
56-70 The Marines began indulging in the heretical and eventually became consumed by it.
71-80 A battle-brother discovered a mighty weapon. Little did he know a daemon was bound to it, which whispered dark words to its wielder.
81–90 The Chapter's forces were stationed in an area with a powerful Warp presence. This twisted their minds and corrupted them.
91–95 Near the brink of annihilation, the Marines took an extremely cowardly or horrible action to preserve their Chapter, and were excommunicated for this.
96-99 A major mutation appeared in the Chapter's gene-seed. Agents were deployed to remove the impure Marines, but when they failed the Chapter broke their bonds with the Imperium.
100 The Chapter was friendly with a group of xenos and collaborated with them a bit too frequently. When the Ordo Xenos found out, they had the Chapter Master executed and excommunicated his brothers.

Original Traitor Legion (Legion Warbands and Descendents only) (d100)
1-50 Black Legion
51-65 World Eaters
66-80 Emperor's Children
81-85 Word Bearers
86-90 Death Guard
91-94 Thousand Sons
95-98 Iron Warriors
99 Night Lords
100 Alpha Legion

Devotion to the Ruinous Powers (d10)
1 Loathed. Many Marines in the warband refuse to see Chaos as an ally and shun those who submit themselves to it.
2-5 Neutral. The warband believes Chaos to be more of a tool than something to be worshipped, serving the dark Gods when it benefits them.
6-10 Fanatic. The marines of the warband are highly devoted to their God(s), willingly submitting themselves to the Ruinous Powers and viewing possession as favourable.

Warband Demeanour (d10)
1 Exploit and Conquer. The Warband views all others as mere pawns, assisting them when it helps their own goals and tossing them aside once they are no longer needed. These Marines are selfish and untrustworthy.
2 Scorched Earth. The battle-brothers of the Warband commonly destroy anything they do not need so the enemy cannot use it. Even valuable things, such as captured fortresses and ships, are considered expendable if the foe can use it to their advantage.
3 Take No Prisoners. These warriors are butchers who slaughter all who stand before them. Even those who are willing to submit to the Warband are ripped limb from limb.
4 Corruption Above All. Marines in the Warband love being twisted by the warp, viewing mutation as a blessing and boon. They are very willing to work with abhumans, mutants and other freaks because of this.
5 Of a Lost Age. The Warband has access to much pre-Horus Heresy technology. Having these ancient weapons gives the Marines a respect and appreciation for the relics of old.
6 Stalk the Prey. The marines of this force fight like hunters, waiting for just the right time to strike and kill their enemy. This way of combat gives them much patience and cunning.
7 Extra Heresy. A surprisingly large amount of the warband is willing to work alongside aliens, so long as they also worship Chaos (also this isn’t always the case). The battle-brothers in this force are more tolerant than most others.
8 Desecrate and Defile. The Marines of this Warband bear hatred towards icons and relics of the enemy, and will try to destroy or corrupt them whenever the chance arises. Temples burn and works of art are twisted by their hands.
9 Honour Amongst Thieves. Despite being evil and cruel individuals, these Marines have a strong sense of brotherhood. Many would never even consider betraying their fellow warriors an option, and would even sacrifice themselves to save a friend's life.
10 For the Dark Gods. The marines of this force believe their deities to be the ultimate beings of the Galaxy and are willing to serve them for eternity. Champions in the Warband will frequently try to prove their worth, accepting any challenge and constantly trying to elevate their status amongst the Warp's chosen.

Common Mutations/Deficiencies (if Neutral or Fanatic devotion) (d10)
1 Hunger for Flesh
2 Eyes of Night
3 No Rest for the Wicked
4 Freakish Skin
5 Voice of Evil
6-8 Body Horror
9 Breath Weapon
10 Multiple (make 2 rolls, re-rolling duplicates or 10's)

Common Mental Flaws (if Fanatic devotion) (d10)
1-2 Horus, is that you? - Marines have trouble remembering certain things and occasionally hallucinate.
3-4 LOUD AND PROUD - Marines feel to need to announce their arrival to their foe, making it clear just who the hell they are and that they are here.
5-6 Surrounded by Traitors - Marines are paranoid that those who surround them are schemers and liars who may backstab them at any moment.
7-8 I Must Get Closer! - Marines are obsessed with getting close to their enemies.
9-10 Sanity is for the Weak - Marines disregard pitiful things such as "logic" and "common sense".

Figure of Legend (d100)
01-20 Champion
21-50 Warband leader, Daemon Prince, or Chaos Lord
51-60 Sorcerer Lord
61-70 An extremely zealous Champion or Possessed
71-75 Dreadnought
76-85 Chosen or Terminator
86-90 Apothecary
91-95 Battle Brother of old
96-99 A Daemon who was close to the Warband
100 Choose for yourself

Deeds of Legend (d100)
01-25 The figure is remembered as a scourge of the Imperium, having ravaged many planets and slaughtering servants of the Emperor aplenty.
26-50 The figure of legend killed a renowned and mighty Imperial hero (like a Chapter Master, a well-known Inquisitor, or a famous Imperial Guard General).
51-70 The hero corrupted nearly an entire sector of planets, causing the populations of them to fall to Chaos.
71-85 The legend committed great atrocities during the boarding of an Eldar Craftworld. He and his Warband are still hated to this day by the Eldar.
86-90 A fearsome champion of the Dark Gods, the figure ascended and became a Daemon Prince. He used his new power to crush all who opposed the Warband at the time.
91-95 The hero led a campaign of extermination against a loyalist Astartes chapter, butchering them to the last man and stealing their gene-seed.
96-100 The figure of legend led many wars and slaughtered countless foes. However, he was eventually slain by a rival Chaos champion. The Warband holds great hatred for the champion and his Marines to this day.

Warband Homeworld (d100)
01-30 Feral World
31-40 Prison Planet
41-50 Hive World
51-70 Fortress World
71-75 Death World
76-80 Daemon World
81-100 Fleet-based

Homeworld terrain (d100)
1–20 Jungle
21–30 Desert
31-45 Warp-twisted
46–50 Ice
51–55 Ocean
56–70 Wasteland
71–75 Volcanic
76-85 Dead
86–95 Toxic
96–100 Airless

Combat doctrine (d10)
1 Rip and Tear - Close Combat
2 Death from Afar - Marines prefer to fight enemies from a distance. This doesn't just mean they like to use guns, but also that they use things like orbital bombardment and artillery frequently as well.
3 Armoured Fist - Heavy use of vehicles, tanks, transports and mechanized infantry.
4 Unorthodox Warfare - Alpha Legion Unorthodox tactics here. Stealth, sabotage, infiltration, deceit and subterfuge.
5 Assault of Sharks - Striking enemies at their weak points. Launching light attacks from multiple sides until they break, then swarm in for the kill. Though assaulting with Space Sharks would be pretty cool.
6 Drown them with Bodies - Warband makes heavy use of mortal servants as cannon fodder, sending them in waves towards the enemy.
7 Daemons, Daemons Everywhere - Massive use of daemons.
8 Siege and Attrition - Marines are skilled at trench warfare, sieges and similar forms of fighting. Able to stretch out fights until the foe starves to death.
9 Bloody Rain - Marines make heavy use of drop pods, gunships, dropships and jump-infantry.
10 Terror - Marines like to smell their enemies' fear.

Special Equipment (d100)
01-10 Preferred Fighting Style
11-20 Special Chaos Icons
21-25 Daemon Weapons
26-35 Bestial Companion
36-45 Ancient Weaponry
46-50 Unholy Wargear
51-60 Stolen Technology
61-70 Special Mount
71-80 Unique Daemon Engines
81-90 Special Armour
91-100 Biological Experiments

What form do the Chapters' beliefs take? (d100)
01-20 The Gods Above All - The warband reveres their God(s) above all else.
21-25 Hail Horus! - The Marines of the Warband still honour the First Warmaster, who almost destroyed the Emperor.
26-35 Remember the Ancestors - The Marines remember and pay respects to those who come before them. They have a strong sense of tradition.
36-50 Death to the False Emperor - The Marines despise the carrion lord and his false empire. They hate every aspect of the Imperium and fight to bring it apart.
51-60 Suffer Not the Weak - Those who lack strength deserve no mercy, even fellow marines. Survival of the fittest.
61-70 Daemonhood is Godhood - To ascend to daemonhood is to become a god. Those who have become beings of the warp are revered greatly, those who have not strive to do so.
71-75 Power demands Sacrifice - The Marines of this force understand that in order to gain you must first give something in return. They're willing to sacrifice anything to advance themselves, even their lives or the lives of others.
76-80 Battle is Glory - To fight on the battlefield is the greatest thing in life. The best warriors are held above all others, and to fight without grandeur is pathetic.
81-90 Accept Any And All - Thieves and whores, traitors and scum alike are welcome to join the Warband's forces. Mutants, Beastmen and former foes can be found serving in this Warband.
91-99 Do what you want, for an Astartes is Free - These Marines are no longer bound by any laws or codes, and will do as they please when they please.
100 For the Emperor - The warband would seem to venerate or even worship the Emperor, having icons of His scattered throughout their ships and shouting warcries in His name. Whether this is meant to be a parody or true devotion is to be decided.

Warband Status (d10)
1 Endangered
2-4 Slightly Understrength
5-6 Typical Strength
7-9 Slightly Overstrength
10 Massive

Warband allies. Who has our back? (d100)
1-5 Warmaster Abaddon
6-10 Populace of a waning Imperial Planet
11-15 Corrupt Governor or other high-ranking Imperial official
16-30 Chaos warband or specific Chaos Lord
31-35 Rogue Psyker Cult
36-40 Dark Mechanicus/Traitor Titan Legion
41-50 Chaos Cult
51-75 Specific group of Chaos mortals (renegade Guard regiment, clan of Tribals, corrupted Mutants)
76-80 Rogue Inquisitor
81-85 Specific Chaos Xenos
86-95 Pirate group
96-100 Specific Daemon Prince, Greater Daemon, or other powerful daemon

Who are the Warband's enemies?(d100)
01-10 Roll on Allies table
11-20 Specific Eldar Craftworld/leader
21-30 Specific Ork Waaagh!/Warboss
31-35 Specific Tyranid Hive Fleet
36-45 Specific Necron Tomb World
46-65 Specific Space Marine Chapter/leader
66-75 Specific Inquisition Force/Agent
76-85 Specific Imperial Guard/PDF Regiment
86-95 Specific Dark Eldar Kabal/leader
96-99 Specific Tau Sept/leader
100 Select your own

[Crunch tables removed.]


Warhammer 40,000 Faction Creation Tables
Imperium Adeptus Custodes Shield Host - Grey Knight Brotherhood - Imperial Guard Regiment - Imperial Knight House - Inquisitor - Legiones Skitarii - Legio Titanicus - Renegade Space Marine Chapter - Sisters of Battle Order - Space Marine Chapter - Tempestus Scions Regiment - Underhive Gang - Noble House
Chaos Chaos Space Marine Warband - Chaos Warband - Heretical Cult - Lost and the Damned Regiment - Renegade Knight House - Dark Skitarii Force - Traitor Titan Legion
Xenos Creature Creator - Dark Eldar Kabal - Eldar Craftworld - Harlequin Masque - Genestealer Cult - Necron Dynasty - Ork Klan - Tau Cadre - Tyranid Hive Fleet - Wych Cult
Planets Forge World Generator - Dark Mechanicus Forge World Generator - Planet Generator - Solar System Generator
Misc. Power Armour