Games Workshop Start Collecting!

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In the grim darkness of the far past of the 2000-early 2010s, there was only overprice.

The foul forces of Chaos gave the middle finger to the customer. But in their darkest hour, one man would save us all.

Historical Background

The tabletop gaming hobby was on his historical pick back in the 80s/90s, with the lack of things like internet and lots of more accesible entertainment compared to the modern world. Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering and Games Workshop being The Three Kings of The Tabletop, their kingdom would be hit by an accelerating world, and would start to struggle over time. True be told, wargaming in general had brigther times and were more common. Kids wanting to get a box of orcs after passing by a hobby shop started to get less and less common with new videogames and action figures. Maybe a few wanted a set of miniatures after watching Peter Jackson's, but they didn't had the time or patience to build them so they just forget about them. Making things worst, the entry cost became more and more expensive over time due to different reasons. Certain companies started to close, and certain others started to increase the price in order to milk their costumers.

Arguably, Magic and many other TCG would be the ones who better survived, and they are still popular to this day, but his two other brethren would not get so lucky; D&D would live one with books and expansions, and the miniature wargaming would start an even sharper decline by the dawn of the new millenium. Nobody wanted to buy stoopid pieces of resin and pewter at stupid high pieces when they had their awesome Nintendoes and fancy internet that didn't let you use you phone. Noooo, we where the nerds back then, and we are the nerds now.

Until nerd was the new cool.

Why did this happend? Who was responsible of this? Not sure, but at least nowadays people are starting to get interest in the ways of the past, while living with the fruits of thier time.

Yes, there are still pricing discrepancies in Games Workshop's catalogue, but one of the first moves under Rountree's run as CEO of GW was the release of brand new kits, properly named "Start Collecting!", with an exclamation point!

Starting from a humble pool of factions, today a healthy portion of factions from both Age of Sigmar and 40K have at least one, or in select cases, multiple, kits with savings, with the standard prices at $90 USD ($5± in some cases), trying to help out those new possible collectionist to make the jump with a sizable force. And this article, 5 years later of their initial introduction, has been made to help you figuring out where to start.

And, with the help of you, fellow nerds, we can make this article be as helpful as possible.

From a collectionist and/or non-competitive enviroment view point

Just buy whatever you like. If you want to make a parade army or just collect some neat models for yourself, just get whatever you want. In the end of the day, you will still save money, and get something you like.

From a more competitive point of view

Saving are fantastic, but sometimes you get more juice from certain lemons than others. We are going to make comprehensible, simple tables in hopes to help newcomers who are still afraid of the hobby being too expensive (wonder thanks to who...), and if you are interested in making your own little army with super weapons, powers and use your tactical knowledge, we can help you, and you can safely ask at your FLGS. The more players, the better.

HEADS UP: we are going to try and help you, but don't think we want to corrupt the new generation. We want you to have a great time!

We are going to rate the kits as GREAT, GOOD, OKAY, and COULD BE BETTER.

For players willing to help: give your opinions on the notes collumn. Trying to make it short and sweet if possible. Jus ad another point if necesary or if another viewpoint is needed.

Start Collecting!

The namesake of this article, this kits give you one leader and one troop as a minimum, with an additional one or two extra units of another type.

As a note, this kits are being replaced with Combat Patrols for the 40K, format so expect to see a new table as new kits get released.

Age of Sigmar Kits

Name Contents Savings (compared to the kits sold separately) Deal? Notes Image
Beastclaw Raiders 1 Stonehorn/Thundertusk and 4 Mournfangs $ Great 5 miniatures for this price might look expensive, yet you only need 3 of this kits to have a 2000 points army list of heavy hitter cavalry (and durable leaders), and the kitbashing potential and possibility to magnetize the Thuntertusk/Stonehorn rider sit helps. Lots of extra bit are always welcome. [Image goes here]
Anvilgard 1 Black Ark Fleetmaster, 10 Black Ark Corsairs, 1 Kharibdyss/War Hydra and 1 Scourgerunner/Drakespawn chariot $$$ Good Pretty much a Start Collecting! Pirate Dark Elves. [Image goes here]
Beasts of Chaos 1 Great Bray-shaman, 1 Cygor/Ghorgon, 10 Ungors and 10 Bestigors $$$ Great Literally everything you need for a regular in a box. Multiple kits are an option, but you might want to add Tzaangors, Bullgors and some other thing to adapt better your army. Remember, they can also be part of any other of the four main Gods of Chaos armies, so you can use this guys on more and different armies. [Image goes here]
Daemons of Khorne 1 Herald on Blood Throne, 3 Bloodcrushers and 10 Bloodletters. $ Good Multiple kits are a good investment, as both 'crushers and 'letters are good. The Blood Throne can be build as a Skull Cannon an kit the herald on a different base with little work. They are compatible with 40K, too, so they have that extra value, and they also work in Khornate armies. [Image goes here]
Daemons of Nurgle 1 Herald of Nurgle, 3 Plague Drones, 3 Nurglings bases and 10 Plaguebearers of Nurgle $$$ Great Multiple kits are a good investment, since this set contains pretty much all you ever want for a Nurglesque army. They are compatible with 40K, too, so they have that extra value. [Image goes here]
Daemons of Slaanesh 1 Exalted Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh (can be regular or a Hellflayer), 5 Seekers of Slaanesh and 10 Daemonettes. $$$ Great Multiple kits are a good investment, since this set contains pretty much all you ever want for a Slaaneshi army. They are compatible with 40K, too, so they have that extra value. [Image goes here]
Daemons of Tzeentch 1 Chariot of Tzeentch with Greater Flamer or Herald of Tzeentch on foot (on of the last two has to be on the Chariot, the other can go on foot with the extra supplied bases), 3 Flamers of Tzeentch, 3 Screamers of Tzeentch and 10 Pink Horrors. $ Good. You are pretty much here for the Pink Horrors, which don't come with their Blue or Brimstone counterparts. They are compatible with 40K, too, so they have that extra value. [Image goes here]
Daughters of Khaine 1 Shrine (which can be manned (womanned?) by either a Hag or Slaughter Queen, Bloodwrack Medusa, or Avatar of Khaine) and 5 Melusai Blood Stalkers/Sisters $$$$ Could be better. An expensive kit for an expensive army. It would be much, much better with 10 Sisters of Slaughter/Witches, who are seriously overpriced for Battleines, and even more for a relatively old kit. [Image goes here]
Flesh-Eater Courts 1 Terrorgheist, 3 Crypt Horrors and 10 Crypt Ghouls $$$ Great. Everything you could want. You might get tired of buying multiple boxes due to the Behemoth, but seriously, 9 out of 10 time you need to expand this army, just buy another SC!. It is that reliable. [Image goes here]
Fyreslayers 1 Magmadroth (it can be a mount option for 3 leaders, and you have enough bases to put the two who will not mount it on foot) and 10 Vulkite Berserkers $$$$ Good. At realease, the Magmadroth was too expensive, to the point that they reduced the price and now they are only available on the SC!. Price wise, is excellent, but buying additional kits might not help on the long run as you start to get into bigger games. [Image goes here]
Gloomspite Gitz 1 Loonboss, 3 Rockgut Troggoths, 10 Cave Squigs and 2 Squig Herders. $ Good. Need from dedicated serious GSG players here, there has been debate of how good this this actually is. However, this is a nice starter kit, and your battleline Grots are actually affordable. [Image goes here]
Greywater Fastness 1 Warden King, 1 Cogsmith, 10 Ironbreakers/drakes and 1 Gyromachine ('copter or 'bomber) $$ Good. Start Collecting! Dwarfs all but in name. [Image goes here]
Idoneth Deepkin 1 Isharann Soulrender, 10 Namarti Thralls and 3 Akhelian Guard $ Great. Two or three of this kits makes up for a great core. [Image goes here]
Ironjawz 1 Orruk Warchanter, 3 Orruk Gore-gruntas and 10 Orruk ‘Ardboyz $$ Great Any, ANY, time you need Gore-Gruntas, buy this kit instead. The price for the separated Gorgruntas just can't justify buying them, unless they are gifted or sold for a candy bar. [Image goes here]
Kharadron Overlords 1 Endrinmaster, 5 Grundstok Thunderers, 3 Skywardens and 1 Grundstok Gunhauler $$$$ Good Funny enought, this is more of an expansion kit, given the lack of Battlelines. It still makes for a good kit given that KO are quite an expensive army. [Image goes here]
Khorne Bloodbound Goreblade Warband 1 Mighty Lord of Khorne, 1 Bloodsecrator, 1 Bloodstoker, 1 Khorgorath, 5 Blood Warriors and 10 Bloodreavers $$$$ Good Used to be part of the first Starter Kit for AoS. Despite being monopose and push-fit, buying another kit might be a good idea. [Image goes here]
Maggotkin of Nurgle 1 Lord of Blights, 5 Putrid Blightkings and 2 Pusgoyle Blightlords (optionally one as a Lord of Affliction). $$$ Great All of this kits are extremely durable in battle and quite as expensive in real life. Buy this kit whenever you need Blightkings or lords. [Image goes here]
Malignants 1 Mortis Engine, 3 Spirit Hosts and 5 Hexwraith Cavalry. $ Great Start Collecting! Nighthaunts before the Nighthaunt name was cool. Try to get this box whenever you need extra Hosts or Hexwraiths. [Image goes here]
Seraphon 1 Carnosaur, 8 Saurus Knights and 12 Saurus Warriors $$$ Great THE BEST DEAL. The Carno alone costs as much as the kit. Everytime you need extra Knights, buy this kit. You could buy this when you need warriors too, if you don't mind having a couple of extra Carnos lying around. If you don't want to use the Carno right away, you can use the sprues for the Oldblood on foot. [Image goes here]
Skaven Pestilens 1 Plague Furnace, 1 Plagueclaw and 20 Plague Monks $$ Great Good way to get Monks, and the Furnace and Plague Claws can be built as a Screaming Bell or Warp Lightning Cannon. There is enough bases to make a Grey Seer or Plague Priest on foot. [Image goes here]
Skeleton Horde 1 Arkhan the Black (which can also be built as Mannfred or Neferata), 5 Black Knights and 10 Skeleton Warriors. $$$$ Great Buy three so you can get the three mounted Mortarchs. This is one of the most newbie-friendly kits too. [Image goes here]
Skinks 1 Skink Starpriest, 12 Skinks, 3 Terradon Riders/Ripperdactyl Riders (optionally one as Terradon Chief/Ripperdactyl Chief) and 1 Bastiladon $$$ Great Yet another great way to start or reinforce a Seraphon army. Everything here is worth it and it can be worth to buy a couple more kits. [Image goes here]
Slaves to Darkness 1 Chaos Lord on Karkadrak, 5 Chaos Knights (with the option to build a Doom Knight with a Cursed Flail and Chaos Runeshield) and 10 Warriors of Chaos $$ Great Excellent point for start a new StD army, or one to dedicated to the four main Gods of Chaos. Everyone here is monopose tho, yet everyone has excellent poses. The regular kits for Warriors and Knights are older, but more customizable/posable. [Image]
Stormcast Eternals Thunderstrike Brotherhood 1 Lord-Celestant on Dracoth, 1 Lord-Relictor, 3 Retributors, 10 Liberators (including 2 Liberator-Primes) and 3 Prosecutors $$$$ Good Half of the original Starter Set for AoS. All of them monoposes [Image goes here]
Stormcast Vanguard 1 Lord-Aquilor, 5 Vanguard-Hunters, 3 Vanguard Palladors and 3 Gryph-Hounds $$ Great Works well both as an expansion and starter point if you want a Vanguard army or a Vanguard wing. [Image goes here]
Sylvaneth 1 Branchwych, 1 Treelord and 16 Dryads $$ Great A great starting point and expansion for Sylvaneth. Helps to compensate how expensive your Kurnoth Hunter will be. [Image goes here]

40K Kits

Name Contents Savings (compared to the kits sold separately) Deal? Notes Image
Adeptus Mechanicus 1 Tech-Priest Enginseer, 10 Skitarii Vanguard/Rangers and 1 Skorpius Dunerider/Disintegrator. $$ Good 10 man Troop and Transport/Tank. HQ could be better. [Image goes here]
Astra Militarum 1 Leman Russ Battle Tank, 1 Cadian Heavy Weapon Team, 1 Officio Prefectus Commissar and 10 Cadian Shock Troopers. $$$$ Great Another kit with whatever you might need to start an army. Once again, multiple kits are a great option to expand. [Image goes here]
Blood Angels 10 Blood Angels Tactical Marines, 1 Blood Angels Terminator Captain and 1 Baal Predator. $ Okay [Blood Angels player, please share your options here]. [Image goes here]
Chaos Space Marines (2019) 1 Master of Possession, 1 Venomcrawler, 2 Obliterators, 2 Greater Possessed and 10 Chaos Space Marines. $$$$ Okay More of an expansion than a starting point [CSM, please share your options here]. From a purely collector's point of view, this is the only way to get Greater Possessed, the Master of Possession, the new Obliterators or the Venomcrawler without scouring around Ebay. [Image goes here]
Craftworlds 1 Farseer, 5 Wraithguards/Wraithblades, 1 Wraithlord and 1 War Walker; includes a transfer sheet. $$$$ Okay Good for certain Craftworlds, Iyanden especially. [Image goes here]
Daemons of Khorne 1 Herald on Blood Throne, 3 Bloodcrushers and 10 Bloodletters. $ Good Multiple kits are a good investment, as both 'crushers and 'letters are good. The Blood Throne can be build as a Skull Cannon an kit the herald on a different base with little work. They are compatible with 40K, too, so they have that extra value, and they also work in Khornate armies. [Image goes here]
Daemons of Nurgle 1 Herald of Nurgle, 3 Plague Drones, 3 Nurglings bases and 10 Plaguebearers of Nurgle $$$$ Great Multiple kits are a good investment, since this set contains pretty much all you ever want for a Nurglesque army. They are compatible with AoS, too, so they have that extra value. [Image goes here]
Daemons of Slaanesh 1 Exalted Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh (can be regular or a Hellflayer), 5 Seekers of Slaanesh and 10 Daemonettes. $ Great Multiple kits are a good investment, since this set contains pretty much all you ever want for a Slaaneshi army. They are compatible with AoS, too, so they have that extra value. [Image goes here]
Daemons of Tzeentch 1 Chariot of Tzeentch with Greater Flamer or Herald of Tzeentch on foot (on of the last two has to be on the Chariot, the other can go on foor with the extra supplied bases), 3 Flamers of Tzeentch, 3 Screamers of Tzeentch and 10 Pink Horrors. $$$ Good. You are pretty much here for the Pink Horrors, which don't come with their Blue or Brimstone counterparts. They are compatible with AoS, too, so they have that extra value. [Image goes here]
Drukhari 1 Succubus, 10 Wyches, 1 Venom and 3 Reavers. $$ ??? Quite literally a Start Collecting! Dark Eldar Wyches. Do note that there was a previous Dark Eldar kit, which was more of a Kabal. Need opinion of a Dark Eldar here to help. Image goes here
Genestealer Cults 1 Acolyte Iconward, 5 Acolyte Hybrids, 10 Neophyte Hybrids, 1 Achilles Ridgerunner. $$$ ??? Need opinion of a Genestealer Cultist here to help. Image goes here
Militarum Tempestus 10 Scions, 1 Officio Prefectus Commisar and 1 Taurox Prime. $$$ Great Pretty much the bread and butter of any Scion force. Probably the cheapest way to bulk things out; though you might find the extra Commissars unnecessary after the 6th one. While Tauroxes aren't *amazing* by any means, they can put out some useful firepower or be a stable anchor for a more deep-strike heavy Scion force. Image goes here
Orks 1 Painboy, 5 Nobz (and 1 ammo runt), 11 Boyz and 1 Deff Dread $$$ Okay Boyz and Nobz. But the rest is nothing to lose your breath about. Image goes here
Space Marines 1 Terminator Captain, 1 Venerable Dreadnought and 10 Tactical Marines $$ Okay/Good(?) The most vanilla you can get. Sadly, we are on the Primaris Age. However, with the new codex, Terminators got better, allowing the Terminator Captain to be a useful asset to them (if you want to go thematic), Tacticals are slightly better (due to their extra wound) and Venerable Dreadnoughts got so much better thanks to the changes to Dreadnoughts in general. [Image goes here]
Space Wolves 3 Thunderwolves, 1 Space Marine Commander and 10 Space Wolves Marines $$$$ Okay. Should be great, not being for the Combat Patrol. Even so, the Thunderwolves are still likely going to be of some use.
Tau Empire 1 Ethereal on Hover Drone, 3 XV8 Crisis Battlesuits and 10 Fire Warriors $$ Great Amazing for both starters and expansions. It has everything you might want to get for any army. Buy this instead regular Crisis or Fire Warriors teams, you can even use the ethereals as Fireblades with a bit of kitbashing. [Image goes here]
Thousand Sons 1 Ahriman, 10 Rubric Marines and 10 Tzaangors with 2 Tzaangor Upgrade Packs. $ Good Good if you need Ahriman. [Image goes here]
Tyranids 8 Genestealers, 1 Broodlord and 1 Trygon/Mawloc $$$ Good Good value, but terrible as a starter kit. All the units die to a stiff breeze, Genestealers are overcosted and fairly impotent in pre-Codex 9th, and both the Trygon and Mawloc are utility models that only really shine in 2,000-point games and/or with an experienced player. Grab the current(2020) Battleforce instead. [Image goes here]
Vanguard Space Marines 1 Lieutenant in Phobos Armour, 3 Suppressors, 3 Eliminators and 10 Infiltrators $$$$ Good? Expansion for Space Marines. The only way to get this particular Lieutenant and the Suppressors now, the latter of which can supply some decent firepower if need be. Infiltrators and standard Bolt Sniper Eliminators aren't too bad either, but the former lacks easy ability to be turned into Incursors (but do make up by having the only non-conversion ability to take Helix Adepts for whatever they're worth) and the latter lacks the ability to take Las-fusils. Definitely valuable to some collectors due to the exclusivity of it. [Image goes here]
Combat Patrol: Space Wolves 1 Primaris Wolf Guard Battle Leader (axe and carbine), 5 Reivers/Hounds of Morkai, 10 Intercessors, 2 Space Wolf primaris frames, and a Invictor Suit $$$ Goood Space Wolves incarnation of Combat Patrol. Intercessors and Invictors are good workhorses for any Marine army, much less one as versatile as the Space Wolves, the Hounds of Morkai aren't that good (and neither are their base unit) but they could be worse. A Primaris Lieutenant with a power weapon and bolter is rare, so this can be nifty. [Image goes here]
Combat Patrol: Deathwatch 1 Primaris Lieutenant, 1 Primaris Apothecary, 10 Intercessors, 3 Aggressors, 2 Deathwatch Frames $$$ Good Deathwatch's incarnation of Combat Patrol. While Aggressors are nowhere near as good as they once were, they're still sturdy enough option for a person's first Deathwatch Army. Intercessors remain an ever great option for the Deathwatch, Apothecaries only got better and the Lieutenant isn't the worst but doesn't synergize with the rest of the ranged forces. [Image goes here]
Combat Patrol: Blood Angels 1 Primaris Librarian, 1 Impulsor, 5 Intercessors, 5 Incursors, 3 Aggressors, 2x Blood Angels frames $$$ Good The Blood Angels' take on the Combat Patrol is actually a decent showing! While the Impulsor and Aggressors have been nerfed, they're still solid units. While the split between Incursors and Intercessors is odd, they're both solid units. the Intercessors are better shooters while the Incursors (who can also be built as the supportive Infiltrators) are better jacks of all trades units that deny cover and can decently get to objectives, while not entirely sucking in melee. [Image goes here]
Combat Patrol: Death Guard Typhus, Biologus Putrifier, 7x Plague Marines, 30x Poxwalkers $$$ Good Okay, WOW. The Death Guard Combat Patrol goes HARD on Poxwalkers, when they probably could have used a bit less of those. Plague Marines are still a core to a Death Guard army, Typhus got BUFFED, and the Biologis Putrifier is still a potent grenadier. They could have cooled it on the Poxwalkers, though. [Image goes here]

Other ways to start

  • Each edition, there is a new Starter Kit with two armies. You can buy them with another player.
  • Battleforces, each December.
  • Proxy armies from other companies. Do note that despite most players having 0 problems with this, official GW kits do not condone it.
  • Around each two or three months, there is a new Boxed Set featuring two confronting armies. They have savings and great models.