Grey Knight Brotherhood Creation Table
These tables are used to create a 9th Brotherhood to the Grey Knights Chapter. For those unfamiliar to Grey Knights this would be similar to adding an additional company to a Space Marine Chapter. As per my 'creature feature' creation tables, there are a few numbers tables.
- It should be noted that similar tables to these could be made to customize any other Chapter's companies. However, since the Grey Knights are very unique in regards to every unit they field and their lore, it is massively improbable to have a successor using their models. This is unlike those other Chapters. That is the purpose of these tables. They allow creativity for a unique force of Grey Knights and their models/schemes/background.
This is currently a difficult work in progress.
Brotherhood Origin/Secrecy
Brotherhood Origin (d10) | |
1-6 | The Brotherhood was created after the 9th Astartes (Knight-Errant) picked by Malchador at the time of the Grey Knight's inception. |
7-10 | The Brotherhood was formed a time after the Grey Knight's inception, as growing needs for it were confirmed. There is no founding Heresey era Astartes. |
- Only roll on the next table if 1-6 was rolled before
Knight-Errant's Original Chapter (d100) | |
1-6 | Dark Angels |
7-10 | Emperor's Children |
11-14 | Iron Warriors |
15-20 | White Scars |
21-25 | Space Wolves |
26-31 | Imperial Fists |
32-35 | Night Lords |
36-41 | Blood Angels |
42-46 | Iron Hands |
47-49 | World Eaters |
50-57 | Ultramarines |
58-62 | Death Guard |
63-66 | Thousand Sons |
67-72 | Luna Wolves |
73-76 | Word Bearers |
77-82 | Salamanders |
83-89 | Raven Guard |
90-93 | Alpha Legion |
94-96 | Unknown |
97-100 | You Choose |
Secrecy and Inquisitorial Relationship (d10) | |
1-2 | They are known to the Chapter as well as the Ordo Malleus. They are as secret as other Brotherhoods, and are often used by the Inquisition over other Brotherhoods. |
3-4 | They are known to the Chapter as well as the Ordo Malleus. They are as secret as other Brotherhoods, and are contracted by the Inquisition fairly averagely. |
5-6 | They are known to the Chapter as well as the Ordo Malleus. They are as secret as other Brotherhoods, but they're members are rarely selected to help the Inquisition. |
7-8 | They are known only to the Chapter itself, though possibly ostracized by the rest of the Chapter. They rarely join the Inquisition and if so remain quiet about their origins. |
9-10 | They have been cut off from the Chapter, having been lost in the warp, or maybe simply become stranded somehow with no way to return. No dealings with the Inquisition. |
If you notice I strategically formed and "I" after the first section...
Brotherhood Ages (d10) | |
1-3 | Many upstarts. They may be here as punishment, but probably because they show great promise. |
4-7 | A versatile good mix, but largely average aged and experienced Grey Knights. |
8-10 | Experienced members mainly. Veterans and older warriors make up a good bulk of the Brotherhood. |
Grand Master Personality (d4) | |
1 | Extroverted. Goes by his gut feeling on things. Lead's by example and combat. |
2 | Introverted. A logical thinker that carefully ways options. Lead's by ideals and plans. |
3 | Extroverted. A wizened warrior and natural leader past his glory days. Lead's by great words, speeches, and prior deeds. |
4 | Introverted. Not talkative, though strong willed. Lead's by example and combat. |
Personal Creed? (d6) | |
1 | Justice above all |
2 | Vengeance above all |
3 | Purity above all |
4 | Fealty above all |
5 | Faith above all |
6 | Honor above all |
Legends and Deeds
Figure of Legend (d10) | |
1-3 | Grand Master |
4-5 | Brother-Captain |
6-7 | Brotherhood Champion |
8 | Justicar (roll a d4 for unit 1.terminators, 2.interceptors, 3.purgation, 4.strike) |
9-10 | Battle-Brother (roll a d4 for unit 1.terminators, 2.interceptors, 3.purgation, 4.strike) |
Deed of Legend (d100) | |
1-11 | The hero sacrificed himself in close combat to defeat and banish a Greater Daemon after it had destroyed his entire squad. |
12-22 | The valiant Grey Knight fought off a horde of countless daemons for days on end and stood to tell the tale. |
23-33 | The figure took on a large Daemon Prince, and though bloodied and wounded, survived and succeeded in killing it. |
34-44 | The individual lead his squad on a mission deep into chaos infested territory and destroyed an ancient relic weapon of chaos along with the horrors that they encountered. |
45-55 | The warrior killed a prominent Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer whilst in a battle of minds, all the while fending off waves of daemons assailing him. |
55-66 | The hero fought against and killed a destructive Chaos Space Marine Lord in 1 on 1 martial combat. The duel is said to have lasted a day. |
67-77 | The Grey Knight demolished a unique amalgamation of Daemon and Metal back to the warp and sent it's servant daemons reeling from the repercussions. |
78-88 | The hero turned the tide of many a battle. Though never outright thanked or known by anyone in the Chapter outside the Brotherhood, he is revered as the humble warrior. |
89-95 | The Knight uncovered an entire system that secretly served Chaos. He was eventually responsible for killing the source in charge and bringing back Imperial rule. |
96-100 | The hero's leadership, martial prowess, and purity of spirit over even his brothers, allowed him to become the Supreme Grand Master for a time. He is beyond measure. |
Fleet Size
Fleet size? (d6) | |
1-2 | One small cruiser and one or two supporting strike craft. Just barely enough. |
3-4 | A couple, or a few cruisers. They also have a good amount of supporting strike craft. |
5-6 | They have their own Battle-barge or similarly large vessel with a small fleet to support it serperate from the 2nd Brotherhood entirely. |
Brotherhood By the Numbers
Every brotherhood also has 1 Brother Captain and 1 Brotherhood Champion in addition to these squads. (For anons, you can also roll the first 4 d20's at once if you want to speed up the creation) Using these tables, a fairly accurate number can be gained for the number of Knights you have.
Current Terminator Size (d20) | |
1-2 | 2 Terminator Squads (Needs reinforcing) |
3-6 | 3 Terminator Squads (Low but okay) |
7-10 | 4 Terminator Squads (Medium) |
11-14 | 5 Terminator Squads (Above Average) |
15-18 | 6 Terminator Squads (High) |
19-20 | 7 Terminator Squads (Full Size) |
Current Interceptor Size (d20) | |
1-2 | 2 Interceptor Squads (Needs reinforcing) |
3-6 | 3 Interceptor Squads (Low but okay) |
7-10 | 4 Interceptor Squads (Medium) |
11-14 | 5 Interceptor Squads (Above Average) |
15-18 | 6 Interceptor Squads (High) |
19-20 | 7 Interceptor Squads (Full Size) |
Current Purgation Size (d20) | |
1-2 | 2 Purgation Squads (Needs reinforcing) |
3-6 | 3 Purgation Squads (Low but okay) |
7-10 | 4 Purgation Squads (Medium) |
11-14 | 5 Purgation Squads (Above Average) |
15-18 | 6 Purgation Squads (High) |
19-20 | 7 Purgation Squads (Full Size) |
Current Strike Size (d20) | |
1-2 | 2 Strike Squads (Needs reinforcing) |
3-6 | 3 Strike Squads (Low but okay) |
7-10 | 4 Strike Squads (Medium) |
11-14 | 5 Strike Squads (Above Average) |
15-18 | 6 Strike Squads (High) |
19-20 | 7 Strike Squads (Full Size) |
Current Dreadnoughts (d10) | |
1 | 0 Dreadnoughts (The Brotherhood doesn't need them) |
2-3 | 1 Dreadnought (Low but okay) |
4-6 | 2 Dreadnoughts (Medium) |
7-8 | 3 Dreadnoughts (Above Average) |
9 | 4 Dreadnoughts (High) |
10 | 5 Dreadnoughts (Full Size) |
Overarching Brotherhood Strategy (d12) | |
1-3 | Overwhelming Force - The Brotherhood excels at charging full force straight into the heart of the enemy. They prefer a head on fight with mobilized ground support. |
4-6 | Rapid Insertion - Teleportation and multi-assaults are the hallmark of the brotherhood. They prefer surprise, and catching the enemy off guard with pinpoint attacks. |
7-9 | Intense Firepower - Blasting the enemies from mid range with their stormbolters, special weapons, and psychic blasts before the inevitable assault. |
10-12 | Balanced Attack - The Brotherhood prefers to utilize all units for their specific roles that help to support each other in battle. Teamwork is paramount. |
Preferred Daemonic Enemies (d12) | |
1-2 | Khorne - Past events, bloodshed, and battles have made the daemons and worshipers of Khorne especially hated among the members of the Brotherhood. |
3-4 | Nurgle - The rotten plague and wretched battles against the daemons of Nurgle have caused it to be the most disgusted great enemy of the Brotherhood. |
5-6 | Slaanesh - The sickening degeneracy and pleasure attacks against the Brotherhood in the past have made Slaanesh worshipers and its daemons hated beyond most. |
7-8 | Tzeentch - Trickery, mutation, and the psychic powers of these daemons or otherwise have struck the brotherhood in the past. Those that serve Tzeentch be warned. |
9-12 | Chaos Undivided - The Hatred for all Chaos Gods is equal. The Brotherhood has either never been assailed horribly enough by one God, or has simply fought them all equally. |
Some other questions to ask to fill out the fluff:
- What general mentality does this brotherhood have towards things?
- Areas of the galaxy the brotherhood likes to crusade at?
- Custom coat of arms and paint job?
- relationships with other Brotherhoods and the Paladin/Purifier order?