Star Trek

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If you aren't already hearing the theme song you might not belong here.

"Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!"

– James T. Kirk, second captain of the starship USS Enterprise

Star Trek is a multimedia science-fiction series and one of the cornerstones of nerdy media properties, and one of the few to crossover into mainstream popularity (alongside Star Wars, Doctor Who and a few others). It's also one of the longest-running science fiction franchises, as it began when the the first episode of The Original Series aired in 1966, and since then has had over 50 years of geek history spanning several generations. Needless to say, it's had a huge influence on all things sci-fi, and, by extension, /tg/.

Originally, Star Trek was noblebright beyond noblebright and, in many ways, was the polar opposite of Warhammer 40K's grimdark. The more recent reboot films, however, have taken a much, much more grimdark tone, which is delightfully skubtastic.


There's been plenty of tabletop games and vidya gaems featuring Star Trek without being merchandising bullshit (see: themed Monopoly sets), including one of the earliest action multiplayer wargame: Netrek.

  • Star Trek: Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier (1978) The very first Trek tabletop RPG. Written by, I shit you not, Michael Scott. Groggy (grokky?) as all hell, and due for an OSR.
  • Star Fleet Battles (SFB) (1979-) The crunchiest starship combat game you're ever going to find outside of a computer. Based on the original series and not any of the later series, for licensing reasons. Takes some liberties with the setting, which (combined with the aforementioned licensing) is why "Star Trek" isn't actually in the title. It's had its own video game spinoff in the form of Starfleet Command. The series died when the last company owned by Interplay broke up in the early 2000s.
  • Star Trek: The Role Playing Game (1982-1989) Made by FASA, essentially Traveller-lite, or a happier, shinier Rogue Trader. Hasn't aged terribly well, what with having been made when the only canonical Star Trek materials to work with were the original and animated series, the first four films, and a couple of now non-canon novels. If you try to dust it off, expect tons of conflict with the rest of the show. Died as they were trying to update it for TNG, because Paramount's corporate suits (surprise, surprise) had no idea what an RPG actually entailed and were worried about violence, and getting their cut, and... oh you know the drill by now. Welcome to the 80's.
  • Star Trek: Starship Tactical Combat Simulator (1983) FASA designed this, so it feels like Battletech but not as good.
  • Prime Directive (1993-2008) The most successful tabletop RPG line (but that's not saying much), it's actually still in print. Produced by Amarillo Design Bureau, so again no direct name-dropping of "Star Trek." Lasted as long as it did by constantly evolving, in Borg-like fashion, to adapt to the current zeitgeist. Has had 4 editions, with the second using GURPS, the third using d20, and the fourth d20 Modern.
  • Star Trek CCG (1994-2007, 2011-2014, 2013-2015, 2018-) There's been a few of these, most notably the games released by Decipher, but never globally popular. They also suffered from game balance problems from fans wanting their fave character, but needing extra rules for their quirks. There's also the problem of putting numbers to character stats, such as one game that asserted that Picard having about twice the integrity of a Klingon pig. Later versions are "deck-building" games to try to cash in on the popularity of Dominion and Thunderstone. And now virtual CCGs are the order of the day.
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation Role Playing Game (1998-1999) The next attempt, made by Last Unicorn Games. Won an award for best new game, which makes it a complete shame that no one has ever played it.
  • Star Trek Red Alert (2000) A Diskwars game themed to Star Trek.
  • Star Trek Roleplaying Game (2002-2005) When Decipher had the CCG license, they decided, "What the hell, let's make an RPG, too." It, like so many of its predecessors, died unnoticed and unmourned.
  • Star Trek Online (2010-) An MMO. Decent gameplay mechanics, especially starship combat. Storyline leaves something to be desired, especially when the ostensibly peaceful Federation trades shots at least once with every other faction in the galaxy.
  • Call To Arms: Star Trek (2011) Mongoose's license for Babylon 5 expired, so they collaborated with Amarillo Design Bureau (the Star Fleet Battles guys), re-themed the game to Star Trek along with improving the system to make it more nifty. Less micro-management than SFB, and ships get some cinematic feats.
  • Star Trek: Expeditions (2011) Ignore the tie-ins to the movie, Reiner Knizia designed this. Explore the gameboard, flip over missions, try to have the proper crew to get victory points.
  • Star Trek: Fleet Captains (2011) Tile flipping, exploring, and spaceships fighting over resources
  • Star Trek: Attack Wing (2013-) WizKids license the flightpath system from Fantasy Flight Games and adds Star Trek to the mix, Skub ensues. The game has been consistently plagued with balance issues, to the point that the rules errata is more than ten times longer than the actual rules. The actual current rules for things like the Borg special movement and fighter squadrons are completely different than the rules as written.
  • Star Trek Adventures (2017-) The latest attempt at an RPG, by Modiphius, coming out soon to tentative praise. It also comes with a whole range of miniatures of the various crews from the show.

So why should I care?

Because between them, these six TV series and their assorted spinoff movies, books, etc. can provide inspiration for any sci-fi game you could care to run. If you want light-hearted action, look at the sort of things that happened in TOS or DS9 to get the crew into some dangerous situation. If you want a charismatic villain, look at Gul Dukat or the Borg Queen. If you want moral issues and debates, look at the shit that happened to Voyager and remove all the transparent deck-stacking and cheesy moralizing (or you could read any decent SF book/watch a Twilight Zone episode written in the previous 50 years, if you don't need your source material to be served at a 2nd grade level). Like Tolkien is to fantasy it's a prime gateway drug to science fiction and especially science fiction which is more than "action movie IN SPACE!"

Not to mention in any sci-fi RPG with remotely free-form rules you're likely to encounter Star Trek fanboys, so you might as well know what they're talking about. The unholy spawn of a Trekkie and a Furry is known as a Chakat, and you should fear it.

At its best Star Trek is thoughtful, optimistic futurism with a positive human element and brings you to strange new worlds in the grand tradition of speculative fiction which is accessible to even the layman. At its worst Star Trek is arrogant, smug, hypocritical, preachy, dull, sloppy and prone to the strawman fallacy.


Here's the Cliff's Notes on Star Trek. A couple of general warnings; firstly, Star Trek likes to really take its "racial themes" bits just a little too far. Second, despite this, it's rare for an entire race to be completely irredeemable the way many fictional aliens are: there are heroic and sympathetic characters from nearly every race listed below, able to put more-positive spins on their racial themes. Thirdly, aside from very occasional appearances by aliens who are so bizarre that humankind can barely comprehend them, all of the aliens look like dudes with rubber masks on (because they are). In real life, this was because there was no budget for anything else, but in-universe it's been explained by some kind of Precursor race who seeded all of the planets with their broadly humanoid DNA, and every race evolved slightly differently from there. There isn't much fluff on what these precursors were like, and some of it was contradictory, and Gene Roddenberry didn't like the idea (although he still had to work with the rubber forehead stuff). The good news for fa/tg/uys who like homebrew is that this makes it fairly easy to write d20 system rules for all of the races -after all, most D&D races are just humans with rubber masks on...

A Composite Creation

This is a general note that one should consider: Star Trek was created in pretty much the opposite way as The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien worked out a bunch of linguistic stuff and general history of Arda in his spare time, then decided to use that as the basis for some stories that he eventually gave to some publishers which in the end sold quite well. Roddenberry by contrast pitched a very broad general idea (it's the future, things are good, we got guys some on a ship exploring space; a "wagon train to the stars") to the networks who eventually took it up on it and had him work with a variety of writers and actors who added to this rough skeleton of an idea in a process that would continue on to this day. This is not to knock either approach, but both have their advantages and disadvantages. In regards to Star Trek, a franchise which relies mostly on an episode of the week format that's been going on for more than half a century this means that the canon is a fucking mess. There were numerous people at the helm and many of them had often very different ideas about what should be done that were just thrown out to see what stuck, many of which were contradictory and some of which we'd frankly rather forget. In general fans and fluff writers have been spending a whole lot of time trying to straighten out things and much of the lore is basically a rough consensus of what people like and what fits in with it. Latter series got more systematic about this, but there are still points of contention and a lot of flat out contradictions due to it's scattershot nature.


The Federation

The Klingon Empire

The Romulan Star Empire

The Ferengi Alliance

The Borg

The Cardassian Union

The Bajoran Republic

The Dominion

Species 8472

The Q

A race of beings which are so advanced they are basically gods that look onto the Federation judgmentally from time to time with a more playful one of their ranks, who's not above fucking with individual humans from time time. They are mostly a TNG thing and mostly works by grace of John de Lancie's acting chops and charisma with Patrick Stewart, as de Lancie played the character Q, an all-powerful epic troll (no, not the fantasy kind) who's occasionally Tzeentchian games sometimes appeared to be for his own amusement and sometimes to somehow act as education or event protection to the human race. Various subplots involving the Q species range from somewhat thought provoking to mildly entertaining to ridiculous and banal, but the classic episodes that highlighted the charisma and chemistry of the two actors were often quite excellent.

The Mirror Universe

Not so much of a faction as an alternate setting, this is a parallel universe in which things have gone differently at some point in Earth's History. What is the Point of Divergence never exactly specified though there are some vague Nazisque stuff involved, but what is clear is that where the main universe is Noblebright the Mirror Universe is Grimdark. Instead of a peace loving Federation searching for knowledge for it's own sake and built on the idea of understanding and cooperation Earth gave rise to the Terran Empire which seeks out new life and civilizations to conquer and enslave, as it had done with the Klingons. Pretty much it's the PG-13 version of the Imperium of Man with a bit more Grimderp. Junior officers get promoted by killing their superiors, those that fail at that get thrown in the agony booth for their troubles and Emperors get the job by usurping the incumbent. In general everyone in the Mirror Universe is a selfish asshole version of themselves and following comic book logic the uniforms for the female characters are more revealing. Occasionally people can cross over from one universe to the next due to technobabble and cause mischief in either realm.

Originally it was a one off TOS setting for an episode of the week, but it was brought back in a few novels and some romps in Deep Space Nine in which the Terran Empire had fallen. In Enterprise's fourth season it got a two parter that was pretty good and would have been an annual thing if the show had been renewed, this one having little crossover with the main universe (a ship from TOS ended up in the Mirror Universe). We also went there in Disco.

The Star Trek crew

Whether the focus of the show is exploration, manning a space station in an important locale or trying to get home, all Star Trek series have a basic set up of casting and focus: namely on a collection of people who are usually the senior most officers on the ship. If you decide to make a Star Trek inspired game take this into consideration.

  • The Captain: Big cheese. Makes the hard decisions. Needs to be able to talk, think or fight out of situations as needed. (Two least skubby examples: Kirk and Picard, but the skub will fly hard if you say one is better than the other)
  • The First Officer: Second in command and trusted advisor. (Two least skubby examples: Riker and Kira)
  • The Science Officer: Got high Int stats. Can analyze the situation and work out solutions. The voice of reason. (Two least skubby examples: Data and Spock)
  • The Engineer: Hard working technically minded guy who gets shit done. (Two least skubby examples: Scotty and Geordi)
  • The Doctor: Ship's healer. The voice of empathy. (Two least skubby examples: Bones and the EMH Doctor)
  • The Security Officer: Rough and tumble no nonsense sort who's job it is to keep these guys alive when diplomacy fails. (Two least skubby examples: Worf and Odo)
  • The Helmsman: Got spacecraft piloting skills, either full sized starships, shuttles or fighters. (Two least skubby examples: Sulu and Tom Paris)
  • The Other Guy: Said individual might be a junior officer/butt-monkey, the ship's therapist, a bartender, communications officer, Linguist, Talaxian hobo or senior navigator whale who does not fit the generally established roles. (Two Least skubby examples: Uhura Quark)

Some of these hats may be worn by more than one character.

The Shows

The Original Series

The Animated Series

The Next Generation

Deep Space Nine






Being a longrunner with a wide audience, Star Trek has gained enough acclaim to have numerous references. In a few cases entire works get made to homage Star Trek. Here are some of the examples.

Galaxy Quest

A sci-fi/comedy film released in 1999, directed by Dean Parisot. It parodies science fiction films and series, particularly Star Trek and its fandom. The film stars big name actors including Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver and the late Alan Rickman. The plot revolves around the cast of a defunct cult television series called Galaxy Quest (for example, Tim Allen played the Kirk/Shatner expy and the late Alan Rickman played the Spock/Nimoy expy). They're also suffering fatigue that mirrors the experiences of the actual Star Trek actors (Rickman's character is typecast with his Galaxy Quest character and laments it, similar to how these things happened to the late Leonard Nimoy).

The cast are suddenly visited by actual aliens, who believe the series to be an accurate documentary (it helps that the aliens have no concept of fiction or lies) and seek their help. They take the actors with them, who find themselves involved in a very real, and dangerous, intergalactic conflict, and unlike the show where it all wrapped up quickly they struggle to learn about and relate to the aliens.

Built around the basic premise of "What if the cast of Star Trek ended up on a real spaceship and had to actually do the shit they did in the show, including saving the world." Featuring a veritable all-star cast of talented comedians and character actors, this is one of the best parodies ever made.

Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning

Another parody, parodying not only Star Trek but Babylon 5 as well. The seventh in a series fan movies released in 2005, it's about Captain Pirk builds a starship called CPP Kickstart, allies with Russia and takes over the world. He wants to take over more planets but the ships of his P-Fleet aren't fast enough to travel outside the Solar system. A maggot hole opens and it leads to an alternate reality. Pirk wants to take over the Earth of this reality, which leads to an awesome space battle between the P-Fleet and the fleet of the space station Babel 13 led by Johnny Sherrypie. The movie features some of the best special effects ever put in a sci-fi movie, which is pretty impressive, considering that this is an amateur film with a very low budget and was rendered in five years in someone's bedroom. The film is spoken in Finnish but subtitles are available for a wide variety of languages, including Klingon. They also made role-playing game based on it, where your character becomes more incompetant as he levels up.

The Orville

A drama-comedy television series homage to Star Trek that's pretty much to Star Trek what Family Guy is to The Simpsons, even being created by and starring Seth MacFarlane of Family Guy infamy... No wait, come back. The guy's a huge Trekkie and he felt that too many shows nowadays were up in their ass with grimdark, so he convinced the execs to make a loving comedic sendup of The Next Generation. Many of the executive producers are actually Trek alumni or notable industry Trekkies, such the guy who wrote the Futurama Trek parody episode, and the episodes aired so far have featured the same kind of themes that you would expect from a new Trek series. First airing in 2017, the series is about the strung-out not-Picard protagonist Captain Edward Mercer, played by MacFarlane himself, of the eponymous not-Enterprise spaceship "The Orville". His ex-wife is the first officer with the pilot episode about them reconciling for the sake of getting shit done. The show is crammed with "homages" to Star Trek and other works, such as the young not-T'Pol alien officer Alara, gay beefy not-Worf alien Bortus, asshole racist not-Lore android Isaac, and John LaMarr and Gordon Malloy - an even more ridiculous parody of Harry Kim and Tom Paris. They explore the galaxy while fighting bad guys including the strawman-theocratic, xenophobic, aliens the Krill (who are pretty much the love-child of Nosferatu and the Jem'Hadar).

The show's reception is quite mixed. While the audience loved it when it came out and critics were the opposite, the initial surge from the "honeymoon period" has mellowed, ultimately leaving audiences and critics divided between adoration and hatred. Seth's signature style of humor is evident, for better or worse, combined with dramatic elements and sci-fi material. The Orville also contains some commentary on real world issues, and while less preachy than Discovery on some subjects it's just as bad if not worse on other subjects (as is typical of Seth MacFarlane). Some commend the show as a breath of fresh air in an overly stagnant genre with good special effects and a few splashes of genius - the titular ship is named after one of the Wright Brothers and one episode discussed the pitfalls of social currency. Others denounce it as derivative (The Orville is piggybacking on Star Trek's fanbase and several episodes' plots are copy-pasted from other works - the Orville's social currency episode "Majority Rule" is the Black Mirror episode "Nosedive" with the serial numbers filed off) with sophomoric messages, clumsy pop-culture references and hit-or-miss writing. Some think both its supporters and detractors have a point. Trekkies are equally divided on the show, with many butthurt over Discovery endorsing the Orville, a small group liking both and others disliking The Orville.

The second season made little changes. Alara is written out of the show - which may come back to haunt them as she's one of the more well-received characters, not-Lore turns good at the last minute and the Krill also become the "lesser villains that need to team up with the good guys to fight worse villains" cliche. So while there have been changes, the same criticisms still remain. As always, stay tuned for how this turns out.


As a general rule, the even-numbered ones aren't complete shit.

  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture: AKA: The Slow Motion Picture, or the Motionless Picture. Old school sci-fi geeks like the ideas, but terrible pace and interminable special effects that were clearly meant to capitalize on this newfangled 3011 doohickey all the kids are yammering about kill them dead for everyone else. Besides the uniform worn by Kirk, the uniforms also look like pajamas. So no wonder they were changed only a movie later. Tries to look a bit like 2001: A Space Odyssey but fails because it doesn't look, well, good. Features an entirely bald female alien who is so good at sex that she has to swear an oath not to get it on with the crew. Really. This is canon.
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: KKKHHHAAAAAAAAAAAANNNN!!!! Widely considered the best of all the films, and the only one considered a straight up great film, no qualifiers. If you haven't seen it, see it. Interesting fact: Due to time constraints, actors of Kirk and Khan weren't available at the same time. So the entire script was written so that Kirk and Khan never need to meet face-to-face. Nemesis and Into Darkness tried to recreate it's success without getting that it worked because Khan and Kirk had a history together. Roddenberry screeched autistically and objected to some of the actions of his characters, including Kirk shooting a brain eating space parasite rather than "keeping it for study." The fact that his strongest objections came to the most win of the films says a great deal about his deprecating value to the franchise around the TNG era.
  • Star Trek III: The Search for Spock: Where is Spock? He's on Genesis. ALL AHEAD FULL! Not really bad, just run of the mill compared to the superior films that surround it. It was also saddled with the misfortune of undoing some of the previous film's more-daring decisions, and having its only daring decision reversed a film later. If you had to say that any film broke the "odd numbers suck" rule, it would be this one.
  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home: The crew of the Enterpise travels back in time to save the whales. No, literally and unironically. Scott tries to talk to a computer through the mouse, Spock nerve-pinches a punk on a bus in San Francisco, and somehow it works, creating something perhaps not quite in the genre intended but a classic in sci-fi dramedy. The Voyage Home is a zany comedy romp beloved by the general public and fandom alike, leaving only the most intractable fanbois to bitch and moan.
  • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier: The epitome of the "odd-numbered Star Trek films suck" rule. Lies! There is no Star Trek V! It was not called The Final Frontier! It was not directed by Kirk's egotistical actor and did not have a plot that could literally be summarized as "Kirk is betrayed by his incompetent crew, yet goes on to fight God and win!" The films mysteriously moved from four to six and we are all improved because of this!
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country: The Space Cold War ends amidst Tom Clancy-esque drama. However unlike his work, it's actually watchable. The sendoff for the original cast. Gene Roddenberry watched it, hated it and was going to seek legal advice but died a week later. And good riddance to that, because it's a pretty sweet political thriller if your hippie-panties don't get into a twist at the thought that the Federation isn't a perfect place full of perfect people.
  • Star Trek Generations: Malcolm McDowell blows up planets to get into a magic space ribbon to live forever, no it does not make any more sense in context. An already-weak story hamstrung by its obsession with being daring and unconventional rather than good. Also, Kirk dies on the bridge in the most face-palming manner possible.
  • Star Trek First Contact: The TNG crew face off with the Borg to ensure the future happens. Lots of action and some good performances make this the only good TNG movie. It sadly is also the only appearance of the Defiant on screen. Doing a pretty decent job of fighting the Borg. Before the Enterprise E saves the day of course. The Borg Queen was also introduced here before Voyager, ruining what could have been a good idea. It also has enough snark to rival a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie.
  • Star Trek Insurrection: If you thought the Na'vi were a bunch of badly-written Mary Sues, you ain't seen nothing yet! B-b-b-baby you ain't seen n-n-n-nothing yet! Also, Riker shaves his beard, and that's basically a war crime.
  • Star Trek Nemesis: The last stand of the TNG cast, ending not with a bang but a whimper. It also required amending the even=good/odd=bad rule to "Galaxy Quest counts as a Star Trek film so this one is also odd."
  • Star Trek (2009): Alternate timeline "reboot" (sideboot?) with the original crew, albeit with new younger actors. Timey-wimey shit happens and old prime timeline Spock (reprised by old Leonard Nemoy) is hurled back in time along with a bunch of Romulan assholes. The dickbag Romulans begin fucking shit up, slightly altering history in a way that ensures gratuitous lens flare. Skubtastic, but at least watchable, which is more than most odd-numbered films can muster. If you still even count it as odd, without the Galaxy Quest-amendment.
  • Star Trek Into Darkness: Some edgy shit. The second of the alternate timeline Trek films. Terrorism, conspiracy and flapdoodle. Even more skubtastic, but generally considered worse than its predecessor, partially because (like Nemesis) it tries to be a remake of The Wrath of Khan and having Kirk at his most punchable.
  • Star Trek Beyond: Fairly good, but lacking in the high-minded themes that even the previous two reboot films explored. More fun and adventure-y, almost like something you'd see in a TV series plot, and with a pared-down scope. At least they don't feel the need to threaten to blow up Earth again under the mistaken logic that nothing less will get us to care. Not enough lens flare though, so it looked more like Star Wars than Star Trek.


Like most long time franchises Star Trek has a massive line of books. Unlike most they're basically just fanfics as nothing but the show and the movies is canon so the writers can do whatever they want. This changed after Nemesis since they might never have another show or movie in the "Prime" universe, so the writers got their shit together and wrote a group of books as a tight community very close to the shows. The relaunch novels are a continuation of the show they're about. Also there's the Titan book series which is about Riker and Troi getting their own ship, which happens to be staffed by every race in the Federation including living rocks, space dinosaurs that smell like toast and a space cyborg ostrich.

During yet another novel continuity (Star Trek: Destiny), the Borg go nuts and eat Pluto... yeah... and then they finally get sick of the Federation somehow managing to not get assimilated all the time, so they finally just send every last cube they have with orders to Exterminatus the absolute SHIT out of the entire Alpha Quadrant. Pretty much every important character from TNG, DS9, and Voyager has to team up to stop them, and even then the Federation still get its shit pushed in and winds up having to rely on a vaguely ridiculous deus ex machina to win, and billions of people still die and dozens of planets are blown to shit. It was pretty insane.

Then all the Federation's main enemies get together to form an anti-Federation and start poking the bear, all the while telling their allies that they're somehow warmongering dicks.

Video Games

Star Trek Online is the free-to-play online game built by Cryptic Studios and run by Perfect World. With an official license CBS, recurring characters voiced by various Trek alumni, and recently a license to include references to the reboot chronology (officially known as the "Kelvin Timeline"), it's the closest existing thing to an "official" continuation of the "Prime" timeline, and contains history and fluff extending nearly 40 years from the end of Star Trek: Nemesis.

Taking place in the 25th century (around the year 2409-2410), the Hobus supernova (the event that kicked Nero and Spock into the past during Star Trek 2009) has devastated the Romulans, and its near-collapse and fragmentation causes tensions between a resurgent Klingon Empire and the Federation. The tensions blow up into a war, with members of a new, nicer, breakaway Romulan Republic playing both sides in exchange for development aid.

The game contains deep cuts from all over Trek lore, and answers questions about what happened to various key characters, including Data (took over the Enterprise-E, then retired), the Enterprise (now an even bigger ship run by Andorian captain Shon), and the Voyager crew (it took Harry Kim 30 years to make Captain lol). Raises barely-shown, unnamed, and otherwise obscure races to new prominence as big bad foes, including the Iconians (ancient aliens with god complexes who mutated into energy beings, currently live in dyson spheres and were only defeated by predestination paradox), Tzenkethi (4-armed halo guys whose weak points are the FRONT of their shields), and Na'kuhl (the alien nazis from Enterprise as time-traveling terrorists who blame the Federation for a throwaway event that happened in TNG's beach episode).

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And oh Lordy, is there more...