
His name is Angron (A.K.A. The Red Angel). Do we really have to spell it out? While his name may be a play on the words "Anger", it is highly possible that his name is based on the Greek word "Agrion" which means "Wild" (Which pretty much suits him considering that he is wild with rage).
The angriest son of a bitch in the galaxy, tied with An'ggrath. He was so angry that the part of him that was angry exploded from his head, thus making him permanently angry. Being kidnapped by the Emprah didn't help matters so he fucking RAGED at his dad by joining up with Khorne, Warhammer's God of Battle, War and RAAAAAAAAAAGE! Primarch of the World Eaters and that swell guy. He is Khorne's second most powerful champion, where he falls short to Doombreed, Khorne's first ever Daemon Prince/Champion who is probably Genghis Khan. But losing out to Doombreed is okay, because he's Genghis motherfucking Khan.
Among his revered exploits include slaughtering the entire population of a planet within a night, killing an entire contingent of Eldar warriors led by a Farseer when he was only a child, leading a gladiator rebellion against their employers and slaughtering every army sent against them. Until a huge one made up about seven came and fucked their shit up. However, one must understand that they had already beaten 25 others non stop and didn't even have tea afterwards. The Emperor saved him from dying here, which was a tremendous hit to his martial pride and soon after he RAAAAAAAAAAGEed furiously against the Emperor, believing him a coward devoid of honor and joined up with KHORNE the aforementioned God of War, Strength, Killing, Bloodshed, Battle, RAAAAAAAAAAGE.
Early Life & Great Crusade
He's got good reason to be ever-so-slightly miffed, too: his pre-daemonhood life was one big bowl of shit after another. First he crash-landed on his new home (because Khorne didn't give him a soft landing) and has a good chunk of his head torn off in the crash, then he's jumped by the aforementioned Eldar, then (tired from the killing and the massive brain trauma; keep in mind he's like 6 hours old) he gets captured and sold into slavery by people with near-Imperial tech who JAM ARCHAEOTECH SHIT straight into his brain-meat that makes it so the only time he can feel anything resembling happiness is *while murdering* and make him fight as a gladiator.
When the Emperor comes along, does he help Angron with his totally justified rebellion? Nope, he takes Angron away from the only people who weren't shitty to him and never looks back. To be fair, there's a good possibility that those gladiators were Khorne-corruption fodder, and thus the Emperor figured that saving them would just lead to more enemies in the future, and it's perfectly in-character for him to be a huge dick and not mention it.
It's implied in the novels that Big E took one look at Angron's fucked-up (and dying- the Butcher's Nails were quite literally destroying his brain so fast that the Mechanicus estimated that he wouldn't live long enough to see the end of the Great Crusade) skull and decided that he was a waste of time and effort, and went off to go suck Horus' dick some more. While some might argue that he could have at least tried to removed the Butcher's Nails, keep in mind that all attempts at removing them from regular Space Marines led to their messy deaths. Though later, a captain of the Thousand Sons was fairly certain that their psyker-medics could figure out how to remove them from a certain swell guy who killed him shortly afterwards.
Actually, by Betrayer it turns out that the Emperor had already made a deal with the government of Angron's planet. Therefore it was easier for the Emperor to capture Angron and win over the planet without further bloodshed rather than helping his son win a war against a population that had already submitted to compliance.
Horus Heresy
During the Horus Heresy he had an epic showdown with Roboute Guilliman when he saved Lorgar from big boy blue. Guilliman calls Angron out to which the Red Angel answered as follows:
"What would you know of struggle, Perfect Son? When have you fought against the mutilation of your mind? when have you had to do anything more than tally compliances and polish your armour?" [...] "The people of your world named you Great One. The people of mine called me Slave. Which one of us landed on a paradise of civilization to be raised by a foster father, Roboute? Which one of us was given armies to lead after training in the halls of the Macraggian high-riders? Which one of us inherited a strong, cultured kingdom? And which one of us had to rise up against a kingdom with nothing but a horde of starving slaves? Which one of us was a child enslaved on a world of monsters, with his brain cut up by carving knives? Listen to your blue-clad wretches yelling of courage and honour, courage and honour, courage and honour. Do you even know the meaning of those words? Courage is fighting the kingdom which enslaves you, no matter that their armies outnumber yours by ten-thousand to one. You know nothing of courage. Honour is resisting a tyrant when all others suckle and grow fat on the hypocrisy he feeds them. You know nothing of honour."
Choke on deez nuts, Papa Smurf. Guilliman could only quip this back before running the fuck away:
"You’re still a slave, Angron. Enslaved by your past, blind to the future. Too hateful to learn. Too spiteful to prosper."
And in a way, both of them were right. (Although to be fair, the Butcher's Nails had long since destroyed Angron's ability to feel any emotion other than unrelenting fury.)
It should also be noted that during this battle a Warhound Scout Titan tried to step on Lorgar but Angron managed to keep the god-machine suspended above himself through his sheer RAGE. Because that's how the Red Angel rolls. Lorgar repaid the favor by arranging his ascension into a Daemon Prince, although the transformation was so traumatic that even the Urizen couldn't help but feel a moment of doubt over what he had done.

He also slaughtered his way throughout Imperial Space for over a century with 50,000 World Eater Berserkers and destroyed/maim'dkill'dburn'd/broke the backs of/split open/fucked 70 sectors. However, in a subsequent Imperial offensive, Angron was banished to the warp and his men routed. To be fair, this strike force comprised 2 Titan Legions, 4 full Spess Mehreen chapters and over 30 Imperial Guard regiments to do that. And again to be fair, they put up quite a fight against the superior force. And even more impressive was that Angron's force only comprised Close Combat heavy infantry, no ranged support, no artillery, more like an angry mob of pissed off supermen than an actual army! Which lends credence to the fact, Khornate Berzerkerz = Awesome. Later on, he showed up with an even bigger force to attack Armageddon. The Imperium responded in kind, sending in one hundred Grey Knight Terminators, and all but ten of them died fighting Angron and his Bloodthirster posse. Took 'em about a week. Fuck yeah. He is armed with a really huge fucking chainaxe that's taller than him with chainswords for the chainteeth of the chainaxe. He's also got a stormbolter, but we wouldn't be surprised if that fired chainswords as well. Fittingly enough, it was called 'Godtearer'. Oh yeah, and he was lobotomized long ago so he finds joy only killing shit. He then replicated this technology on his fellow legionaries, despite the Empy's warnings. Even in spite of this, however, that swell guy became Angron's 'cool head'. Ironic.
41st Millennium
Angron has done far more shit than all the other Daemon Primarchs put together. Instead of sitting around being a painting on some Chaos God's wall, sitting around while being a rotting fatass and feeling sorry for themselves, sitting around and yelling just as planned anytime anything happens (Magnus personally attacked Fenris itself and laid waste to much of the planet and destroyed a lot of gene-seed, proving that Tzeentch can get shit done too),sitting around and preaching constantly, being dead, or being missing Angron actually gets shit done and boy howdy when he rages his way out of the eye of terror he makes sure that everyone knows about tearing everything that gets in his way a new one until he finally gets thrown back into the warp by drowning in a quadrillion metric fucktons of Imperial Guardsmen, Planetary Defense Force soldiers, Spehss Mehreens, Witch Hunters, Bolter Bitches, Titans, Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, Daemonhunters, and Grey Knights, but to be fair, everyone kind of does that when the Imperium finishes the paperwork needed to retaliate.
One day the Chaos Pretty Marines asked if they could join his World Eaters in his Dominion of Fire campaign, he responded to this offer by chopping up 900 of the prissy little Slaanesh worshipping faggots and grabbed their Chaos Chapter Master and Chief Sorcerer by the necks and tossed them into a black hole while screaming "FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-" throughout the entire hour of butchery. To this day the Chaos Pretty Marines remain too undermanned to participate in any black crusades or Angron rages, which isn't really a surprise since Angron has been fucking the loyalist Pretty Marines' shit up at every turn.
He also once came down to Fulgrim's Daemon World and beat the shit out of the prissy little Slaanesh worshipping faggot and left the almost dead Slaaneshi marines with the message "SLAANESH IS FOR FUCKING PUSSIES YOU COCKSUCKING FAGGOTS!!!!" Which was spelled out in their blood on a 5 hectare field. He did it because he was still trying to solve the Rubik's cube he still had since his loyalist days and was still frustrated over the fact how he still can't solve it. It is considered really fucking stupid to bring up the topic of even more complex variations of the Rubik's cubes like the 4x4x4 around him, much less unholy monstrosities like the 7x7x7 V-7 cube.
On the tabletop
He has stats from White Dwarf that makes him a 500 point walking rapemachine who makes Abaddon the despoiler and Mephiston look like total pussies, but you have to get him a bodyguard of at least 7-12 bloodthirsters, which effectively racks up his point cost to over 1300 at the least. But with his mandatory bloodthirster bodyguard he can even kill An'ggrath, the biggest and baddest bloodthirster of them all. But they would never fight in canon because An'ggrath is one of the only entities in the universe that Angron respects due to An'ggrath's equal capacity for RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEGGGG!!!... oh and Khorne says his champions can't fight each other because despite being balls-to-the-wall angry, Khorne knows well enough that the more champions he has on his side, the more blood spilled on his behalf. Thus, offing one of his champs is counter-productive since he's losing more than he's eventually gaining.
The Horus Heresy rules for him are only a bit less scary, and a lot cheaper too (20%, in fact).
Pts | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Angron: | 400 | 9 | 5 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 7 | 6 | 10 | 3+ |
He is probably the second strongest Primarch in the game behind Horus when things come to HtH. He's got a 3+ armor (weak for a demigod) 4+ invulnerable, FNP 6+, the Primarch rule, 5 wounds and T6. On offense he has 9 S9 attacks on the charge (7 S8 normally) from his weapon bonuses and at WS9 with Hatred so he gets to reroll to-hit rolls, all of it also roll 2D6 against armour and deal Instant Death on to wound roll of 6, in case S8-9 don't instagib them right away. He's also got this thing where for every character or unit you kill he gains 1 attack up to 10 attacks making him outrip An'ggrath for Pete's sake. Even cooler is the fact that you can rape Guard squads since Angron can challenge as many times as he has attacks (you ned to split your attacks between challenges, allowing you to murderize a few guard sergeants and THEN get additional attacks out of it! This rape train has no brakes captain!!!!! The obvious downsides are that aside from butchering things in melee Angron cannot do anything, he doesn't buff his army in any way aside 12" aura of Fearless, while other Primarchs bestow significant buffs to their armies, and of course he is the most fragile of the Primarhcs having only 5 wounds and 3+ with nothing but unreliable 6+ FNP to back it up. So all in all he's much like Kharn on steroids: you reach melee - you're king, you get your transport blown up and then get kited across the table - you're fucked. The other problem he shares with Kharn is that he tends to annihilate anything he charges in one phase either through sweeping advance or just by killing everyone outright, which leaves him vulnerable to enemy fire afterwards.
A small note though on Primarch duelling, keep him the fuck away from Lorgar Transfigured, unless you're in the mood to see the weakest Primarch suddenly make Angron into his little bitch thanks to invisibility and forcing you to re-roll all 6's.
Can Vegeta say what his power level is?
Angron before Daemonhood. The only real difference is a lack of wings.
Angron portrayed in his natural state: PISSED THE FUCK OFF!
The Primarchs of the Space Marine Legions |
![]() ![]() Corvus Corax - Ferrus Manus - Jaghatai Khan Leman Russ - Lion El'Jonson - Roboute Guilliman Rogal Dorn - Sanguinius - Vulkan |
![]() ![]() Alpharius/Omegon - Angron - Fulgrim Horus - Konrad Curze/Night Haunter - Lorgar Magnus the Red - Mortarion - Perturabo |