Mint green with black fists and poleyns with company color aquila
The Cowled Wardens are a Dark Angels Successor Chapter mentioned in the 9th Edition codex. They operate out of several hollowed-out asteroids in the Sirikoid Belt in a region called the Teras of Piruz. Their cover story is that they are purging a xenos race called the Jehangir, but, of course, they are actually there to investigate a local network of Fallen Angels. Not that they probably aren't also purging a species of nasty space monsters.
Consecrators (founding unknown, but likely after 2nd Founding) • Sons of Medusa (separated from parent Chapters, ratified by edict) • Steel Confessors (de facto 22nd Founding, de jure ratified by edict) • Ashen Claws (separatist Raven Guard Legion exiles, nominal loyalists)