Wolfspear | ||
![]() |
Founding | Ultima Founding | |
Successors of | Space Wolves | |
Primarch | Leman Russ | |
Homeworld | 108/Beta-Kalapus-9.2 | |
Allegiance | Imperium of Man | |
Colours | Light grey torso and helm, dark grey backpack, arms and legs. |
"Who by the ice jotun are the Wolfspear?"
- – Sergeant Bjarni, previously of the Greyshields, upon induction to the Wolfspear
As according to nu-lore, the Wolfspear is the first successor chapter the Space Wolves have had since the ill-fated Wolf Brothers. They seem to have serious daddy issues, as they are Primaris Marines, rather than standard space marines, and are worried about their acceptance by their fellow Sons of Russ (despite the fact that the very same book they originate in acknowledges that the actual Space Wolves themselves have taken on Primaris Marines to improve their numbers...Ah, but no Chapter can refuse them because the Emperor approves and the Custodes flat out said that any Chapter that refuses the Primaris will be exterminated by the Custodes themselves). The Firstborn sons of the wolf weren't so keen on accepting these newcomers as well, being so green and inexperienced, tutored more in the Ultramarian ways of war than those of Fenris. In the end, Logan Grimnar made his declaration that the Wolfspear, as well as any other successor chapters or Primaris additions to the chapter, would be welcomed as the Sons of Russ and subject to the same laws and rituals.
They fear that the Space Wolves will see them as not 'true Sons of Russ' and reject them. To further this issue, Gulliman saw fit to toss them on guard duty, guarding the Pit of Raukos, a back door that Chaos has been using to fuck over the Imperium. As a result, the Wolfspears fear that being kept off the front lines alongside their Primaris status will always keep them from getting the approval of their progenitors.
This fear would later go unfounded as once the Space Wolves had dealt with the invaders in their own space, they dispatched a company to visit their new successors, whom they found worthy of the legacy.
The Updated Lore[edit | edit source]
To the pleasant surprise of many, the Wolfspear get an entry in the 9th Edition Space Wolves supplement and White Dwarf Issue 469. Their background has been tweaked a bit, and no longer are they bound to guarding the Beta Kalapus warp rift. Instead, they are mentioned to have been founded as an under-strength fleet composed mostly of the veteran Greyshields and some fresh recruits. They have remained in this predatory fleet formation, allowing them to strike without hesitation like a certain other chapter of apex predators.
Tactically, they seem to be a more wolfy take on the Raven Guard and Night Lords -- widespread confusion masking precision strikes, and a massive application of force on a disoriented target; specifically disorienting vox howls that make people unable to focus. Alternatively, they're embodying the pre-Russ Space Wolves' practices of terror tactics as "the Rout" as they were called during the Great Crusade. These tactics won favor with those who took interest in them, with veterans eventually being seconded over to them from trusting wolf lords and Grimnar himself. As these old and new forces intermingled, the chapter found itself honoring the traditions of the wolves more and more, forging stronger forces with their forebears.
This appellation has a reason as well. As they've gotten more used to these new pups (yuck), they've seen this force as being more of a javelin with which they could pierce into the Imperium Nihilus. Some have even likened them to the legendary Spear of Russ, which was gifted to him by the Emperor just like how Guilliman gave these new marines to the chapter.
Organization[edit | edit source]
Rather than being formed in Codex companies or even Great Companies like their primogenitor, they're formed in seven major fleets, each formed of tightly-bound packs and brotherhoods called Jarldoms, each led by an elected Jarl. Each of these is effectively comparable to a Codex Battle Company, but are fully autonomous, though will gather together when facing common enemies. Each Jarldom has a Strike Cruiser as its flagship, which is in turn protected by a small flotilla of escorts.
Due to the wide-ranging nature of its fleets, leadership in the Wolfspear is highly decentralized, with each Jarl attended by his own council of Wolf Priests, Iron Priests, and Rune Priests. In the times the Chapter has had to gather together in a campaign, the Jarldoms have elected a High Jarl to lead it.
Despite it being mostly fleet-based, the Wolfspear maintains hidden strongholds outposts in strategic systems where it can re-arm and resupply.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Compared to the rowdy and gregarious natures of the contemporary Space Wolf, the Wolfspear are unusually more stoic and brooding. They're still big on tradition and oath-making, but this manifests in them making solemn vows, then carving said vows in runic script on their armor.
The Chapter reserves special reverence for the First-Slain, those Primaris Greyshields who fell during the Indomitus Crusade, and swear many oaths in the names of their memory. It is rumored their somewhat slate-grey color theme owes a lot to this reverence they have for the Greyshields.
Imagine a whole chapter of Space Wolf Scouts, except much more social, and you're probably close. So 90% less drunken brawls, and 90% more quietly brooding on a mug of brewski with the boys.
On the Tabletop[edit | edit source]
The Wolfspear are the "official" Space Wolves NuMarines chapter, and as such combine the shiny new True-Scale marines with the newer aesthetic with the themes of the Space Wolves chapter. They are, distinctly, also the only Space Wolves successor chapter initially; making them the first official viable alternative color choice for Space Wolves armies.
Next to nothing was known about these guys out of universe as well, having been surprisingly omitted from the Space Wolves' new codex. This was the case until Guy Haley, the author that introduced the Chapter to begin with, answered a few questions on Twitter, which gave us not only their colors, but a group was allowed to then design their chapter symbol. This chapter symbol was later replaced with no acknowledgement to the old one.
Colors and Heraldry[edit | edit source]
According to Haley, the chapter has a light grey torso and helm, with dark grey everything else. Their Aquila is colored gold, while their visors are a light blue. They bear their chapter symbol on the right pauldron.
They bear the traditional trappings of the rest of the Space Wolves; such as fur, gems, and rune markings.
Chapter Badge[edit | edit source]

Their chapter symbol was initially created by a fan group, the Blades of Greymane, as evidenced by this twitter chain [1], which made their chapter symbol into a light grey-white symbol of two wolves, crested by a diamond with a spear within it. If the original intentions remain true, the two wolves in universe symbolize their status as the "Second Successful Space Wolves" chapter. It was designed by group members Berenal and Khloros, adapted from another member's design for the group's overall logo, Lithiaris.
The logo was later changed when the Wolfspear finally appeared in the 9th edition codex, to a wolf's head with two red spears underneath it. Their color scheme also seems to just be gray now; though that could be shading from the book. Whether this was a situation of GW's higher ups shooting down the idea or because Guy Haley never actually had it show up in a book is unknown. It is unknown if the old icon will get any sort of acknowledgement.