Get of Fenris
Germanic-Viking Werewolves, that are in no way related to the Space Wolves (though the latter certainly wish they were).The Get are a tribe of Garou that glorify martial prowess, strength, and look heavily down upon weakness of all sorts, most often martial. This leads to them being both consciously and unconsciously dickish to most non-get, to the point of some being straight-up Nazis (given extra "oomph" when you realise their symbol looks like a swastika). This was later revealed to be a loud minority that was destroyed in a bloody purge (both in and out of lore).
Their Skalds, or storytellers tell a lot of sagas about their Totem Fenris, and how he embarked on several amazing adventures, such as the foundation of the tribe, and how he seduced the most beautiful women in all the lands. Note, too, that it is never specified whether or not he was an actual giant wolf like in Norse Myth, or whether he was a plain old Garou.