Get of Fenris
The Get of Fenris are a tribe of Garou that glorify martial prowess, strength, and look heavily down upon weakness of all sorts, most often martial; think Germanic Vikings but supernatural and you're not too far off. This emphasis on martial prowess and a warrior culture leads to them being both consciously and unconsciously dickish to most non-get, to the point of some being straight-up Nazis (given extra "oomph" when you realise their symbol closely resembles a swastika, and is in-universe symbolic of the Garou's supposed superiority over humankind). This was later retconned to be a loud minority that was destroyed in a bloody purge both in and out of lore (for once White Wolf recognised they'd been twits and decided to get shit done).
Their Skalds, or storytellers tell a lot of sagas about their Totem Fenris, and how he embarked on several amazing adventures, such as the foundation of the tribe, and how he seduced the most beautiful women in all the lands. Note, too, that it is never specified whether or not he was an actual giant wolf like in Norse Myth, or whether he was a plain old Garou. Most of their big meetings involve displays of bravery, displays of martial prowess, and endurance of one kind or another.
In terms of relations with other tribes, well, they're rarely on good terms with a lot of them. The Black Furies really hate them due to their wildly contrasting treatment of genders, with the GoF frequently retorting by pointing to the Furies' own gender issues and saying that if they want equality/respect, they can take it by force. The Wendigo are on similarly bad terms with them, due to the Get raiding and taking over many of their caerns back during the initial colonising of America; the Croatan they respected for being good fighters (not that that matters much now), while the Uktena's work on holding Banes earned similar respect (though some bad blood still remains). They're at least nominally loyal to the Silver Fangs as the Alphas of the nation, though they do think a change of regime may be in order if the Fangs keep weakening...
They have a surprisingly large number of kukloi, mainly due to their tribal culture actively encouraging members who don't agree with an extant camp to start their own:
- The Valkyria of Freya: Where most of the female Get end up, when they aren't given away to the Black Furies at birth. Their character is mostly the standard "Rah rah warrior spirit!" stuff of the Get, with a dash of feminism's whole "breaking preconceptions about women" shtick, though in an interesting twist, they often clash with the Black Furies with various degrees of violence. Most of the other camps don't like them very much, feeling they're more concerned with complaining about their station in the tribe than practicing the standard Get promotion method of "Find ass, apply boot."
- Hand of Tyr: Emphasises fighting the Wyrm's influence among humanity; they focus on targeting rapists, child molesters, terrorists, and other such standard scumbags. Probably the easiest faction to roleplay when running a Get character.
- Fangs of Garm: The closest thing the Get have to diplomats. They work to integrate the Get with the Garou Nation at large and make alliances with other tribes, on the grounds that they stand a greater chance of winning or at least injuring the Wyrm if they stand together. Unfortunately, the image of the Get as a whole and their culture makes this an uphill struggle at the best of times.
- Mjolnir's Thunder: Khornate Berserkers. Really. They're hell-bent on fighting the Wyrm 24/7 and nothing else. Amusingly enough, even the other Get's factions consider them a bunch of homicidal maniacs at the best of times.
- The Glorious Fist of Wotan: Red Talons MK2: Nordic Boogaloo. Holds the view they need to eradicate humanity to slow the spread of the Wyrm, and are by far the most misanthropic assholes in the tribe.
- Swords of Heimdall: The earlier-mentioned Nazi werewolves. They were founded in the aftermath of the American Civil War, and had a major upswing in membership around the 1930s as many Get came to feel that Germany's then-reverence of the Übermensch concept was directed at them. Unfortunately for these assholes, White Wolf realized that heaving a bunch of literal, unequivocal Nazis as part of the "heroes" side was a Bad Idea, and swiftly retconned them into being near-totally exterminated by the rest of the tribe during WWII.
- Ymir's Sweat: These guys are weird; supposedly, they're descended from GoF settlers who landed in northern Canada and interbred with the Wendigo and Croatan tribes. The "supposedly" is mainly because no-one actually knows whether or not they exist for certain.
- Loki's Smile: Living up to their name, these guys are one part Shadow Lords, one part Silver Fangs, and all parts mysterious. About the only canon information on them, if they even exist at all, is that they supposedly control the Get from the shadows and like using spirits as messengers.