Heretical Cult Creation Tables

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This is a set of tables intended to create your very own band, secret society, or cult of heretics to the Imperial Creed. Taken from a similar mold as those from the Deathwatch Rites of Battle and the generators inspired by them, these tables are taken directly from the Dark Heresy Second Edition supplement Enemies Within. Note that a few tables will be expanded slightly to make the resultant cults a thing which all three Ordos could conceivably deal with.

Just like the Imperial Creation Tables, these are instrument for deepening fluff and adding yet more things to the systems and sectors you may create, to give you foes (or alternatively friends) to spice your campaigns. All that's changed is their allegiance. Through 8chan, with zeal, we bring this to you. Welcome to the true faith, brother.

Origins of the Cult

Cults of Society (1d20) Background
1-2 Desperate Underclass: Although the Imperium’s ponderous bureaucracy is the only institution vast and powerful enough

to keep humanity alive in these dark times, it does so at a terrible cost. Innumerable cults have risen from those ground between the gears of empire, seeking only to better their own admittedly miserable lot. While pitiable, their actions invariably threaten the lives of many millions more.

3-4 Decadent Nobles: The elite of the Imperium are required to earn their position through meritorious service and selfsacrifice,

rather than simply bask in the luxuries accumulated through an inherited position. In actuality, though, many Imperial holdings are plagued with idle nobility with few occupations other than amusing themselves. From this wellspring of casual indolence, heresy almost inevitably follows.

5-6 Warrior Brotherhood: Military strength is prized by the Imperium like few other virtues. It is this strength, and the will

to wield it, that is valued above almost all else in protecting the holdings of Mankind. Those entrusted with this task sometimes let their heady burden take control of them, and devote their lives to war as a craft, hobby, or even religion, rather than a duty. Such cults can arise within militant forces such as the Adeptus Arbites or planetary Enforces as easily as the Imperial Guard or Navy.

7 Worker's Collective: Open organizations of laborers rarely survive for long in the Imperium, as the Adeptus Administratum

does not tolerate any potential threat to production for its tithes. As such, fledgling labour groups are forced to rely on more secretive methods to survive. As they scheme and maneuver for their cause in the shadows where they dwell, they become as much a threat to the structures of the Imperium as any malefic coven.

8 Primal Devotees: These cults form around an aspect of their surroundings or environment. This might be such elemental

aspects as the burning flame, life-sustaining water, an essential native vegetation, the primordial darkness, or even the unending depths of space.

9 Trade Compact: Commerce in the Imperium is heavily regulated, ensuring it works to the benefit of the Adeptus

Administratum’s tithes and quotas, rather than in competition with them. From underhive market stalls to the immense starships of Chartist Captains, the traffic of goods is carefully monitored. Some merchants chafe at these restrictions, and conspire with their fellows to orchestrate greater profits at the expense of others.

10 Errant Adeptus: The Imperial Adeptus are as vast and labyrinthine a collection of organizations as it is possible to be.

Disagreements and quarrels between the different branches are regular occurrences, and considered part of the intrinsic grinding of the Imperium’s colossal gears. In such an environment, illicit elements occasionally arise from one faction or another. Nevertheless, a rogue group within the Adeptus is one of the gravest threats Acolytes might face, as the Adeptus are the only group capable of mobilizing a response to a perceived threat on the same scale as an Inquisitor.

11 Rogue Trader Gone Too Far
12-13 Hereditary Laborers
14 Clergy
15-18 Cross-class (roll twice, combine results)
19 Sin of the Founders
20 Sector Command

Cults of Idea (1d20) Background
1 Freethinker's Enclave: The Imperium is too vast and ponderous to truly possess a unified culture, but local planets usually

have their own traditions and rigid thought. Where groups grow dissatisfied with their hidebound way of life, a cult devoted to questioning and seeking truth can arise. It is neither seemly nor safe for the common citizens of the Imperium to be concerned with such matters, and these freethinkers can cause mass panics by pulling down the comforting veil of ignorance that protects their fellows.

2-3 Pleasure Cult: The pursuit of pleasure, whether through partaking of exotic stimulants, the mingling of flesh, or gorging

on epicurean delicacies, is a common focus for many cults. Although simple hedonism may seem to be a minor threat at first glance, those willing to place personal indulgence above the Imperium can be surprisingly dangerous if they see their delights threatened.

4-5 Secessionist Conspiracy: The Imperium provides protection in exchange massive for tithes and harsh laws. Occasionally,

some grow weary of this bargain, deciding that they would be better off beyond Imperial rule. Whether they seek to openly throw off the yoke of the Emperor or to withhold resources for their own use, they endanger not only the lives of those who depend upon them, but their own worlds should they succeed in pulling free of the Imperial aegis.

6 Progressive Plot: The golden age of Mankind has come and gone. The wisdom of the past can be found with care and

caution, but some are reckless enough to believe in seeking new answers instead. Cults of progress may lack reverence for old knowledge, or they may believe themselves up to the task of recreating it from first principles. In their pursuit of new and arcane secrets, they echo the hubris of the Dark Age of Technology, and may bring down ruin to match.

7 Inhuman Ideals: It is acknowledged by the Ecclesiarchy and the Priests of Mars alike that humans are the pinnacle of

life in the galaxy. In form, mind, and spirit, they are beyond the deviant xenos and twisted mutant. However, there are those who reject this truth, pursuing some perceived alternative to the natural perfection of humanity. There exist cults revering mutation, unhallowed cyber-augmentation, or even xenos assimilation as a form of apotheosis.

8-9 Forbidden Worship: The Emperor of Mankind is the only god acknowledged in the Imperial Creed. All others are seen as

primitive deviancy at best, and Daemons or echoes of the Warp at worst. On some planets, proscribed rites still thrive, and ancient powers or xenos races are worshipped in the Emperor’s place.

10 Sorcerous Cabal: The most immutable law of the Imperium states that all psykers must submit to the Adeptus Astra

Telepathica and the Black Ships, to be judged and used for the benefit of Mankind. Those who flout the ban, whether natural wyrds or sorcerers dabbling in forbidden lore, are among the greatest threats a world can harbour. When they gather in numbers, for mutual protection or to seek power, they are truly a menace to be feared.

11-12 Apocalypse Cult
13-14 Zealotry in Misplaced Idols
15-16 The Most Dangerous Game
17-18 Seekers of Immortality
19-20 Blessed Is The Land

Leaders of the Cult

Cult Leadership Type (1D100)
1-35 Central Figure
36-50 Council of Inner Mysteries
51-55 Diumvirate/Triumvirate
56-70 Strict Military Rankings
71-80 Religious Figurehead, Secular Commander of the Faithful
81-90 None: Cell Structure
91-95 Hive Mind
96-100 Esoteric

The Cult Leadership (1d20) Nature
1-2 Demagogue: The cult is held together by the personal magnetism of a central figure. He may be a particularly driven

madman or a charming orator, but in either case, it is his words that hold his power.

3 Thug: The cult’s leader is a simple, brutish figure whose tactics are often simple but effective. Such cults rarely last long

or grow to great size, but each can be a dangerous threat nevertheless.

4 Military Figure: Some figure with experience in one of the Imperium’s military organizations, from a local warlord to an

officer of the Adeptus Arbites or Imperial Guard, heads the cult. A leader of this sort is most common among cults with ties to war or violence, but his force of personality and unflappable nerve made him capable of commanding anywhere.

5 Noble: A scion of one of the Imperium’s noble bloodlines has taken charge of the cult. Raised from birth to accept

leadership, an Imperial noble often has a commanding air that serves him well in such a role.

6 Religious Authority: The direst sort of heresy follows the cult’s leader, who is initiated in the mysteries of one of the

central religious groups of the Imperium. Whether his knowledge of spiritual matters originated from the Ecclesiarchy or the Red Priesthood of Mars, he now perverts his gifts to twist the minds of his followers with deviant philosophies.

7 Imperial Official: The cult’s influence is extended greatly by their leader, who holds a position within the Imperial Adeptus.

He may be a powerful and influential Adept, or a minor functionary with great ambition, but his place at the heart of power makes him dangerous in either case.

8 Mutant: A monstrous taint marks the leader of the cult, twisting his flesh into something inhuman. He may conceal his

deformity or use it as a sign of his supposed greatness, but his position outside the human race shapes his perspective more than anything else.

9 Psyker: Whether an unnaturally-born wyrd or a scholar in the profane arts of sorcery, the cult’s leader is able to maintain

his position through his psychic prowess. Operating without the safeguards offered to sanctioned psykers, he is a terrible threat to all around him even when he does not use his power.

10 Multifaceted (roll again twice)
11-13 Xenos (if part of 'Multifaceted,' the more mundane nature is a guise)
14-18 Daemon (same as above, but include 'Xenos' as a possible mundane guise)
19-20 Something Else

Leadership Style (1d10)
1 Figurehead: The cult’s apparent leader is actually a stand-in for another, hidden figure operating behind the scenes. Generate

this secret mastermind separately.

2 Hands-on: Even the lowliest dregs of the cult are familiar with their leader, who personally involves himself in every

aspect of its operation.

3 Dark Camaraderie:
4 Charisma: Through force of personality or sheer charm, the cult leader is universally revered by his followers. His

influence is felt even when he is physically absent.

5 Force of Arms: Using his own personal strength or even psychic powers, the leader rules all around him with displays of

brute force and physical intimidation.

6 Dread Aura: The cult leader uses terror to control his minions, all of whom fear his wrath above any other threat.
7-8 Shadowy: Little is known of the cult’s leader, who surrounds himself in a shroud of mystique. He avoids appearing in

person whenever possible, and hides what he can about his nature even from his lieutenants.

9 Puppetmaster: The cult leader favors elaborate schemes of manipulation, sending chosen pawns to act in his name for

inscrutable ends. Some are elevated to the upper ranks of the cult, while others are reviled for failure, but the true meaning of his actions is always reserved to the leader alone.

10 Direct Control

Equipment and Identifiers of the Cult (Roll 1D6 for each to see how many results the Cult receives, then reroll the required die for the number of options given)

Armaments and Defenses (1d20)
1-2 Plentiful Ammunition
3 Intricate Craftsmanship
4-5 Brutal Weaponry
6-7 Fortified Protection
8 Heavy Firepower
9 Advanced Technology
10 Wyrdcraft/Sorcery
11-12 Cover of Position, Shield of Repute
13 Beasts
14-15 Instruments of the Xenos
15-16 Instruments of the Daemon
17-18 Extensive Bodily Modification
19-20 Otherwordly Allies

Tokens of Allegiance (1d10)
1 Symbolic Color
2 Special Material
3 Favored Craftsmanship
4-5 Hidden Sign
6-7 Secret Chant
8 Marked Flesh
9-10 Marked Mindset

Draw and Activities of the Cult

Cult Allure(1D20)
1-2 Refuge
3-4 Purpose
5-6 Indulgence
7-8 Power
9 Entrapment
10 Mystery
11-13 Faith of the Forefathers: Mankind is old, its presence among the stars widespread and stretching tens of millennia into the past. Where man went, so too did his theologies. Some old faiths died, while others splintered, evolved, or mutated over time into new forms. New religions sprang up in the fertile fields of lonesome colony worlds. This cult is simply a continuation of these faiths, doing what they have done for generations despite Imperial censure and syncretism. It has an old-fashioned charm and reverence which may draw in the curious and unwary.
14-15 Knowledge: To live as a scholar in the Imperium of Man is to remain in frustrating ignorance. Mankind has forgotten and lost more knowledge than most xenos races have assembled by the death of their civilizations. The Adeptus Mechanicus worsens this crushing ignorance with their monopolies on technology and data, together with their stifling (often punishing) adherence to doctrine. Some groups appear to stand against the darkness, however, to either seek out the knowledge of the past or to seek new and abominable information. For a frustrated scholar, such groups would appear ready to slake his thirsts.
16-17 Salvation of the Soul: Sin and damnation are together a major concern for all Imperial citizens, especially where conditions are harsh (or conversely, when one is in a good position but knows too much). This cult offers a balm for the soul and peace of mind in the ideal of a better spiritual life. Once the convert has progressed far enough in the cult's doctrine and/or mysteries, they might yet believe it even as their corruption festers.
18-19 Oblivion: The Imperium is a harsh and often dismal place for much of Mankind, there is no debate about that. What this cult offers, one way or another, is a way to end all suffering in utter annihilation. Only the mad and the twisted would see the way, but they will come with all the fervor madness can bring.
20 Call Unto The Native: Something in this region of space binds its inhabitants to it; over the generations it has reached into their minds and souls, effecting a subconscious alteration which drives certain individuals towards specific behaviors (often including worshipful activity). A poor soul afflicted so may be perfectly sane and Emperor-fearing, and yet once called by the inhuman presence will join the cult as a sleepwalker might stumble the path to his doom.

Rites and Observances of the Cult
1-3 Mass Devotions
4-5 Foul Communion
6-7 Blood Sacrifice
8 Flesh Twisting
9 Sorcerous Arts
10 Elaborate Rites (roll again twice, combine results)

Deities of the Cult

Focus of Worship (1d20)
1-2 Khorne
3-4 Nurgle
5-6 Slaanesh
7-8 Tzeentch
9-10 Hidden Mark of Heresy (roll again in secret)
11-12 Malal or Other Minor Chaos God
13-15 Chaos Undivided
16 Technology and Artifacts of the Xenos
17-18 Xenos as Divine
19 Something Else in the Dark
20 Strange Pantheon (roll twice, combine results)
Warhammer 40,000 Faction Creation Tables
Imperium Adeptus Custodes Shield Host - Grey Knight Brotherhood - Imperial Guard Regiment - Imperial Knight House - Inquisitor - Legiones Skitarii - Legio Titanicus - Renegade Space Marine Chapter - Sisters of Battle Order - Space Marine Chapter - Tempestus Scions Regiment - Underhive Gang - Noble House
Chaos Chaos Space Marine Warband - Chaos Warband - Heretical Cult - Lost and the Damned Regiment - Renegade Knight House - Dark Skitarii Force - Traitor Titan Legion
Xenos Creature Creator - Dark Eldar Kabal - Eldar Craftworld - Harlequin Masque - Genestealer Cult - Necron Dynasty - Ork Klan - Tau Cadre - Tyranid Hive Fleet - Wych Cult
Planets Forge World Generator - Dark Mechanicus Forge World Generator - Planet Generator - Solar System Generator
Misc. Power Armour