Ork Klan Creation Tables

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Inspired by Fantasy Flight Games' Deathwatch Role-playing Game's Space Marine Chapter Creation Tables, these tables let you roll up (or otherwise generate) your very own Ork Klan. In the absence of any role-playing game featuring Ork klans specifically, this table is more or less entirely for the purpose of generating fluff.

Type of Warband

Klan or Freeboota? (d10)
1-6 Propa' Klan
7-10 Freeboota

Warband Colors

Pick a color ya git! (d100)
1-16 Red (da fastest)
17-32 Green (da Orkiest)
33-48 Black (ded 'ard)
48-64 Yellow (flashiest)
65-80 Blue (da luckiest)
81-96 Brown (da most tradishunal)
97-99 Purple (da sneakiest. Neva saw one, didja?)
100 Roll twoice (Or pick blue and roll once more ya lucky git!)

Legendary Ork

We gots an Ork wots lejundery. 'Oo was 'e again? (d10)
1-5 Warboss/Kaptin
6-7 Ork Boy (roll anuvva d10: 1-3 Shoota, 4-7 Slugga, 8-10 Storm Boy)
8-9 Oddboy (roll anuvva d10: 1-3 Mekboy, 4-5 Dok, 6-7 Weirdboy, 8-10 Kommando)
10 Grot or other non-Ork ('E wozn't an Ork, but dat little git was roight fiesty)

Aw'roight, now what'd 'e do? (d100)
1-25 Krumped loads o' 'umies
26-50 Krumped loads o' spiky 'umies
51-70 Konkered otha puny-er Orks
71-85 Krumped loads o' pointy 'eads (1d10: 1-5 Eldar, 6-8 Dark Eldar, 9 Exodites, 10 Harlequins)
86-90 E's off ta krump inta da Warp. E'z comin' back one day.
91-95 Beat down a planet o' some new kind o' squig. Big n scary it woz...
96-100 Led a WAAAGH! dat was da best scrap we eva 'ad, 'til dem stupid Ork Snoipah gits went 'n' ruined da whole fing.

Favoured God

Gork or Mork? (d10)
1-3 Gork
4-6 Mork
7-9 Deyz both good, ya squighead!
10 We don' know so we just 'ave da boyz foight 'til one of 'em wins.,NOW GET LOST. BOYZ let' get some skulls for the skull pile. AND KEEP WALKING IN RANKS YOU GIT.

Warband Size

'ow many boyz we got left? (d10)
1 Not much, boss...
2 Just sum odd boyz
3-4 We'z short a bunch o' boyz but dere's plenty of gitz who want ta krump wi' us!
5-7 We gots enuff boyz to 'ave us a propa foight!
8-9 We gots more boyz dan you can toss a herd o' Squigs at! An' trust me, I tried.
10 Dere's too Many of 'Em!!

Average Size

'ow big are da boyz boss? (d10)
1 Da boyz be lucky to krump one of 'dem blue boyz...
2 Dey ain't Big, but dey get da job done
3-7 'Ar boys are da roight and proppa size boss!
8-9 Da boyz be as big as dem regular gits' nobz!
10 'Ar boss be as big as dem 'ard humies dreads! And dem dreads be 'uge!


See dem gits ova dere? Deyz off limits until I sez so. Got it?! (d100)
1 Dem weird Skuigz
2-25 Ovva Orks
26-50 Da pointy-'ed, pointy-ear, talkie boyz
51-70 Dem 'nid squigs
71-80 Dem 'umies
81-85 Spiky 'umies
86-90 Da pointy 'ead kinky boyz
91-95 Da shooty blueboyz
91-95 Da ded killy skullboyz
96-100 I dunno wot dey be, dey's different

Enemy (Well, More So Than Usual)

See dem gits ova dere? Krump 'em. (d100)
1-25 Ovva Orks
26-50 Da pointy-hed pansyboyz
51-70 Dem 'nid squigs
71-80 Dem 'umies
81-85 Spiky 'umies an' stuff loik dat
86-90 Da pointy-hed, pointy-arms, pointy-errythin' emoboyz
91-95 Da puny but shooty blueboyz
91-94 Da ded killy skullboyz
95 We are Daemon-Killa' you git
96-100 I dunno wot dey be, dey's different

Special Boyz

We got lotsa boyz in our klan, but wot've we got more of dan otha klans? (d10)
1 Storm Boyz
2-3 Shoota/ Slugga Boyz
4-5 Nobz
6 Dokz
7 Weirdboyz
8 Mekboyz
9 Kommandoz
10 Grots, grots e'rywhere!

Best Loot

Wot's da biggest, most aweshum thing we've eva' looted? (d100)
1-50 Dunno, ain't looted much, boss
51-55 One o' dem 'umie Titans
56-60 One o' dem spiky 'umie Titans
61-65 One o' dem pointy boyz' Battle Titans
66-70 One o' dem sniky-boyz' Pain Enjuns
71-75 Lotsa teef from one 'a dose 'uge tyr-uh-nid squigs
76-80 One o' dem skellyboyz' Monolisp- Monothil- big killy pyramids
81-85 Anuvva warboss' Gargant (we made it orkier!)
86-97 A dozen o' dem blueboyz' Krisis Kans
98 A big buncha of dem non-orkish gits. Roll on da enemy table for da type and then roll on da speshul "Wot did ya do wit dem" table.
99 Skulls, Skulls, Skulls and Blood lots of em
100 Roll twice on dis table (we gots loads uv loot, boss!)

Wot did ya do wit it? (d10)
1-3 Da boyz dismantled it and cannibalized its bits for da mek
4-5 It blew up in a foight (or there's a git mukkin about wit exploshuns)
6-8 Some gits stole it, dem sneaky bastards!
9 Made some 'uge piles of it
10 We made it orkier, and da boss rides it to battle

Wot did ya do wit dem? (d10)
1-3 Da boyz ate (or killed) 'em
4-5 'Em were gud workers
6-8 Thesez gits were gud fud for squigs
9 Meks took 'em and done somethinga weird
10 We made 'em orkier, and da boss leaded 'em to battle
Warhammer 40,000 Faction Creation Tables
Imperium Adeptus Custodes Shield Host - Grey Knight Brotherhood - Imperial Guard Regiment - Imperial Knight House - Inquisitor - Legiones Skitarii - Legio Titanicus - Renegade Space Marine Chapter - Sisters of Battle Order - Space Marine Chapter - Tempestus Scions Regiment - Underhive Gang - Noble House
Chaos Chaos Space Marine Warband - Chaos Warband - Heretical Cult - Lost and the Damned Regiment - Renegade Knight House - Dark Skitarii Force - Traitor Titan Legion
Xenos Creature Creator - Dark Eldar Kabal - Eldar Craftworld - Harlequin Masque - Genestealer Cult - Necron Dynasty - Ork Klan - Tau Cadre - Tyranid Hive Fleet - Wych Cult
Planets Forge World Generator - Dark Mechanicus Forge World Generator - Planet Generator - Solar System Generator
Misc. Power Armour