Savlar Chem Dogs

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Huffing paint, capturing planets, nicking your stuff

Savlar Chem Dogs are a penal legion of the Imperium's hardest criminals that the Adeptus Arbites are able to catch, arm and ship off to some God-Emperor-forsaken battlefield and told to capture that hill!

Under-equiped, they more than make up for it by stealing from any other Imperial regiments stationed near them during campaigns. They are largely known, and modeled, for wearing re-breathers attached to crude canisters on their back and ragged clothing. The canisters more than often are filled with combat drugs of some sort, so they're basically huffing paint all the time.

Older editions had them with Commissars (someone is needed to shoot them in the back in case the convicts get ideas), Ogryns (perhaps the only beings, other than other chem dogs, comfortable being around chem dogs), Rough Riders (Mutated-looking beasts native to Savlar) and chem-inhalers.


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Regiments of the Imperial Guard
Armageddon Ork HuntersArmageddon Steel LegionAthonian Tunnel RatsAttilan Rough RidersBrontian LongknivesCadian Shock TroopsCatachan Jungle FightersDeath Korps of KriegDieprian Mountain MenDrookian Fen GuardElysian Drop TroopsGilead GravediggersHarakoni WarhawksIndigan PraefectsKanak Skull TakersJopall Indentured GuardLast ChancersMaccabian JanissariesMordant Acid DogsMordian Iron GuardNecromundan SpidersPhantine Air CorpsPhantine SkybornePraetorian GuardRoane DeepersSavlar Chem DogsScintillan FusiliersTallarn Desert RaidersTanith First (And Only)Terrax GuardValhallan Ice WarriorsVostroyan FirstbornVentrillian Nobles