Necromundan Spiders

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From 80s Bikie Street Gangs, to post-9/11 PMC Gangs.

Necromunda; you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. At least, in it's own small sector of the galaxy. As a world where the planetary capitol has more humans in it than most Imperial sectors, manpower is one of the greatest resources it has to throw to the Imperial Tithe. After all, those gangers and hive scum need to find something worthwhile to do with their time, don't they? If they can't be bothered to work in the manufactorums or simply lay down and die to be made into corpse-starch, better then to die bringing the light of the God-Emperor to the blighted corners of the stars.

As they come from Necromunda, they automatically come equipped with shit better than 90% of other Guard regiments. We are talking about Plasma Guns being as common as Lasguns, advanced Archeotech Cogitators, and every Guardsmen in that regiment wearing Imperial Mesh Armour rather than your standard T-Shirts. In a lot of ways, they function more like PMCs than an actual military regiment.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Unsurprisingly, the Spiders are experts in urban warfare. The tight confines of their hive make them the equivalent of Catachans on a death world when they deploy to a hive or similar planetary arcology. Also like the Catachans, many of the regimental traditions are drawn from the greatest predators of their homeworld. In this case, the deadly and gargantuan Necromundan Giant Spiders, a 40K Arachnarok with a taste for human flesh and a worse zip code than North Philadelphia. Considered the top predator of the underhive (And probably the entire hive, let's be real here), the raised regiments of the Imperial Guard decided to pay homage to the deadliest of predators from their home.

The gangers make natural guardsmen, surprising everyone that's been raised in a nice bubble their whole lives and thinks that gangs are only what they see in 80s action movies. Street gangs will often have clear chains of command, defined roles, and the capability to work together in life and death situations with strong bonds of camaraderie. Scale that up to gangs the size of military regiments with weapons that would make your local ammosexual green with envy, then put them in a life where discipline and combat skills are literally life or death. You can think that the tithed gangers of Necromunda are nothing more than cannon fodder, at least until they drop a hab-block on the horde of traitors screaming down a boulevard baying for blood. Of course, one can also surmise that this makes them as amicable to commissars as the Catachans as well. Just because you take the ganger from the gang doesn't mean they won't still remember a few old tricks to make their own lives easier. Especially at the expense of others.

It also doesn't help that to ease recruitment strain, entire gangs will often be pressed into the tithe. While this makes up for numbers easily, it can also mean that old loyalties remain as well. Woe betide the poor staff officers who have to figure out a way to stop the new regiments under their command from killing each other before they even get to their deployment.

Regiments of the Imperial Guard
Armageddon Ork HuntersArmageddon Steel LegionAthonian Tunnel RatsAttilan Rough RidersBrontian LongknivesCadian Shock TroopsCatachan Jungle FightersDeath Korps of KriegDieprian Mountain MenDrookian Fen GuardElysian Drop TroopsGilead GravediggersHarakoni WarhawksIndigan PraefectsKanak Skull TakersJopall Indentured GuardLast ChancersMaccabian JanissariesMordant Acid DogsMordian Iron GuardNecromundan SpidersPhantine Air CorpsPhantine SkybornePraetorian GuardRoane DeepersSavlar Chem DogsScintillan FusiliersTallarn Desert RaidersTanith First (And Only)Terrax GuardValhallan Ice WarriorsVostroyan FirstbornVentrillian Nobles