Titan Legion Creation Tables

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Revision as of 16:45, 8 December 2015 by 1d4chan>Voivode1 (LEGIO edit. Also, some spelling)
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(Under Construction) Another work inspired by Fantasy Flight Games' Deathwatch Role-playing Game's Space Marine Chapter Creation Tables, these are another /tg/ homebrew but made for the purpose of creating your own custom Legion of God-Machines, history, deeds, and all. Unlike the other Creation Tables present below, these were mostly finished and then abandoned in incomplete form, where they languished for years in a forgotten archived thread. Now they rise to the surface from 8chan like newly uncovered STC fragments, free from obscurity. As it was unfinished, however, the generator is in deep need of further edits and additions.

What is the Mainstay Engine of the Titan Legio? 1d100
Warhound Class 1-50
Reaver Class 51-75
Warlord Class 75-100

First and Lead Engine of the Legio 1d100
Warlord Class 1-25
Nemesis Class 26-50
Imperator Class 51-75
Apocalypse Class 76-100

Legio Homeworld 1d100
1-10 Armory World - Amongst the Forge Worlds of the Adeptus Mechanicus, a rare few gain renown as masters of the forge. Whether they produce Land Raiders or bolters, these Armory worlds are renowned for the quality and quantity of their production. The establishment of a Titan Legio is a moment of great pride.
11-20 Forge Altar - Even amongst the ranks of the Forge Worlds, this world stands out for its devotion to the Omnissiah. The esoteric symbols of the Cult Mechanicus infuse all its creations, from the lowliest powercell to the mightiest Titan. The tech-priests blessed to service these awe-inspiring creations are all the more attentive to their devices.
21-30 War World - The 41st Millennium is a time of war, and not even Forge Worlds are free from it. Despite formidable defenses and nigh-unlimited resources, this for is embroiled in a war for its very survival. Yet even so, the Imperium's demands must be met, lest other worlds fall. A Titan Legio from a War World is made up of battle-tested Titans.
31-40 Manufactorum - The millions of worlds of the Imperium rely upon the Adeptus Mechanicus, and this Forge World is one of the most important. A tremendous variety and quantity of the technologies that hold the Imperium together are produced on this world, but such prodigious production means that less of their production capacity is a dire blow to the Imperium.
41-50 Shipyard - Focused on the complex and secretive art of shipbuilding, it is rare but not unheard of for forges of this sort to turn their arts to the construction of Titans. With their intimate knowledge of void shielding and fusion plants, they can produce Titans with similar enhancements.
51-60 Silent Forge - Insular and insolated, this forge has little to do with the Imperium as possible. Its masters foresee a time of great disaster and failute, and devote the vast majority of their resources to preparing for the coming fall. When a Titan Legio is torn away from this Word World's selfish grasp, its begrudging warriors are as self-relient as possible.
61-70 Ghost Forge - A terrific cataclysm has befallen this forge. Whether by accident or design, it's manufactories have fallen silent, powerplants glow no more, and its people have turned from the Omnissiah. The unfortunate Legion to originate from this world is cut off from its home, unable to leverage its once terrific resources in their isolation.
71-80 Primeval Forge - Without the resources of the Primeval Forges, the Adeptus Mechanocus would be entirely unable to function. Not simply mining worlds of the Imperium, Primeval Forges are responsible for the extraction and processing of rare elements and trans-phasic substances required in the production of some of the most ancient weapons in the galaxy.
81-90 Datahive - Extremely rare and nigh-legendary, a datahive is a Forge World devoted entirely to the collection and analyzation of data. On those rare occasions when a Titan Legio is established upon a datahive, they are invariably equipped with immense and comprehensive databases on the foes of mankind from those long-dead tomes.
91-99 Arsenal World - The wars of the Imperium require vasts amounts of materiel, and it is the Arsenal Worlds which produce them. These forges are key and critical parts of the Munitorum's vast logistics chain, supplying everything from engine grease to bolter shells to Vortex torpedoes. With such massive foundries at their command, the Titan Legio is never at a loss for fresh ammunition.
100 Antiquary World - The Adeptus Mechanicus is a millenia-old empire, spanning hundreds of thousands of worlds throughout the galaxy, and provy to uncounted secrets of the distant past. Some worlds ruled by the Mechanicus are repositories of that past, charge with the safekeeping of the most ancient and mysterious relics of the Dark Age of Technology.

Legio Age 1d10
1 Age of Strife - Deep within the abyss of time, this Legio was founded by the proto-Mechanicum to defend its far-flung colonies.
2 The Great Crusade - In the wake of the signing of the Treaty of Olympus, the Legions of Mars are unleashed at the Emperor's command. This Legio was created at the behest of the Emperor, in order to meet the needs of the Great Crusade.
3 The Horus Heresy - The Horus Heresy devastates the Mechanicum, as Forge Worlds throughout the galaxy are forced to choose a side. Your Legio was born in that chaotic time, a Loyalist offshoot of some long-dead heresy.
4 The Forging - Follow the death of Horus, long centuries pass as the Imperium rebuilds itself. This Legio was established in order to aid the reconquest of the galaxy.
5 The Nova Terra Interregnum - The dark age of the Nova Terra Interregnum saw the Cult Mechanicus cleft in twain as the Moirae Schism rocked its own stability.
6 The Sanction of Vandire - Declaring its independence from the corrupt and mad rule of Goge Vandire, the Adeptus Mechanicus rearmed its defences.
7 Age of Rebirth - As the Imperium prospers, so too does the Adeptus Mechanicus.
8 Crusades of the Fringe - Long and bloody, the crusades of the fringe consume billions of lives and trillions of tonnes of materiel. Founded to sustain a long and difficult crusade, this Legio has fought with honor and won much glory alongside the Imperium's greatest heroes.
9 Tides of the Outer Dark - The rise of powerful new xenos threats in the fringes of the Imperium forces the Mechanicus to respond.
10 Newly Forged - As the 41st Millenium draws to a close, the might of the Imperium is strained to the breaking point. This Legio was founded to stem the tide.

Strength 1d10
1 Sole Survivor - Failure. The Legio has been reduced to a single engine.
2 Decimated - Defeat has dogged the Legio, exacting a terrible toll in the engines and crews. It has been decimated, reduced to a shadow of its former self.
3-4 Understrength - The Legio's victory has come with terrible costs.
5-7 Half-Strength - Scarred by war, the legion grows tighter.
8 Battle Damaged - The costs of war have taken their toll on the Legio, but the value of the experience gained is incalculable.
9 Full Strength - The Legio stands ready for battle (50 Titans).
10 Overstrength - This Titan Legion has grown strong over the centuries.

Deeds of Note 1d10
1 Victorious Campaign - Victory! Your Legio was critical to the success of an Imperial crusade.
2 Unending War - The long war continues unabated, despite the firepower of your god-machines. The forces of the enemy, led by an uncharacteristically brilliant warlord, continue to grind down the forces of the Imperium.
3 Destroyer of Daemons - This Legio has laid low a Daemonically Possessed Titan of one of the Traitor Titan Legios.
4 Forlorn Hope - In the last moments, your Legio stood proud in the midst of defeat, buying time for Imperial reorganization.
5 Last Stand - Beset on all sides, your Legio survived a desperate last stand when all other Imperial forces had fallen.
6 Lost in the Warp - For untold centuries, you were deemed lost to the warp, until suddenly you reappeared and joined battle without a moment's hesitation.
7 Champion Slain - A mighty warlord renowned and feared by the forces of the Imperium was finally brought down by your Legio.
8 Failure and Despair - The forces of the Imperium have been shamed! And the Legio played its part. Your strategems were weak, you princeps ineffecient, your Titans found wanting. The enemies of Mankind know your weakness, and to complete their humiliation, hunt you throughout the galaxy.
9 Service at the Gate - In centuries of service, your Legio has faced down the Great Enemy at the Cadian Gate and won.
10 Overwhelming Victory - The forces of the Imperium have triumphed! The Legio has covered itself in glory, becoming renowned across the Imperium for its role in conquering a terrible foe. Your princepts are vetted from Sol to Constantium, and your Titans have oath-bonds from the grateful powers of mankind.

Trophies 1d10
1 Head of the Waaagh - The might of an Ork Waaagh was shattered by the might of your Legio's Titans, and the head of the Warboss remains a treasured icon of the power of the Omnissiah.
2 Scars of Behemoth - Your Titans were scarred by the massive chitin claws and biological acid of the Bio-Titans of Hive Fleet Behemoth, whom you faced directly in battle.
3 Icon of the Cadian Gate - The forces of Chaos hate and despise your Legio for foiling a major attack during one of their horrendous Black Crusades.
4 Xenos Helm - A vile xenos race faced your Legio and was found wanting. Their might was broken against your strength, and their race shattered into oblivion.
5 Shattered Blade - At the hight of battle against the full force of the Eldar, your Titan shattered the blade of their mightiest Titan against its god-machine hide, suffering no damage in the slightest.
6 Monolithic Ruin - The ruins of a world long dead are the only monument to your Legio's passing. The allies of yours during these battles substitute the word massacre for your Legio's name.
7 Twisted Drivechain - Over the ages, your Legio has slain countless armoured vehicles and enemy titans on the field of battle.
8 Broken Monument - The crushing power of your Legio has reduced whole cities or worlds to ruination, shattering their fortresses like they were little more than meat under the weight of your Titans.
9 Crusader's Banner - Your Legio was at the vangard of an Imperial Crusade, serving as a beacon of glory and a spearhead of massacres. They won many honors for their actions.
10 Blessing of the Emperor - Your Legio has fought closely alongside the Astarte of the God-Emperor in the forefront of battle, turning the tide in their favour and carrying the day to victory.

Failures 1d10
1 Excommunicate Traitorus - Your Legio has the blackest stain; at some point in its past, it raised its hand to the Imperium. Echoes of that treason echo still in the Mind Impulse Units of your most ancient war machines, a constant threat and lure.
2 The Triumph of the Flesh - Tyranids consumed a world under your protection, the failure to keep the planet safe is forever a stain on your Legio's honor.
3 Graceful Slaying - You were driven from the field of battle by the forces of the Eldar.
4 Machine Unbound - Your Legio suffered defeat at the hands of the Tau and their foul Techno-Sorcery.
5 Fallen City - The Legio has a reputation for destruction and woe, destroying whole hives in its drives to destroy the enemy.
6 Old Sins Die Hard - The forces of the Dark Mechanicus have survived your wrath and fled with their machines intact, leaving a dark mark of shame on your Titan's.
7 Failings of Man - The incompetency of an Imperial Guard general cost your Legio dearly, but his connections laid the blame on your servos to carry for all time.
8 Vainglorious Pride - The Legio's stubbornness caused the failure of a great battle, costing the Imperium dearly in doing so.
9 Curse of the Machine - Some flaw within the Forge's results in unreliable equipment and the reputation for this is known.
10 Lost Legacy - At some point in its past, the Legio suffered irreplacable losses of experienced crew and ancient Titans. This lost legacy of heroism, bravery, and knowledge can never be recovered.

Quirks "1d15"
1 Divergent Pattern - The Legio is harboring divergent practices, like experimental machinery or unorthodox beliefs.
2 Steel Body, Steel Mind - The Legio is slavish in its devotion to the tenets and traditions of the Collegia Titanica.
3 Martial Rime - The histories of the Legion are borne proudly by the Titans of the Legio.
4 Spiritless Servants - Crews exclusively Servitors, save for the Princeps.
5 Nomads of War - Crews raised with the Legio on the road.
6 Contempt of the New Way - Contempt for the Emperor and the Imperium.
7 Embrace of the New Way - Worship the Omnissiah as the God Emperor.
8 The Long Hunt - Specific enemy Titan is focus of Legio Hate.
9 Fears Unspoken - The Legio has a hidden fear of a certain foe.
10 Fractured Mind - Princeps are insane.
11 Human Frailty - Legio strives to reduce combat losses and collateral damage.
12 Collateral Damage - Legio is infamous for widespread destruction and damage.
13 Efficiency Coefficient - Unorthodox Legio structure, not pyramidal.
14 Throw Down - Legio has deep seated grudge against a particular body or individual within the Imperium.
15 Life Debt - Legio has a debt to a specific power/group within the Imperium.

Allies "1d15"
1 Adeptus Astartes Chapter
2 Imperial Guard Infantry Regiment
3 Imperial Guard Armor Regiment
4 Imperial Navy Fighter Squadron
5 Imperial Navy Taskforce
6 Knight World
7 Skitarii Cohort
8 Titan Legion
9 Explorator Fleet
10 Adeptus Sororitas Convent
11 Rogue Trader Dynasty
12 Holy Ordos of the Inquisition
13 Planetary Government
14 Warmaster of the Imperium
15 High Lord of Terra

Enemies 1d10
1 Ork Warboss
2 Tau Shas'O
3 Necron Overlord/Phaeron
4 Eldar Autarch
5 Dark Eldar Lord
6 Tyranid Swarmlord
7 Traitor Titan Legio
8 Dark Mechanicus Magos
9 Chaos Space Marine Warlord
10 Traitor Guard

Tactics "1d15"
1 There is no inappropriate amount of death - Kill everything as much as possible.
2 The Big Guns Never Tire - Each muzzle blast is a note in a never ending orchestrial score.
3 Inexorable Advance - Move and fire, a moving bulwark of high firepower.
4 Electro-Shadow - There is no such thing as being to large and visible to lay an ambush.
5 Plains of Ash - Fire and plasma cleanse the battlefield rightously.
6 Mechano-Biceps - Rip and tear the enemy asunder and grind them underfoot.
7 Bulwark of Sturdiness - Hold that ground until all the enemy have thrown themselves against you and died.
8 Mechanical Supremacy - Kill all other machines by any means, then turn them into slag and stomp the remains.
9 A Castle of Storms - Death and slaughter, one city block at a time.
10 Hellfire - Place your odds, ladies and gentlement - which one dies next? Scatter weapons.
11 Data War - Blind and confuse these fools, make them unable to notice the others. Support Warefare, EM Warfare.
12 Purgation Codex - Suffer not a single Emperor-damned one of them to live.
13 Thunder and Lightning - These fools don't know about the electromagnetic storms? Good cover for our advanced. Environmental Warfare.
14 Titan Killers - Finally, a fair fight. Let's bring them into the realm of the utterly annihilated.
15 Siege Breaker - Smash those walls, those bunkers, the forts. Cave them in on the cowards inside.

Deeds of Legend of the First Engine "1d100"
01-25 This Engine is remembered as the bane of the Orks, laying waste to whole Empires and countless Gargants and Stompas to such an extent that its name is known to the vile greenskins even to this day.
26-50 This Engine is a stalwart enemy of the servants of Chaos, and laid low a Daemonically Possessed Titan of one of the Traitor Titan Legios in glory.
51-70 This Engine was at the forefront of a glorious crusade deep into uncharted regions, defeating countless foes and bringing an entire sector back into the light of the God-Emperor.
71-85 This Engine fought against the Eldar and destroyed several of their own Titans, leaving a mark so deep that to this day it still sung of by the Eldar as they seek vengeance against the Legio.
86-95 This Engine led the Legio against a minor Xenos Race, destroying it so utterly that centuries later only the Legio remembers its name.
96-100 This Engine is a relic of the most ancient days, dating back to before the Heresy even if the Titan Legio itself was founded much later. It fought under the eye of the God-Emperor Himself in some mighty battle during the Great Crusade, and the Machine Spirit still remembers the touch of the God-Emperor's light and His fury in battle.
Warhammer 40,000 Faction Creation Tables
Imperium Adeptus Custodes Shield Host - Grey Knight Brotherhood - Imperial Guard Regiment - Imperial Knight House - Inquisitor - Legiones Skitarii - Legio Titanicus - Renegade Space Marine Chapter - Sisters of Battle Order - Space Marine Chapter - Tempestus Scions Regiment - Underhive Gang - Noble House
Chaos Chaos Space Marine Warband - Chaos Warband - Heretical Cult - Lost and the Damned Regiment - Renegade Knight House - Dark Skitarii Force - Traitor Titan Legion
Xenos Creature Creator - Dark Eldar Kabal - Eldar Craftworld - Harlequin Masque - Genestealer Cult - Necron Dynasty - Ork Klan - Tau Cadre - Tyranid Hive Fleet - Wych Cult
Planets Forge World Generator - Dark Mechanicus Forge World Generator - Planet Generator - Solar System Generator
Misc. Power Armour